____________ TUE IM t4 JgL bA1 ULY 20, 1841. 1941. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ELVGSTOX ANXD TORON70 BAY 0F QUINT E, Six -sag asortict'-aY. F ROM the lit et May neilanad durinx thé iommer mti, the Maii Stage wili lhave Bellevile for Toronto immediately afier the. ari- vailof th. Bay Steamers, pasaang Ibrough Pari Treat, Brghton, Cothurne, Grafton, Cobourg, Port Hope, Clarke, Darlinglon, Whîtby andl Picereing. Cff00 FOUR HORSE COACHES <Entirety new,) witI sleady experienceal drivers, ging tirougi (rom Beleville ta Toronto in tan- ty four lbursand from Cobourg tb Tosonto by day ngh. aLaitcEn TAIE. BelieWk ttaTronto,.1.. ls. 1 Coboarg1ta Toronto, .. 72 do ...0100 port HoV»; 1. a o..65 dc ..... 10 t) Tii. ahuve lino Stages vili Lea .tIe Gene- rai Stage Ofie,, roraro, for Beleviiie, every Sunday at 10 o'ciock, A. M. and every Moeday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tbuîsday ad Friday et 5 o'cloch, P. M. after tle arivai of the SteamuBets trams Niagara and Hamiltu. SiranXei iii Ainda cadlsvantaga in tahiag Iis role; hy livring Kin ton (th. epilui n a Sisae Boat, "he .a A. vise et the.eMuny foainq the Day ut Quinte, tWit ising jute Impor- tance incestle late aiteration ef the $et ut Go- veaumet, and lahing îhe Saeieah Oelsville, tutl pansllroagb tie abosnamial towslipa, uhicb tor fertilityof soit and deasty etfpoplatioa viii yicld tuao ino. e ii. aince, Ilus resehing the tity uf Toronto ai 8 .'c!och P. M. Wu. WELLEB, ColoeqApi 2% 1841. P-ritor N. .-A Sten Bot talesesKngto. goug up, M anal DIevJi. ging dowt4ieBay, every minmng, <Somalys excepteal.> 10 VAR IETY STORE, Ao. 4. Grat REsiag. RAixE? lQUAMau B ROAD CLOTR, Caimere, Worsîîd Plaid, Csanett, Camblsîees, Tweeds, Cbateori, Meleskine, Vesigr.. By t. is. oseyara n.msrtMent ut Iri8I SILKS. EnO» and Frnch Gros decNl'pes, iguneal DRESSES. Mouslie de Laine Dresses, Cambriie do. SRAWLS AND BBESS HANDKERCiIIEFN. Cimnz, Prints, andl Musia. Coatrs of ait DUCJILiOU. Tbneal, Nett Cap, anal Collaisaid Ccl. BoNNSgTs. Dumiail, Siav ald aune latesl (amblons. Ladies anal ChiiJrens PMrao, jeil receiveal. Giuilmen' Hale aid Cap, Boys Csp. GLOVES. Ladies l10gand ohm iKial Gloyes, de. de do.- Lace Milsi, do. 51h iotaresiofliucolons. Tvtilai egalise, Mi grasin eachealShitilug ana Umi",Émeasi emey ailier ticlo in île canon A ma.artmeni of lis abute articles hepI c.=honalondade iu tihe let manuaer, aid ch..ipr eai. , STOCKS. M.alh, Prend andl Asencan Stocks, ef ai disenpias.- Saix plain anal IL*,ed, Fremic Rmobse, Pmuia, 5M1and Vilvnia, Mau~ moi a&l Men hinals. LouaieaCorasas sunBosons. COLLARS. Lades Coll a ea sp, Tlraad, Lace, Bobinill and Muieu, eifthc latest st le anal cst qelity. A fet cbesta uf Youssg BysoeTés, thli v iii be Sua Mr ylot tue Cam. AIl tle abute articles cou le lad ai tbolesale or etail, aiIow aà eau le purciasea in Moulacai. PieutsecaIl,and as fotryouraelte,-qotaty anm peie,-.mandmcboblige- ingatu, 1711 May, 1841. S. W. BADY. TUE LATEET AID MO«T IMPORTANT NEWS. Fimon i eNOLAIID. Bp a-Y of Quèbec M ESSES. J. & BR. BUTTON, direct fromt ]Manchester, England, big lu acquaint the public generally Uat tey bave renled the Weil kus., prsiaons ateiy seuapid hy Marris. Celtin ii Haits, Lanibtan Buldings, Stare-atreet, and the hop@ bytinctatteatioa t. busines, togehher ohhalter advantages tiey passis, lo menit a continuance of! Ual patronage the laie occupiels Munisa. J. & Rî. H. respecttly invitee inl- sectiort of the inhibitants of Kingston and us vicity, lu their extensive auortmenî, consisting of every description o BîikJlanauredGecsl iaie (on b, easun. Tbek Stock bas bon laiâ in ondin very favorable circumtances, having hn ugifor Cash, snd etia ime wIenthie aehs ire very mach depieaaed. Alse, tbey src ù% conneclion tith sbme cf the taniextensive Maaufaclured Establishments in Manchester, ia une of thicis Mr. James Hutton las for the last ten y.ans bette acti vely engaged. Il is unneces. sary te enumerale lie vaioes aiticies compriseal in their assrteuct, suifice il lu sa, ibat tbey %vii havi evary article usially kepti ina Day Gouds 8hw.. J. &IL 0. aisooaller ati n rcden d ltpi ces, a large Stock ut REKM ,< cw i- lNG, Suitabi. tonrail agis, adapteal cither for So- mer or Winten. Ai,, a large asaurlment of CLOTH CAPS. J. 4 B. H. solicit an early inspectibn of their assortment feeling confidueti *eaquaity a"d *ces wilb nha uas le afford lias. Whio asy favour them wl isaitsu pport every satisfaction. Titi motle open thicl they imd ta art is liait ot imi r gt"ARetrs, anid noCredit. N. B. etsrs.CoUla & Haines embrace tie oppoeunity out nmleicing lu tbesr former Cusiom. ia the abote aentioned Gentlemen, sud beg te .ecoaacnd (hem te tir capecial favor, beinga- ble ceaj4ld eat uassert, lhaï 1kuaF tlep, vIe in the. niait business, sold as lor, if aotlever =bm mejMiser lHon e nTovn, theabats aenticncd gentime, frontbein Ve17 sepenace udeantiges t9ifl hie abled lu seli stili elcaper. Kiggate.,2nd Jueu, 1841.B TFOR WARDINO-184L Tnom% sge.d, iiimetm em VOIWAIDING flUSlO.1iaEuau M'GIBBON & PUoej ALEL Nuleai Aeii4, UimsBN. CAP. .7. . MDOWLL JUST RECEl VED AND FOR SALE, 3000LES Ve"ICiooffl ei rta y" a " t G i sele, vid and un 10 Imghospem"fer fettesi, godon. ~ Camt Steel Boss, im a m mn uoks, 400 kcg Wi,Gnein, BluiseBcRd Pais, 5w0 gailbest BoiiedOP', 50 Sagar Kamta, 200 pairs Polisied Trace Chain.. BRIGGS & LASHER. Store Stree, Kueala ROYAL MAIL STEAMES Laite Ont arioandut River Si. Laarene. liEPubic rein(uiined tiat tie foilowiu1 T aE tIc barranagements fudis Bso LAKE ONTARIO. St. e GE asandi Toronto S.GORGE, Ca ,.Tucy,-NIAGAA, Cip. Suthenand,-CITY 0F TORONTO, Capt. Dick. PROM KINGSTON At li past 7 o'cloek Eveang, suud&y, anal Tbuîsday, the St. George. At 8 o'cioch Erting, Tuesday anal Friday, the Néagara, At 8 u'cioeh Eveni-ig, Wednesday anal Saturday, teCity of Toruuto, andl arrivs at Tuco mari wy nexi day. Iti abute Steamersaatrthea rival o cte ontreal Mail etKnsoPROM TORONTO At 12 o'clock Noce, Monday sud Tbunsday lie AI 1j2UgclocL Noon, Teesday and Friday tb. Cil1 of Toronto, At 12 o'clock Nou, Wednesay aud Salurday thi St. Gerge, Andal ariet Kingsto ariy uati orning. The "a