Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 May 1862, p. 2

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-.: 4 MUNI. .hnhisé. -~ I 7r -v d -gomev duOO i tami amu, i u bai iobstel Ibo uqme.ut tb* bw V"isival ton.up19 h. m eIo wi.ruttlsuat;udsu I t l CoUtliPfSpM usbh te do bt eh* uÉImwhWy f.W" inv MUul s mde lU bmmo AO W u arn us-à- hi~~m àlgs . pmml1P lud.g. Tim m~t.isomMoomhastouet 4%4seaegessa 4 44 t Md à _«W und to s ?km osto IF."sd i vh pmuo* -~4 *ufrlm 4-n" 6 Cet tà. ntr flpqt be I.pum t h tank mma Mdsv0f m mmdte the Mua4l*y ous ~m.m~ asoeu b7 iu 1 =fflqu W$ I1,Mo &"eS. at b* eau e. We us mlomshqt t i m u. dib-anddom Pebot 1d *mm t à"k 1 aim o S'M 4 "l iS i.. M qetmb tau,Â.Mua" M. ie W& làzu u usbo Ils I~mhI &usdltotoly iti l. iS~g~miotm opi, vy t vu wmt* pihn- 1* Dssa~uiuîOeuuoe...Ou sl 11M.t mw. LEGISLATIVE Ibo SpoMi lu& lie"bW bu ts -zhu CARIJERv l CameRdahme Md Dmri. ofA %Weulli.. e la$ <l. l va*0au fa au oâ aà= ab". nelie» - litOMURGoERw 1" b4 1 0b an. M a u n - limGevmoo a NI UL rm visa pt~i ta th, G.îasaIauamouss adue varud ra ta i*.skbobl é~nd xpsl O v u Ris U EBUNONla ol- c'el" puSIbIy p«w1bu&UM t*» - 7 doi§ i*ou4m!t«IMMeq ambIr - dm._B ooai thvia. heM bd i*aIe wgi60 AsM voe 0. CAOU bad l mivju voes.led lie Mm".g a. iumis bulit voe déUmme rm m"Smetba-rm 1,tà. tS*eChi e âewbs - et. Boni. * aI haful .Mdort*éth e~~~~b Im 1u b~gTib Ihr Fea rt ior. er; $thOxford, JI 1 lu IerileNntreal2884it, Q.beComa- à 0- Il md - wentwedi, LoaWu ~gl~ via 1 adr"Mu, ]le*...Obm-- taaMi911111 21ViO ~b.~ iddliewý.i mg tu 110111 se uledd cml road JarM. lgtia-BIte *0 opt lis»d cf 1 desebool tossu sfrie i elma'. ~'quid ~.MrNu àwPo» ur oed14nM è b lmis Ex- séeémeys P flr hmho*ahoeph.ed te eause dL ta10' " jd< thi ua-druly, a rtum or 4mubsg~ Jla D" h dmka a" udLoverCamdla, sepauatet. ~mi4j .eIesh. I3511,1821,181, 1841, 1M, "UI4ý w asM <y e tb. Periods, or sasmBar, _41114 *I a Div. par1em seau hio emd, ismeo"ly, a reluis cf the o.k G. .s* m île m f ver.ou *ued*&Cammda, regist ".d andu iaroIlr.di"tuguiâbmg inIaadfrom a* ba *bu %".eo a qd teaàmrsfir uailng vearels, fer emch 0 h 66Uv *0 &haui.-aoi o r a fer beci a içouljilu I. tkii ~t,à au lie mil. Mwpif ~~ ~ abi MMOe.Mdaiae&&oaonobuein laeacb <.,i1a~ MWe1pd à" dprimae.en- (à1 uLre 8pmate L"bCa 5am Àr i EaR epId lb. qeawbieh, ho kgl eserl t wk- 4mfd ele te dutoy leb. m. Imit)a ytmnet tpp.r Ca".d - Ni NOTXe denied "ithle Ceumucu' Seiioel ABSE BLY syusissi m~ t mancathélim tl bs l*g ta slM% 1!en of parenits bebmlglg te dif-, 4ril 29. ferun sue- diviiei.4ILas fir betr te edýcaitQ ~ ~ ,~ liem lrbyU=rljolrafe!n id Ir avele111* l r STREET poko stuniy la Cavr cf the preu- es ef 0iip. . %etfhelige I.invaivd linhemIri, thoo8h lier. e e~e amésistn tela mgthlb otite detalle vbieh veuld requine aiteratiebi. Hé '.x 1a5md liat lhe oh- understodfrom Mr 8eotttbe]I. w as apprc.,ed te the l Breau of O! by tb. Chiot Supetiatadeul of Eduacatiun fur- dictl de 1114 Upper Canada. devel " T=i et'lm i rNaGEsaid bu b.d boos msoeinad itb à.M eliage WMs de- ~ - mme ~ 1h. Upne Cad Omit ion Sîm hi&ba crace rmi.u~m.~ ~ ite p 1imanmd bad given lbom hià hcaKy ~ ,,~,,sud unlimileco-eperafil..but lh. vas free Io cnmtes. liai ht the. co f Ibis debab tÎe-ed h'n am mm*uy. il. Mu th. hereligion.sluerties of lb. minoricyof UpMe &I.M av- avr eommuda eresaler th lie banda of lhe Cuuu.rratàve .0.1t th mt cn-tmao e ieReferai, Party et Upper Canada. Fo- 1 ookakm et ei e é ahly reao, f6r ne Party conuieratlon voald ut lo Ububof àKri.