Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Dec 1861, p. 2

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wdà -I W OIt ~wl~____ ewm I I~ygM i ~AW irb# l#, ISSL tuti%. bé" - îs en bIludm ihousissm l iaii *bMs ,wr ~ ~1jcwpS m ettm la ~ ~ ~ ~ m slIsmile tfw bas.~~~~~~à e ut àm~h~e amI uavIll l. S !N h.*h.pmUuèèW. d *14 au.aitaf15asm *l m tien.v.I.hnhb~ ~ i~ b. ÀU iim i t hJk wiiÇoa!l «I AWi t -., -i mode. ~, il ~etw pib ~ pS <~b ~ VSe.IaMm m l*e pl*4 lq W l t *i Pé Mi. s- *s i101, 1- etI«t. - ~mm r.i o~w mmew ph i mo*areom 4sump ~hm s~.Il ma vii fo <b uwku m t-, pvt. ~eb*- Wa~s sé rpu fo.*10.~bI* ismdMt w"4*b*-m lat ti eQo ab ul ~~~~l - k. It u MoS~W h*cr t.mb. cias de - "Su., i'I-~,wvJrJsum~a.*~(%- ut- Um. WÀRATIoe< 1aMANofDthe VAN" me te e.imm&gilv $enaSo <ad epr bu % aiuve du« nDo y * wbtht e usaset »tLyoos, msiu Adt hge aMp h lrofa e dlgl gu sdmsu- isnh iu et Stm or Ivelve British mnem à prî,f c tomaIvus hem aSinudsr oM lan*obi, - De.1, vias Qae.muov.-Tlse Okt.rfr, aKnaci oraa U"r y» Seilth"ba daai i Mb.muaaObr tanapolgy- trou abs ftèIsA tovet, sud tintthîe British QW*,Ubtmt imîmah? P uothebrestoraion t.a et*c4m oothe . ritish k@a...tS eh.a me t'm.eul si le.%uly Somsfrom ata @È i .1the t hipagu reut the »Î*utthe f im aJaciaw n ithe mm ierta tel tpa op-e bis &doqiaorkmlard L.rina "u ia le ii u *IeN sud 15 wus Me uo ~bat ibis eomisaibau tb esouebei lul Mdl e.uamue.t v le m tle t. *etbot, u.shseamdshea letg actThé 44 .1meel haMVwu 4 1frýOs haj' -fer orb e, . diUmemleu c the apers aslia a mfo C* &,,n - te Eàwy% -W.t ,- 3 la "st liai _W reousudar W«»"-fp ç. ae..& aUxoa te Fndr. t s W "tweb Sappers*îqsUd MineS r Cnada, te iiWtt Wnso by âmm , iuar Eu peu a»(tht itiparuy us arried ont- pou1 v.cawsa »Ve.m. Fro nramiI mby ea~ r urebing bIawaêr du b"e saved if tte boid bhotuman aemeooWa Ralu.The mm.vha o m n<n*brio--fîti. la b.î ir hie., sud viai have t. e ;j nm hisSe b<hidp modeIm vte pâur de Loup,q e«mithe% lave heft Log e il% v, if1 - sucu, rmad aucmitLid il hindi cu ornUho orwurd dover "ibm ril." - The mostreal Puilaet.1k Mcasy eseing U'The Moutremi Victo<ia Bies ow smtaer tpwem&b f a hmvib"l euibtra. They -aw îcedered aboie amie.. tu the thpt.~ank- Gesoual, but amwuner k.s mot yft beew te-1 cei-ci. The uaora, ut undemîand. as to 6e Cmuadsa gwecïoib, yw" ed facuga. "Tha e i, ofibiss vmi. giwu tur- mSnt o arumor ibat the hbutna,«ets aLd ae.)mpropm efoei;a Rfle Coapmjr but à ào debi i sopbave becm sakles; siso, ibiS ib oumIe s of ibmMoutreal IFuRt eaiespluse fon,u M'Vb U lv asbcdy prd tor (Cen- tiAWhuuComne oif théFozrqm*. Thse followkius frou tt eQuebec Mercury oif D. - "TIOBIItiSaumi maen frout fHalifax au- rivi vstud~, ffrr au overland journev. of %mn divs &ad twivo bums The pm comumt of orue r-reant and eie en sappe. s ani riei nes. Ther Ieft ai two aP. M. ou 5hr" 26di,. a4ocrupieJ six days betwets Frederi< 'ou md Riviredu Loup. They ali fraieQue.