eboats eauaI tCobourg anal PrtHope, encb WaLd he c CdLýTuro W il!eave Tomante iog atiS 0u'clue, and reluru ta Toronto in lb. a. te...un RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. esoeen Kingstone & .Dcinsan'sLandinq. BBOCKVILLE, Cept. Maxweil, From Kingston ai 9 c'cluck Moring-Sunday, Weaineiav anal Friday, Fnom Dickinons Landier ai 4 o'cloekHomaring, <rn the arrivai of thse Mail troie Muntn.al) -Tuesdmy, Thursdq anal Salqraay. H. GILDEBSLEEVE, Capt. Doyen, Froni Kingston ai 9 u'elock Morning-Tuesday, Thuraday and alStrday, Fr.. Dicinson's Lnding at 4 o'eiock Morain, (or un the arrivai Of the. Mail trou Montres]) -Wednesdmy, Frilay aud Suada7. Prom arrangements thiel bave beei made titi the Uppen Canada Stage andlStem Bot Campa.. nof MontreailPassengers betaeeu Monetmaanal Kinagtun, arrive at tioen places on tb aheitnm ufth (lvecumalday. The abeat.@el iai Gaunnque, rchile, Miland.- Pras.t.O£densburgb,ýaid n Wlltiammiurgh cacaway .'Mlid i Baggqe ouiPared i the1wrish o! tA. auner, un- im eohei undt setlleal for as fret. Lake aud Rivcr Stmmu Duelt Office, Kingston, laI May, 1841. t ON SALE, Ai the Sabsci5er'# Voae WareAoseo, Viol? 57az1E?, CHOICE WINES. O0 CM cashs Blackburn&s Madeira, 5 qd. ass Oborn.'sPort, 10 khds. SuerorClane 2 ,qr,.ah,» nirnr 2baktsampge « Vctoria prend.- ALSO-FRESR 11FRUITS, Now ini transitu (rom New York. 100 boxestiat Oranges,, W0 do do Lemons, 10 bbls. do Pine Aples, 100 boxes Muscatel Bamns, 50 ba' boxes de 25 mats piper sBlU Almiods, 50 drums b gs, 50 fancy boxes Prunes, 10 hep Currants. Alao, dady lexpeied direci froma e A. Lodo Docks, 10 hhde. uperior Cognac Brandy, 10 do do Hullando, 10 do CapblitnWhisy, 50 caue& Scheidain Gin, 25 qr.'caska Sherry, 50 CasesCleret, 50 bie. Poiler, 50 do Aie. JAMES BROWN, Junior. Kingston, 71k lune, 1841. mèvdad for sale by the Sabocrbers 76 Kegi Spinisli Brown Paint, 123 do. do. White do. 50- do. Biack do. 21 d. Green do. 4 hîda. Best Vinegar, 60 Kega Cnt Nails, A few Chets Twankay 'rsa B. .&T. RAL Kingston. 18tb May, 1841 A SULKY andl HAIINESS FOR SAE Kingstoni, 111h May, 1841. T HE nibscriber wiil b, furai.hed in lino, A witk a suppiy of Fiesh Garden, Gras. ad Field Seed. J. W. BREI4T, King Xtrecit, Dec. 1 FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. A wbsl ud reaieaareailb J. W. BBF.NT, A. va à 1»», Wholmaic and R" i roer, HEAD OP STORE STRIC9T, K eelU1tNV. -Ou - BLANKS FORSALýE. B EDS a»d MEMORIALBeaLiv Cout ui Beeuetsd other B LA Kdin cet s'iriety forna etaili eru«dl Offi. CLOVuL SED. 2000 LBs. h'fhW Ss.d11joenb K1umt t ami vholesm ea SALT, &o. &c. Ceusial~mufflE CALONs. May 111,1811. WiiOLZSSIE SEPOIMEUS09 EmS«A MI5D EîG.1 01 CW AD STAlPLE DIar oo0i VaUv" i? hm gL az u-le en Me Arrivlci liud les M srni2+ reosain ceLoodor, lavcipemi, ClYde, md tuee, a "iace and complote aeo. siment of Faney and Staple Dry Gouds, &c. conjigt- ing ot Bue, Besh, Broum, Bottle, andal Cacet S. F. Clotho; Satiocta; Fancy Viileneia; Plein ai Pinted Quillings an&l Gaubruens; Pits, Black andl Fancy Casians; Rîeh Delainles anal Prinleal Saxunys; Orusacis Cirpeting; Green