îlie hositatestbmaie is oe. ai ntarer oflbesme > *~ ~ ~~~h liW<..mwe g-vealdmilaranle motmerel ' tbor but in pemetie lilbertinsetnthe Roman Catbolwi. »le riI~ ali IJ' meqmmlmd vai bisue- ho*M pu àoêtum rI OIKOII mo ami. Er mue v Wa sin- F.msWumog fhou the hta m~oi--aetthi e abura fri -he mm ~~~~tw of e brat tCornalul mmd oussy et talenmr-lwh(o 0<~~~~ Aale ..aver.eed b ta,8e -JL& Sboola. The. hon. geai- tlemmu dmtlaied va«amettofdiiuourtesy *0d lsprorisica ai-te MOre 1h. six 'Moulis'howalo lie blm. Eevould m thlidaties or lie ma«bare boum suairim ad Mdr.'Pirgna.. lien me luobudeprmeml. Mici gieamibut t 1wuvauwrthy or un repau"ia " theou Rev prutiet N Meu.'NcNué.poke i "erhadcrb una*$ masme.*A Ingsoins o OMli.u"4i r h msa is m lte do Ni FEM1USON, rupqdmbuanMr Ni 8.. bBogmI) O~ieo HmScaJ. a. INAOD9NAL» Md Nt J. A. MAc- is tn w.stftoI DNALD mmouaod tlietidon b vote agamt MOI l"" VaIS » theameadmoammd ig laver of " s aeomd roadint u(Gt.rose lb RTh eu «dilded as feue"o-e 91s NluIiy liai iq Tai-Mun itel(NaniOM i Bgr 16 maatie Serve . N.C. Cantme.. Fergum, ItAine. 4 èsMome&Umuel, Afleyn, Anderson. Ai- .bM= Itl 14Au teBayBemubien, BeR, (BousseR,) t.bihi sod u"' ' nIs3B J. IL Cammu% ,Caia, Ca- j&r Mia wVuui ~~ CW*bd, DuonlDavui46on, u«piUe, 'wDeOsue, Ieui, DomuuleS, ksoc, Dro. aie, sai.,Omdet, Haruem t, aime. 0Mups ~ 0 5amgo~KoJbsJdK ""7vi~mgl OsasVsl*. meac é.. ~ MOmu, MOsa NmmeblUi.gmds Mos, à-alomPall elma oyoe ta rviPls ~ib elad iheaî - poumon, - lier.- G. a pestpeus- ~i~4,um4' DixATn % Go.-A mai named Frederi ýk Ste beus died je gaoiye:sterday. UHem'as.., ueltepolice, and was sent'ici gmoi oit en. d on the ciaar~e of bein 4<-rwk anil di*or- derl.. -He vwsrespectable connced, àAu some lime aý-o pracfisedlw iaîthis clv. -Tho inquest will b. held to-day byT Coroner ScOtt. .Gk>ô, May 2. ATTL:xPTED Sxvwî»àr'.-On Wednesday a mau admitted imb ,tlso. (JeeSmlIlospiai *bile in à mtate cf tempo"aryiesa iiy, slteapted bu commit suièide by cttiog hie tl.roat. 12:. T*tylor, tb. resideul Physicia, attende& th.e .'"b inantl, lied the a"terWb"s lW been severed, audstopped tevowof blood. Thc patient a. nov in a fair wa frecOvey...- Mo ut reail WÏI m. At the PaliSc Court Iii. moruiog, Mr. Dev- lin, on belis'f of lion. .Tudge Bmdgley, pleaded guilty tb a chmrge of amanmit committed on 1 ho 22nd of April, uoieiMaittlww J&cks. .1t4e deposition of the complimuâat vas to the effiŽct that on the day ia question, Jud, adier kicked him violeuily on the. riglrt leg. and iiità. bit is fie te he d.poenî's faeia aîhrcouenin' manier. The Magistrate sententccd the de- feedmtte pay a fiue of 40.,' includinoe cests, or fourteen dmp. Neither the. coi4lainaat nor the defeedant appemzed in Court. th e vr- nmer being repwoeuted b M .Roy, the lat- ter h thMi R e lrIligites us suci rai* 10, puble le _»~slp%% ,but ve have 1:'Il alternative if vi voWad act fukly te li cla&*&s whedier hi&h or kvw, rie! 'or 'pour. -i3esisîa we tisé tâà ce muat b. maie the subject ot' Iaoentmr nVuStig obiammuei as -rcect o# fiatBenei ueceosarily lies at the focur dation goodo rder ià Society.