- ho. for Toronto on MuniRai WVWUoa.* , ItmQSee Chvoide ofib ith MiuiL.:t, A mumber of guamarages vere despatched frea ibis itv, for aime We, on Saumdevu. la à se M ,&,al mae iiueiê,d furith e w'bat- Ibt Wulmiaçte on«poudent of thé N. Y I>am, w".;a under da&e. of ibe Sh i... J"Th. C, der of Ut ri# eihfretsin Cui% vbeh »- aumber narlv1,W0» m hm bs eeiv.d imâtuetioos from tht boue Goveremena au rant nfuriber permusioca <of t tIvtoOiei.amehte ittuin the body of îl rus aihbis i nmne"ishe pjovum la ceaeueo f t ibi ducr Sir lenwick Md fc in "- eaedinexeweï M*.lis forces 'hI s. uie'ato seeuriyg ibir big-bstet ficiemmr" r I C~(>fl' ON TUE J)iTT 0F - -- CANmANL Il. -- ~As ai T~ Ut~mo~ ~auium *5 ib. atle~m.ut*t - ~t ~- lb~<sapt. 0<~ 'S enté 'ahI mvi- amp lb ouest. .(lb. usai for wimh a. tbry ~ b Ehaê~~ ~J~jgj Utaima, hai~êêih1~os 0<u~~au. mp1iwe. iaupùslbuIlUpbaveé.a &tjrt.ufoud ,PIle 'a US 1511 kv mi IMe muas' ~W. bas. à.sm*.i otfest~ i. luu~ ~W~UA~ *~lev~r ~d- - - - b. ~uas t. fta. * -B embate .~ sverysbing *etaa~ th. lb i~.adu~ liii ~ froi -~- 'urne g. ~ 'a ~ aWn ~,~euoi -w~ba - bi~ijiIS m' mdi Iuài ~ *s~~lv I i Doux= !> ÇTIth Aeeeudlng fo MW V. -S. qzbmlsM4chfas' s,4eg . Lane., biuàiÎ!a -f se- *m' mue te . m *auw Na f 01 Md lom-A m of ha. einme owr rn W~ Oustà s.e lu 8""iublisert s .c but îw but " Fi-ou - mmage b m.eefssfor duf - A Cdâe toifui Lsrthe berte - fraise os Snfor doed o ~ r em edfo r stw by ibri r «,e. & ~~~~aui wo- eih us2 tn metbaed tiéu"*angsirmeCaydismn cic *me4fr memeao«,filet otu wrece lot heà aa trarm the Tyne to Lardo,4tuai. TUm refrshumt depariuent <of -the Eàhls; tion 4;nildiag for 1"2 ailS consisa of 1*0 bals,,c ux« moe ib,31 fert long and Z (set ida. L'pou bemmaud upxu ibm picte- galhrfrsabout1 j l,OOof bricks * iii h.. em4 ine s miai' <ofwhi4h are ai-- WcuME T PrrR tTh Tmpnfoi m m i 66 sixu Seuwb.geaelbe Who bailleh Loortco receive hb~er a ify the E»qp& u iné, ber tripsoteoleuit ear, arrzcd re- oendy'ati ibm paace of 'Coluapeug'o. 'bere tîli - ver ptuaod tothe Lupetor. Thr ualiLkt vise iber nmis wmm£me mdiiddrtg#." day, i1e iicop ofDharb. ouaerraied a new cburà meklmaitey. AsI be tanrbeun, wj;t-b f ov.d ib âe femelay, " l ord»'.ip, in 1rep*. kug %0 te t m f behh, Mid he vas it ue"uive en the subjeca of attacks iri n -. papers: ho îhought suewapaptrs vere a go.d1 eefor a bihop, and îbat, Iy6ev acr xt-d umynfidin ta uiuebefure b1alfi>Leaie oft RvxTr&% uOF 3frOLîru3.