i-I ~1, W. 1865 181- Sica B~1 I I hm dr-e i jre by *0s Durjeskà emyli a vil Of ýàliii, fI c »Ve thuoithWi d& ooldwith a opisc bs itmb PWtlýeýa street-b4 d reair ber hbS -dnli 1. 'obad Sk did thest me . .ip 10 ~ mkê up leheu t>rt. be cvinoine di O&TO lx w&N .Lfdli4 ll l«* loui ain3~ Wî l-âmppoI hrs qoesISi&~I* e. bIhIii .<Ld.uport~be P i, waved 1 o pleaoan do me uu#11 ihatA travelle? v 1MIy bomdta Of rt u or ourns Io priiMie f thé the lady i mot îho fr(t sIsy lku ."tRY,* olwd te tu a r ncev cfa jeilnd Nor W le th Ile lw n ir ai eth t bAjp.es to h b." , 1» ýî*11on 001 ~'ttè ~Ib ils 1i ded.1' n ~ pto, a faw 4e~t çm, wt ntoo ~~~~ê,VWâ le4'4 rdcdsWàiàpe i<' inan p)ied îIW! wth 1t i tuetI ea ,adwiema provo Pr ihv mipoo. tut- flot e ï 'UT ltt'Îgielot,>keclos96 d 'I dtnl ud iey p wetv Ao w aphailt the bluc> botRi doge &MAllmMmehkpt dry$ It îhh etrctohed *puîn bIebed in *blitIb4a.Re ion owiu hvs repor bed heu May 10 Cliaîhan ti t ilorn f hi@ clicial hrwy J exectui tn Tell the figi iv hhi lùt dle, rliilng up, and mrarh. end gale ieos*g aCross toronnou bis swollenBu ie or hts faceet reann6 p ir'P - r'lot$ <inthe ecgeruoiatsflg ofir, l pOthIOflt, t'pli hlm I1:Iothie order of a 'mail hon.disu<*~hI WI~mo îuwwho trtada opcoo mtsblte! o~l.~sh~~0swdotl ad TiGimr Qrtiot or0voTs thie part th'yVII 00 at o Th. -*it ini ain io of his pnpiîs before M2,s duasa ye *.aIssasmà.ta0f V ter at né of theiork Gi ognoil, jnmmoedtbill drmA Jhmdry, Mr. Buerard Shenimu. t pFloIse appev net , op"U~, seide1tm. uter. MA Fn;P. CI-l. ièctsI?"saId t d e k stu mifi DY Aasi tNlu tIA--trkàp. wa rD rond , mi M. OcurdWatt,10i Ai whl ilh 1nug'tRio me poinflfauhs ocr% ow * lit othuet htu e 1*kes cd ïtos *, tefolly of talk- , h Uw.deuiiihere et lu Iso ri<fmu1Ide oo machor <taIloug sbO0%car. ~ ci a ke t tRin: have la ii theo the u tiwalletofbèeg -6!~ cf sr I land l ii îé an ~ralàssd at.epl Ia iIealIy sud foi <fP**0 Ib i"u pemam by =..~ ta md llopumoO1~'baht Reatbaded toSY. ~~"'« A &D~s Oemw.-frTboînate oai filo C£ sf e IIEOW i0IPU u Iini.! , 1be 1Win wï40PlliD do-Wii a ~stUwOntu.- ot val d te ori 'j, foe .fot vt D ptan,,r andproud&y ako I«prievas i$s deside a iz dk aiâp tas il o end ro i and like a -rcdé ~~~~~0 go i.cuR ' ight tak oued to lu-> vw_ýWii tboso wbo i.a 1e vol. ,wed oet vth he ai. orebdthi pyluigbâo4i hd, sud J Z thl~ likO 40 1»an- mmde, mUdIR C4 chatterec fmee it ww th Î deep leto. te voie quidkiy psol. They tk Maidi, *ue b"r or more- erot sulid e, suddici r.a. 58499Î MI. e v- Idi. knowu al, sU abouti ,b.4 n ý*'i dmitook B e r c r m b ak a o o * e t bat day 14 isard iid 1lady n l'e l i e, et S o muh 80d 'DLLqI low- eau eg ag suii, ahn h aliof k utb stmê.'jiomo If ý praebezx uUbue 4andrugbin M . f I I i i I e e I. d b t ci q Tâ ~a tifwu. KEWfIN. bamyisD100 I?