anal GeraIL Moreens ; Blue anal Engraineal Crimsin Damasha; Ambon Fringestrimmeal titi Cimson Tops; rsi Moteskins; gPninteal Satin Tep sud Fîncy Cao- tnus; Tiailleal Collant and Standowas; Plain anal Fancy Selicias; Cotton Velvts aud Velve- tuie; DBleck, Brown, Avantonîne, Drab, Grass, t.Orange, Myrtie, Puce, Waterloo, Pink, Sky. *Cnliun, Cînoamon, Pompie, Yellow sud Cliret RoIlal Jaccontttes; Prntin greit variety; Jean Strapes; Regattas; 34 anal 6-4 Cotte. and Lirien Tichs; Grey snd %Wbite Cotton; Seppards Plaid; ilengai Cord ; Blue Denies; Apron Cbechs; Tun. key Stripes; Cotan Yarn; Wbiiie analdBruwn Union Dirapm'r; 6 & 10-12 Blracbicd Clotho; 6 te 104 CuttIn Cuvera; Bleacheal Linen Dlaper; W. B. Union Dici Cloth; plain anal Diagonal Linen Drilla; White anal Bown Docks; Hucha- bocks, Dotlas; Osnabungs; Twilleal Sachings; ImpertitConvas; Tveeds; Widding; Peste- huard; Fency Drils; Calice Cuttings ; a quanti- lY oftRLady Made Ciobing -,SILE & BEA VER HATS; Devun, Plain anal Coloreit Luton, Denin, RubeaMtl Plain and Stiiped Teacan, Raitic anal Rite. Stras. BONNMT; Witiow Sb"pe; Hait Curd imity; Plain, Ciecked sud Spotteal Cam*' bries; rcides; Black, White, Pink anal Shy Oiue Doukh Malins;- Plain Tambauneal; Veineal and Spolted al mcuets; Tamisourd BokMustins; Biabu-is Letu; Stis. and al Mginsbs; PunI- ed Co inade ; Plain, Grecian, Paie y anal Figurel Neil; road Black, anal White Blondi; Wi9 Gruenal and Tlremd Edginj andl Footing; Imita- tion Valencia Balgina; ondeEdiug;Wii Grounal Lace; Dlack l'anisao -dQulting;Plein suni Grecian d.; Lac.eand Mnsuin Cape, frilleil anal timmeal; Painteal Cambie; ChoIx and Col- ica Dresses; Purnitura Chintz; Ladies' Plein, Wbite, Brab, anal Cordeal Slays; Oacraus and Foundation Mulins; Verona Handherchiets; Plain andl Figureal Gonze, do; Souris anal Veiii, Black Barcelone, Bruaiels anad Duempa Hanker- chiefs; Checkeal, China, Caîmion, andl Printmal Bandannas; Crape Hîndkercbiefs; Filed Shawis anal Handhrenhie(s; Cotton Hinaiencbiefh, in va- iety; Fancy Riblons; Plain anal T.gured Gros de Naples; Colonial Saraneta; Wie, Prendh White, Black, Sky, and Pink Satins; Plain, Iea- raned anal Embosseal Perians;. obzes Artifcial Fiowers, (in greal uatiy *) Ctrns Silh anal Satin PARASOLS; Childrn'sa Grey, %Vîlte anal Standt, Worsted anal Ctton ocks; bien's Brown, White, Blae, Stnipeal anal Fancy Coton Soceh; White, Grey, Maxle, Bits. anal Fancy Bse; White anal Black Silk do. pcotion !?p); Wbite anal lck Silk do; Meules utton, Worstmd anal Indla Rabbin Bnaces; By'!do BuyDte atent aahdaney Lealher Balts LmaingSîcs; ebb anal Giruh do; i e '. PISasuou 1al d; White and Black Dubbin anal illon ire; Kittiag Pins; Nemalima; Pins; Hooha anal Ees; eutoa Tapes; Cotton Spooli; do Ba!i.t,; Mr i igon; Lipeaineard; Secw- Lembl's uà. anl ugWonsted; Prualn ti' iog; Bob 'i; Coto ferrets; Galoons; Cotton and 511h Stmy sud Boul Laces; Stocks; Stufuners. and Glazeal Irashera; Kid, Cotton, Li. ad Siih Goes,,<in great variey;) 25 CRATES ASSOBTED CROCKERY 200 Boito Blscbîd Sait Canvan, No. 1 ta 6, go ivlielhbmhy reqostlthe attention ut Slip Owners and Csptainsof Vessela. 