-Mr. (>:i-hant bus rearhed Englanil, beaiug Loaia.. tram of the severe injury hli rceived dtàrmn1- the late orudereua s-auiî i Joau. UcLas the scar of a deep wvt arrcss thme air altm., vluch bail £O ceffent he band4 ;h.zt £Il, gera are qui. powerkeý&n. Mr. rt - ce+wed an.zîbur wourmd oNer :th-ei i;. ih vent vrIxia au nchrl of the jugilisr 'eiti. ai..> thug very narrowl'r woùd h bisli'. COauRMUPsi>s'x.-Mr. th îe -sur et -,e eespoodeu:" of the lxrdu-n Ti*rs, euxt,i s aunal s2marv of £5.000. beýszde- h~Lrý %uet 4L expenties;tis £nu, iutle'z .eia . une yeau a mà"<of the l>rendîtk-- f the U cd stae&s--.OOg. Faaîr ,çn ait1w&AL D&I*a.-1'be r.PJià * cre oft the puie fmwe.. Je.>: uofk ruie dîvaîg peste bb ieabeyozd IIell eî: la l'1.54t]6t vhole dei of Fi-=te on.V &umoed taL,5Sl. lu --'-1. il luu.1 imeemied to £2lâ.2.u4t>2. and in' slm>5. ai- tilm . e smi kuQ<>v fromua-M. buL.- 7T1ues. TB& Naw Govnano-CLmamL t LI.- Kt5h tbe mting of the dhreetoàs of &le 31L-~~ chester Chamler of Cuuiuer, e bello Mni. &aY (Mr. M. Roný, viS--«4u.idn .the chair). It w vas utîtil seud a depýs1àiuû atu îLe FrI <of Elgin, on bh4 ar" u11 tk- v e.iuo-Generaiship of Ir.ia. to sîabnzr.î to l.ý, lidhp ibm ïievs <of the rhamb>er arh ue-a:-d tuoaur cnmtiiîlluagenrray -wtth 1» &a.; ad aleiser us direevt bLe semS, &.. I gwWheu liorddùp vomW behoable to recti-, damiîus-hms I~ILAND. lu &al b avanna à»ed>o»med *tum ..One Tht 5oEddW "tg &bou s dm limti re tnu mys-it «Mmiv m hthoet tor11 d grounaMI&fer rais; thte«Y ai aincin 1maika Me iSI stoos, n sutlmaed br te bur- me »Moflrelmamd. boee ofif iý »i a udSarumwa. -C ahde.teIMMO>-W<cryfeae re ,ç.-hat upuis anmu *biiaevm1*1 toi. il us o b e emawtlhmait- pbmae m aub àpwowuybaraI by.a W14 t. '1 'W1e iu4todu gi t.uutrwi. I ~<s. ,~ ~ ,.la Om~b prié mati on Tîaenlay vweT. ~~ualIvmbl& llIo tu &out Sa a' mi uda wvomýft aeit-.'0ot l *Math bOUe miiballabsosu fer "ie.fsta- WMÎ4 voue umiftam edic. Tbhâle and CW» -UW Ibe buxosa vdov bWadrea;lvh..d Md b" ubsu lm&be. ýThte uisgroom ba E e ~l àhreu * ,mm>a'eemt fTII» ubL~s*"14P ed, the 6*presemi Jeuàhi uiikieui4 -audi toita' bi. toitJ tAe Mw. afste u »Py e aisbiso- -tifs n aout ~4lsvsu -miv re.iveuj. mmun m 1IjW dsml BUMImot ble iehen elovuwui adCea.the moà ahedY Mmi, a»sMq. Vit eor Ns»aue atrsuvo m t d tl 1 t .- ,am"« iins o esl)éuianeit aupun.osly etfiusi~iPdat r'to ber final deportume (rom the sU.. 1.ib <~u1a,~ ~ i~a cf wIÈ n.Ptepuiug agra tuî- l~m. sdTu.uu.e~ whaIWh~ Uulip ~bhouer. it s sua, os the lut: ,té aiS YupuIumaun" Lmea-.Ate- k Prnsmd.ImQuila, ILÎ-xn - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~T - et&uwle- i aesl -* a~i1~pp~ aofdy t'wbekk 0<Ih.wskOMM. by l me. -*OMM mi.cWwh vansa s- '~-~ vielci w-~ ,,w.Pnat- ¶ p it,1 1t-- 4 5*5e 4> ~

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