«$ sab. wu* uronglis ta avOMM abonlag mlst. la0 à..2 parser-, W&.fflï VAWA afi lmi Ofs L eV Thi e oulIleatesviiishow tah e mi.. J. 1êlr.et Tercts, have maIeo rrmmbos otte- 1 te mm e Jbna. *V I Jeted o uas J. Te$or have mot à" 1 W mot nu»lmwse. y.I.ML NAoDOXILD for *e0uia Of Valleves Beit Evuillw1y. on lieearrivai ft âeNo. T um ea%%l mal&"Tor- R, t r tet c Iw o i mm ,m a n - t.1 l'Ute=sbtheoeve.bgtnn o r le on Ncelqwe4"taIj U rdile8eat doa rli.;6on"Tues- day, Thursday, &"ut! aurday, at 12.3W rat. a- xiLSuo 70mW ons Boot>. 18AAC MY JNIL FURTHF.R NOTICE A STAGE havem"FourmeB Htel, ledsay,evr wIsvm alg et Ioh& ,a4a Mnlat th" e .osael itb lie str«e fer 0lawe W kit- y aMd Boavousjis turnu-4avu en",$ta ignatmeu.aaste e rv!I ehe. Stage. froll osiava, Wbltbh am Ecverbon, arrivi aI Lind- et Soulo*lîlth.emmiug. FARUSRIABONý- Âk Tb* rupovS uliqlb. ropmablt 6fr m ltes oo who &Wa w d LidsApsil 1, V3J8 134 EAVESWbk~ ailacbnneetaag vith lia .Ti la shoteslt ha bpes rouI f~mTortio C etier eoflIebo e pisces. Ti stae hvesSotpbt.wi1tui v*y uaohia(mmn le ecepte1) *mt audvMrIbt Crains [roi tes id oit u& rouvuitPlis ybe AIber lia l fal enléis la W .,ti leatam f«r the Crns eaM ~ W. AT, Poijkiém. e Spt jO Rotir 1 GEO. C. TREMAINE. à noplts i thy are sich aste have excilci Tomet., ept.186. COSOLAIONFOR RIE "te vender of publihr anth e public. Nery ifty year continuai use la every putI of RWODK4AVN, v 40 cliliaalie, bas lwsavageem and , ohet ii wenugive tvice or th re tin- a- 'ar. as ________________________________ i ~ l*P O*iéthe2r magazine, are oficia nuitakcn for te. TEEsCIRCLATION o i ns icse.cnes i vnè They are so far superior to auîy utheîý. 11319 TOROXTO otvnoesoisf naiai n u-OURIRECEIl'T.S puration. wer in h ia, lte§lhe gl:U a rendssnb nu nweee-e okr; 44 ~~. [ t> 13 ~ or awmoafh. muselet%, ean h.arrested aMd e rapt, seuh un o ltees.C.o neaty craIwitoutager, 'y rmibl1" an ais!Toil,t.-the Lnuudry-tiit Kitchen. INe Nw cing àas a d<freeshag, l itale a t mta-DE' KTBE TH IRTY T HQUSAN D COPIES.. Scro tle, Eràspela4 » d-Sait Eeans. TisdeArtment eOuR«i eTA L. ad e No remédy a. ever doue »0 moeh for the cure Ttsdprieteupic4egair n e rHE IIES GRE.TER ian that of of duseese.of the Sin, tà~ srm heyMajý acritis of every article hat a lady 'urei. 4" yothti JourrasIlute rvince. It is nn0f essaime, la.lia Ointaueat. No cme ef Sat Rbenni. MODEI. C<TTAt-ES. tomiuolle ee dstrit. ut i lonv, Sorilonads, Seofaor UrysiPelas. eiu NotLer inagaxiiu as thiis depaïtmf Exien,ssiety RUadin mErery Qmurter <Of tn d egits influence. an 1e lii IIïw besnil Lrth .ý Uppee anada,1 ldSores,am lcr. Tnso zbcie*i UtD ih1' Adiste h. serin in Cases of Marty year standing Chat haee portina- S. A u 1 io ulyrefu -ed te yuald te a»y othtr remâe or Oua copy o e year, %%-&u cuphis tAe y a . S ALL P URL 10 PzL ACES tmtnent, kaviiaiby sccubete a fewae Tire."'