0>- A libersi Credit wiilbi given by taraislaha ebdessel pmer. aMd tediiuaidiscoaunt iu..-Iv Cash. ing" tuIh May, 1841. miew ORCERIY STORIE. TI HE Subsenabers bmeebes ta ntan I hean iriInia, andltUe public lai genermi ut Kingston aid its ;ieinily, lIaI Uiey lave cammeneed huai- mses. in lIai Storc ei aet or lu M. BmfrdHo- tel, Soie Street, viscre iiey w.ill eonaiantly keep un baud a choie. asautnent ot Gwrae Tess, Wines, Liquors, Be. &c.9, vhel ley l sells leut as anyochIer estabisment in loti lley bl;g alto tea fer Oaodaga Sait, Plaster of Pais, Wter Lim e anal Wbishey ly lire barre[ el ve r eauced peciocsb A slore ofpublie patronage iat- spetily soliciteal. DANIEL O'CONNELL & Co. Kingston, May 1811. 7 - SPRING GOODS. W H ITE Et Colorat Linen Drils; thite andl 77coloîreal Moleskine anal Cantone; Fmncyi Cliheked ad printedl Moleskine anal Jeans; Do-à skias anal Fancy Saigneons; gremi varieîy ut V.Ft Patterns. GEORGE H. HAINES & Co. Store Streit, Kingston, Apnt 7îbh, 1841. 1 841. CAPT. fB. N. 75100F, W TILL PLY, during tle seasun ut navigation, 77DA1LY btween Oswzeo and KuGsyrose, ieaving Oswego every mornicg ai 8 a. m.; uni! Kingston every eveniaf, on tbm arrivai ufthIb Boita troms Prescott. For ffreigîât orpa ge, apply go FIZIUGH & Co., Ostegu. A Bî A STON, BOSS & Co., Kingston. MIEW SADDLE AND DAULVES WAIMIROUSE,. G»m-itslMr. Heails Druggast Mlop, Store Street. _JOHN HARVEY respettfelly efnouncea that, 1101- ho bas juat upemol bis ,ew building directly opposite Mv. Dataun'. Tiibe SIip, andt nearly.-oi puits . MclHeuh' Dreggist Store, where bais cour receiving, and titi keep coustsntiy un 1usd a ereai assurtoent ut SADDLEBY, &c. cuS- timting in part uf Doublc andal ile Hameis, plallal, brmas.nda hiack maunteal. A choice.amaurment ut Ladies'ananlemn Riding Whipe, Carniage aud Teamsters' Wb;ps, Curry Comi., Brushaes, Speua, &e. Trenki, Valises nd Portmantaaus. Hoe tiitmmnafalure l"cdr, every description uf work ilbs liee witihe ticeat despath and un wvereseable terme. 0-Ti, alention uf Laer 14 erchmnis, Paru-. Mu admi Taus inatparieularly invted te a kw sets cf tMry speuier heavy Double Hamea tbh bdibuseuaud." Elagalcu 17tk Nor. 180. TO LEÂSE. T WO se TIBE - BUILDING LOTS,.n àwux aa., la lia Towa ofirumit5., Ed" orm JOHANNA BBOWN. W11, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSRIBR& LM&Imbty ftlsched Cent., 11*7 - A&-f.w mmi W'syhbot %»aey id OsMauUga19 a es m a futiona;-ah.,C"a Cap, «ed sees.ut lc a wUait d nýN oÇaa ais.,ý bMieisec3«»aMd DMiietil ud iwvim gbn ugemb" e,&# depui, msueasty iyW s idv " «8" âmei. tsaleaf.u . g.mêh a.«usat Vay leu.è"ics. irog , Fb. 3 M . W. WILSON. -XiCW FORWÂRDING LIN£. Y'. lMe Ri.wau, .Loue. 70 Am &Imm uumlLhAL, BBOCK VILL, KINGSTON AND> TEL£ tETERUIMS»[ATg?LACEs. BOSS, Z1ATHIE & Co. ai àMontreal, EASTONBOR(SS & Co. ci Brockvill. 