-Mmtreal fWitum A TBOuorou-PÂc)w RÂScÀL-OU Tiesday Duéective &rnold paiu a liait to Guelph in ïeae-inet. Manounuin. SIgourcey Who bai saddenly decamped "frilToronto a couple of ireïbefre, after stemliug weuazg ampi Mmd other go" efrenom li ese Of Mr. B KimbL mot m x h &e jý tmg Morne! uniler os *PretmcSw fiom Mr. Doad M"04 dPmilUuuvuAgentutiàmcity. Oul é0 =_ - b e w«a tom Scilly aud sen- - i. peu-esdameadment, Nu. ~ ~ ~ al luiib lI.11 u ky, but lio revarded liaIgeulmaulsbindauusby ici- ~~tOm oMQef fb a indred decomp;fiiow Tomt leb vessa u»on ibe Son- ~7 po~is~~b.gpba&Io% mit. s. the 1%07 b4 ibiiwumb~ e lm n m-bo , m-m ulàm - i * le atm li-'y the pro- Mr CÂUCBOX-M.lw mm& in Uye Mr J. a. XCOAL-bthle ùbuliet il. (Rosi..) Il inMtuit u htey tuaimenBOOMI,but vhai th. e » ut gire ibn. myflaa ae«set ~ bIs M É AU167 Mey lopuat *Ps hW lire mmmbms et tue u emh lies im uuopil.eye.<iij .mab.idumdy eO«Wy Mi RYMÂL rii.Iu*0 .mlléela uW"sith. geomm adbmt.d b élu lik te rooa 'Popit ImL SIse A&b... m4)urmt a s umebr-pietirelve 999W -hon i Atty ea M ARIERmdu tI b. e.mPct- = wey ýdlamod la lb. %-«t lUdjax or&mbetamwerie*dimobargel ei S oont 6f Ibheir m*r ritrerema Lit genaral elfotino, against he "Of dopa »sols On molio, et Mr VOLET, mn adrou wva otei 10 bi% Exeelhmoy for .op.. eofmiaueespomdeme. peltiou étdhSer -d- -1 -wrlative tbie. t- tohlo!le Po-oce front cm&org. p the eou aty et Foith, BMs. llai1&4 gemmai eloetion. AImo,a ad&ment. iun Zoeflencyfor ns or0<ail corra- Pm-lsuosrelativa e- t h.ebbhi.<a dmIr ma botve.a Strlfordma Nulrool, in the eouety et Forth. Abm4,aadiieu asbie EzzSyu imy a ha et poastera i. boxe. 0" in uUpçisrCanada ainee lan in@ eraIeetioi, viiik ibe remsomafer ibeardiummmmL AINe, au ad- dresa b hise x*elemcy for coies et all borrupo- donce relative tlie he mîguatmcuet th. e, pos manier of CoiA."ig, inathe.ceont et WaterIou,. sud -th. ppoeat cfa o'y otLer p.a.oilaà$i Tas RATE 0F LXTBBYEST. Mr EOMURjA9A mm e . oud zadlag of the BM-1for regulatmg l&e rut, Cf uE ont.q AttY Go- CARTTER oftiedn- bjectioc t. the seoue! reding. Ile c3àfesael the aetr"ah vrking of i the meut §airfor uhiel ho ih"voled, ad xà t answoed l &s antieipatioom Nf JOHN ILLYARt> AEO huL lhe Grsrnuieagahoald potmaire au open qoet«en of ibi muetr it b.d beoume lau. C. el- tas"li thle.repoal oft he usar! Ias engbt , aier oAmont C4 capital inLt. the- coai na aedoed raue 0f latorest. Tb* diséaouuie.u1ithelb.m tvos e o iâo rhie Ires. Ros. Ureel, Natibes. Commn., Duns- ford, BiUw garto*. md MDeghs.peed thé Peeent lau, but co.'ete l te ee.dredo. ilsm-Anderson, Biobaua, Kierz*cwski, asxd other', uupported the priueio~lf the ll. ýMr Buehâanaa ad tbe majority c the speakers in fa - vour of the bill tav»ruoi 7 poeent as the-înaximtm-, raie tf mte-ost. Dblring the doLaI., 31r FOLEY remnarkeJ ibat ho boped the. practi.-e -of : b7: ls to -te g ba seamli4rendin- suý readiIy vozbld lpavail iwith acrne s:er imessuroes- Repre-ett-on ly Pc.ulatio A r instanc.' Three int~ bsI i!. thost of esr Bouracra, IArehamba.ilt sud lengevin vere theu re-ad a second t'me, and reforred to a special cou±xniuee. Considerable di-ecuaiion took pLace a thie eonstruc- tien of the, committee. -rROE mored in amend!nent that the C-om- '.mittee be instructed tb iupire loto the. vorkin- cf the preeeut'rate of luterest The.amendment v s kat h1y a oW. of 39 yeas te 49 naja. The frienii et the bill appexu opoed te MrPoiuoc, us calculal.d t sla"Te ofl..LeqdiaLat t he commuttes bavlag boo m opoed, The. Bonuse jornd ai a quarter-pas: 12. 1

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