-es one ;eAr, $t;.exr i Tiou io t e Lo erPrvice icltioiis f tii.poverful Bngueu. y,ene '.car, . a netau- t r Erutiul o te Slu sn ouing tÉe clubnaking cla «,,ý l t1 AS AN ADVERTIZ-INII J OURNAL Arising front a bail abatseofthle blooti or chrcuub' At te@* ptice-.subqn.rir in t1' i.î Ni' Il ta net ony u8surMilieSd in Britieh America * but disense, ant eradicate& land a cieter adtransparent have »ai ncricali postage tcb plsy. uis oiteelto h. the aurfWe negaimel hy therestxativt set"iofÙ114 SPPCIAL CLX-BRUIG WliiiOTHlER XAGAZ1 -ZI' BEST I?~ T E WOI>J~DOiaetin . le miases M * Y ofthei« eCmioeand Godey* L.astys Boi andi Artiaur'e Honte .ti. liaCirulainasthszt asa nd oCher bi ppiames u io£ er e liss1rsha b on. year fot $3 I.5e0.aazn ~~ laLre ..4~Godey'.%Lady's Book and lrI rsMg vn ýt Otker Paper, Every forte aud foatuareo f lie.p révalent andi Godey.liarper, andi Arthur wili ail three le -eflt la proportion Cc lie Ibid whieh lb ceupies. By stabbornldisoderai teradicattillocally aud entirly jeont;ear. onu reeeul.t <a$6 00. oui. advertireuuut a"l orne liayment tii. adrerbser by Ch.me of Cie lsient; wsrnâ fou.entàtùoon iTreuuary Nüte,3 aud Notez, ut alilsulveit vSebces sîery section in the country, landi every shotalt precede tes application. Its heaithy quali- taken al 1par. clam n antiheommuiy. ties wili be. founti te h. tioroogh ant i jvariable. Be careful anti pay the po.age u on ci letter. WIIOLESAIiE MEECRANTS Reft lte OitnettandPlshohiid bued m ~ L. A. lIDEYf Have the 0pportunity of ucading, tirougi lie co- a inte Jiulloing cases,: 323 (bestuuit Street, Phelidaiphi-at N. lamas ofttlieGLOBE, titir anuucemeiats te ali- Baes u tea tot every deaier tla nundcounîtry. Bu1, 8ýSki wellcC.ai., ' l. L îItlif 4u t * AIFCTTESChatipti! HaIs, sone Legs, 5t~'< ~ " * ' will fini! tiat liir ladv.truteuaeats lu the GLOBE Chdblains, Sot. BreasUs, ar eIbyalttlelu itula, Soie Heatis, BOO , sr T 0_E 1 mrchani of ftoProvi, ublc, Gent, Bort Throt..0 T TO EI And by te narlPbi, Luimbaço. Sorea eofail kinals, ESTÂBLISIENT. PEU '.-b AVNGMerouriai ruptiomi Sprmias.« PESN AIGPiles, StxfJoints, O)ITE TUE POS'rt>*Iiý'l41.. U FRS-LE ORt TO RENT Rieuuanlsu, Tetters, O 1Clan sd né aisluan cie"untuatiflg 'ribl the Rngwurnu, V. cors', Srs o afhiuttoanmiy ouammtgcu tuhe Globe. $ait Rheum, Venereal Srs ---o IXeCoel Leepers, Nunsenymen, Fi'rwarders,_ ?res- cai. ,Wouandit of alkintis. teugn ei $b* siemln, kt. &e.. viii Sund tint their »aeunce- CAUTION i-Noue ame genuinitunleimi ed the uret oretofmsy' Smeats a ouly h. madetioeughly known througi .'Id!eras', New Yorkd alm »,PdoAr ' are dlasterai- i%7yriend& throughouat tht Ce làn t , ar111_1to *iA bdauas