4- Kigston UTITH new anad improoed Barge, till be pie- 77 pared a et heni=g ofthe.Navigation, tb 1give Passage ta Eni , an d tu transport Prop. crt7 of iii description~s tith increased safety and dispatch. Freighls wwra hargrd 'or by IVEIGHT 4 at raiesrdedbeloso he Tcr;ff Pricts exactecd for geais pasi. Thie Sulocriberi, fromt toi facilities whicb lbej useand their determination ta do tie buiness iatrusted lu tiien satisfactirily, trust tiai they wili command and merit a sas.',of Publie support. (Signed,> MATTHIE, EASTON, & Co. JAMES BOSS, HENRY EASTON. Janaary 1 1841. 381 CCULAR. THE Subscriber begs leave tu retarn to bis nu- T os utoes hoh uictheProvince, Ibm, kovldgetsw ibteir tîberai sup- port during the test season au justly caii for, and in daang sau he viii baef outhe opportunity tb dte thai bu j, now completing bis arrangements lu continue bis PERIODICAL SALES in Kingston, Toronto, mnd Hamilton, on a til more eutended scale, in order ta susa 10 bis pre. sent cusiomers and lu tle Trade ai large, increaWe failid« uand a certain maket for the suppiy f every ceu.modity under the. denomtnaioni oTe Stigara, Wius, Liquorsol Groceîdes. And hi legs have lu assure tibm Uiat tbey ni53 confidently reiy riponthem. Sales for their pumerai suppimes ai the lowe6f market rattes anidon the mut tavorsble ternis. The Subscribir biga aetlthesaime lime lu minro. ducel emiscustomers Mn. B. A. Godanougb, lu tIcs hi hw e ilsted lb. generai management ci is Sales as Agent and confidenlial Assistent. JAMES BROWN, JurjOcL King",atos Sh February, 1841. FOR SALE. BY tle saibcribers, at hheir blores Ln Front. 603~ kesPlgTobacco, 1819, top. quality, 10 boxes Cavendisb do. 100 jars Maccaboy Snuff, 10 M Principe and RLgallia Cigars. HUG1H FRASER & Co. Kingston, 7tb Aptil, 1841_ FOR SALE. Y the subscribers, ai their stores in Front- 2 B ds brihi Moacovado Sug ar, 30 bbis, do do do 40 hagae. - crvatalized do 5 bb f eined'Loi! do 40 hait clests Young Hyson Tes, 10 do Twarkay andl Ryson. HUGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, April 7tb, 1841. FOR SALE !3Y THE SUBSCRIBERS 28 do CognacaBrandy, 5 bbds. Bordeaux do 7 do Hollanda Gin, 20 cases Schiedam do. 1 doz. eicb, 30 castrs Bordeaux Vinegar. HUGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, April, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRII3ERS 10 bi. No. 1 North Sore o 40 toies Digby do. HUGH FRASER & Co. King8wm. Aprd, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS G'bllBagalavaCalice, AU 5 bbls. oted do. 30 boxes Graunal do 10 baga Black Pepper, 28 boxes Grona do 50 MatsaCassis, 1 euhk Nebmegs, 80 jars Miutiard (fr-nb), W0 heps SunRaisins, 2 legs Zante Cerrante, 2 bale. Clmves. HTJGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, Apnit, 1841. SOAP. 2 1>Boxes Steeis beal Liverpool Sop, for 200 sal hyHUGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, Apnil, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 1 Y 0 bbs. ic 10 Ibis. Banc7y, 100 rmans pping Paper, 5 bales Couih, 30 buxes tapped anal faceal Pipes, 20 ibis. Blaehingairel 5 do Wa as(nealà), 3do barad abeil Almunals. HUGH FRAISER & Co. F OR SALE BY THE SUJ3SCRIBERS, 4 Bbls Sandcman's Pari Wine, 3 dez. eacl, '±6 casks herry Wîne, 3 aux. eacb, (sup. ria.) 2 bhds. «'Gourie's' Madeira, do. 10 i. caïks 