Of bic as n Water-mark in every icaf of the book of l a ut vhich kms houalong feit. the ri~ adirections arouad l ai pot or box; the saine nia! y i Cnls ot aeprhae >, t'~THE GLOBE." bc pâluay mmcu y hdnUng it" I /et.t" ligkt .ethe"CcafnPst»avpi hmda Toronto. Sept. 22, 18M2 A imnds,eevard wiii hIo given Ce aay one ren-, COMPLETE STOCK dedg tla i inmtionomu May it e Cthe dm«-i o " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ te ofa S a tvor astios OOUDt5ifOitheii- ...,vnvu'iu . .. .nrio M. I 'Cf j' , ,1?. S b. ALWXaY £N sud aftw lt *4 fi. and t i iifr- 'J ~ ~ uw ue oust~ami nm ea: Iostl Pool ILe st1.10 Pmu.- leat Amiq et à > - lem omeoas bêvulllt màE G~UO tw 1863, ia- WA~EAI po BOOK001 TORE. cd Wu f, m act mmsuv% ,Mdlfriente.very 'tes aMd blo awibe"la isb"t g may ugrved, ad won pdqÈ a ,whit paIer011. etiiIs a miIb aP New ork by H. *w Md . auSe4ertOd a ,.t, -bave, vithout mclogise hoTtetwOkthe mcml dooîded I,0&rmatim th"aIpoisonsintoreasd ln the sale Of iprssoifl uiifl's UMai2 bhave, gone up. s"' oct " j »da I iaii ifl ner b. PUbIAheds ,m eos haml frein frienù orfair play, in dif- 'rita .ê<UtSV uiatomuel a ehasof-defenes, rU t' ot.Iasure, be reoivel MR on queaflaaM ath~1 oe, kviqeoruf ilthe.cireumdtaloe b. pumsaloisltxpthe econitions, the dereptive smapm, tii ~maa »damIhei.deficienciesre- Te ur.in itl ikély the. people viii ~~'L.UIM*i nd.r my out of obigaftio ta Y fq, tu, in « te oeur. the best? ppsgv 5l*bwe a* fW insrtions vili h. Wvete a a ho »us ap u~r'. Fzy ,spi- * -soia i b.m-ppointed A genti ~T~j'jf wcASTLE, te *iieeiw e qens for liefloviuag mincfCasifl *I hitconneeted vtth iusbmdrv. ilUIV% LAby's 1BOOK duieALIrIARIA'M) PICTOIAL YEAR. )VÀCB! qMt Publishef tf Godey's lAdys Book. m - 4- 1W0 J. ihimtes. "aIPuue vhtch huaenabled * ~ 3 -M 0Iene.piila a magammoWortliclast i tHiI- amua 7arset irgt cireulation than an> in -' imosAmren, hua malt » uarangemnent wît he meat -1 popua auhlorulu tliiicountry- * .. *aoe MARIoN HARLAND, Asarc Uet Utmm etAt 6. uiulln Pal, " mon~ Bd""Nbrnoi,- " lMirianu, Li.Vvin iii fsuii&astssy for ciennumber of the 1x.iy laBoofeuS1)m. Tisuclone viii place the rmmmijuua ~ LalyS boinlu&alitermry point ut iicifan aheati or iày olier umagasine. MaronRIanianti writes ÉF IACElE fM- tes (»alO.Or ether favorite uniters abrIn eed liian il e Cmàta efurni articles threughoct bhc bà di Wbeeler !ant ytar- oevy mm e1lWin ~ mowe s eas utululse9w. thtmucc" ior »UefS erneliisfietI mlgu:las deay. imen Cite vile number c aines (30). mmd v iole oUI cf* -oe $.l e& n cmavol. Ch. mi u ee meel formrvmmlonl. frté ern M5.WaMple cop"ie M& T thePoaumnlgratithec riequesel imte.. dw-es tCON k PEeBSOth No. 319 Weluut Street, Pa. .7 PIRACTICAL EXPERIENCE BETTER TRAN 11OLLOWAYS OINTliEN.T; ig cf thst kmnil ta" can h read aloud in the farni1Y cfrcle, and the clergy in iummeflèe mambers arc .ubsczibof i for the. Btok. THE MUSIC j, aon original, a»d vould cost 25 cipnts (the n u. of the Book) in the xnutic Ptores; b'ut no-t o0 it i,4 0 ante, d cannt>t be obtained except in 1yOI;E STEL ENGRAVING.'. AU efforts te rival us in tbii" have ceased. and we I>w stand alùnc in tua departuient, gilving, faz w( do, mamy more sud iDfiDitelY bettwr eugravîngs than are pbllshed in any other work. GODEY'S IMMiENSE DOluELE SHEET FAS1ilO0-s Containiag from iire te seven full lengîh C ilored Fashiox. cme aci plate. (ther magazines gi-e uiy two. IFRAIIEAD 0F ANY FAIIIIN XEUROPV} (e AMERICA. "e4nd e sthe ouly wtYrk that give8 these iin- le te TUE MOBT EFCIN IRE ENOINXEEIS TEE1 WOBLD>, ESCUSE THE MOST AVAILABLE. JT is the bes el rile cver invente4 for masha J. tmg WimIom h~iES Cup, suah i>Jats Lsiumg eus, vewterung Uardens, sennem ogbid~us làing lusOts hontrees, emptyiug Wah«M 'l B bOntU 5, wetting Ballr" Bath. &o. Menu- THE IIYDROPULT Viii, y lie pcv.'ofe!one m au niov wter allihe =etdgh wam pr mnet,fty W4 iih, .aibuuIo ovui b. r~ ~ tcu~ r k do ma &#My vtth t l n O gêi of, aiby*duit llaail il, epotueeFORCE-PVP e~qam ssAR.aiy moud, 0" i miicre la fne- basi~su~ itetlUreisula"i!mochs. T $.81,IbtNIALS., a làbeehsIm tàà4p&himI tkti*e fam et Ci0 -M.~ mi am Taylor, ud li" .rilmg cf a iau in -wM Vààw ny»"RPULT,.i ~mivhudibNie *u I On Ibrugiens m e mmi selexalu Eskwtisg th elSiTOI&I s Thora taIm rioesiYorat avyling ytable _Tb m large? USe.. b ta in !; la STATIONERy liey have 1 large stoek r lâg Wrtbgudns fplausluFec, EcgLiai sud Amuenican W îtiuag Papere - teattention of ruhaMU, weli.T" AeefltPapor. BlottinitPpr CI n. Itubber Bamu, Blackleal lenei~Cu~ ~i Pen-boldersB, Ee,'t ~ A porfect ANTIDOTE, SPECIFIO aMd CURlE fer ami 3f).luis(BlacBIe aa cdPIyU Card&, Pocket-book-4 'rannui' Ihea atis aaa leualgi MemUlOdtms!aaIUil BokiNtonial wbw s muet, Hemp Tvine. Ake. c ha. rj "h ba longphtl WRAPI"NGPAE . dhoem4oL It b meRi meehat, la T«vu or CoanutY.vouitido weii t" WatmouU Sj.*SgII IIu cailiald eamine tbcir wrappiflg Paper ief.,r% ERIfILQIARINGreacis e.- Mnug tlmbfre, as Ciey <eeealdeuiMt their WATSO" ttà'Â iCeste . cswM e onupe.favuuebly viti lceof orthe soufl otîmeummb%,ï medLgm frm pou cf Montrentor Toronto. thle iystein m- kate oli! umber of Liaui- mrb-t th li srfatce, as.mi in7utiir effebtand 4 MI b Q& < t*m t e t «RIKS AT ra4 i à W" ituNaial Seri«a of Reading- I14 t L '.rbe AuSS T ILS Ailmh Lov.f's Gencra GoegrapnY' ail<Ivili il!b.lipcmei! off at nxiuiSly 1W GOUT A N. D YSPEI>StiA lac<>K Amy 30ctial iek and!.requnirel by 5".! Md gha, b ait nd w 50001<J1st;Tersas Civit and * A5 Ousc cm. Ours ww 1 1 1 st 177i 1 ýý L -- ý ý ý 1 1 1 IL LAIXU ' .1 1 a