1 Faccon's Madeira, do. 8 do Sherry, 12 do paet, 10 cases Champagne, 40 baskets, do. Lekit Aiteandl Parter. HUGH FRA&SER & Co. Kingston, Aped, 1841. QILS & PAINTS. llHlds. double boiait LimWuitO, 10 7 do Bat do. 10 cits Spirits Turpentine, 90 hegs White pat, 25 deoGreen do. 5 bIs. sper Oil, 3 do Cod do. fer sae hy IflGH FRASER & Ce. Kingston, April, 1841. GORO0U ND P LA ST ER "DO WA TEU9la L EME1. T ÏE mahsesuben buams on ud,aMd C&eafer T sali at the SIc., MiilsinM1amwsuroa Whbholecaà &Mte uliste Omees, csnui ronui »d rva forume. -Ais., Somlt@yun à-adl TIUSUG NACHES .ofil MM aproyid kI.6.Me vii'i ssu e l ii as Piner at hwv abe tse eau.c impu"e, bai~ *0i prepri.tnofasu axtencve Vhaan atii States. DAVID JM. LAKL Foit Mme BY THE SUDSCRIE& D n»dwatot0miL)ao uax est ial, wbmidue 3. W. U»&"P, 200 pso*muom uk,. as oei D« k4 SumerTm.w.>MAi% Top- Mnn, ay , ".wu WILSON. MANCHESTER WARE HOIJ T1 JIOMAS WILSON respecttuiiy infanias t A~Inhabitants uft li City of Kingston sud Vicinite., lIaI ho bas just receiveal, direct fr London anal Manchester, a choice assonlment F..ney & Stapie Dry Gouds, suitabie tor te pn .... seasn.-Among thici tiltlecfounal mter aor FRENCHf andl ENGLISH FIGURED ott PLAIN SA TINY, vtry rci;' FIG URED o i PLAIN GROS DE NAPLESý and SA- TTINF: -o! vaioas aiialei;-PASIIIO-N-ALE PA&Rý i SOLS; FRENCII SHAPES; and LONDO STRAIW'and RICE BONNE TS;--Gentiemsn t an Yout's fancy CLOTH anal SILK VELVE CAPS oftvti-lupatterr.i; a nise rasorient LONDON CHINTZ andl PRINTED CALA *COES; beautifut FRENCH MUSLINS of ji grain colours; a ricI as'untmeni of VC TORt GAUSE, SATIN LUTSTRING RIRBONS a coual vatiety of GLO VES and HOSIER Y VICTORIA VER TINGS. AI.o. a gondl assanaient o! fancy anal thut DRILLS; tugelher titi a punerai assurîment c GOODS, ton numerous lene lu mention. Havîng nuceivea tise abute Gouals direct trot the manufacturer, o! Great Bilain, Thns. WVîtsoi éliterç himselt that hlc k enabildlu seilt hemn ver7 Reduceal Priées, tienefore be téels confident i aoiciting the patronage ufthle tradinsg eammanity- be totilal respectftitly direct 'tli bcati ai b: te il knovn estabishment in Stoe-treet, huait as lthe M.eNciîcsTtR WAîE Housre-Please lak notice, nothing la do ,sith tic Estabishment nus e'aming tha iani.ae l a tld vby e,,ri Colis & Haine,. Buninq for fiags,,and Ssail dans. The Fdnmers outheb.Miatianal Dirict latuaw am generally knoot, are must espectuty in vileal t taire noties of the abute addtcntisemenl. Jane, 1841- 8 FOR SALE, WOACRES ut LAND fnting îl h e Bat T o adjaining the.East Lice outhtI Pen tentiiuy Landl. Appiy aI tIis Office, on tu CHARLES WARD, Near lhe TolitGaie. Kingston, huàne 21st, 1841. 10 STORE HOITSE TO LET. SITUATED on Ives wharf, bing 2 1-2 atonie hC igl dimensions 40 by 50 fett, saitabte for Sail Loft, an a flouring establisment. App'y ti G;EORGE IVES. Kingston, Isi Jane, 1811. TO LET, - OR l tinoyeana an a BUILDING LEASE Fhbsi aluasie Properîy in Kingston, sitail ai the corner ut Store anad Reinr Streets, camprisin1 a front oft67 by a depti ut 72 test, andl being toum red of parI off Town Lot No. 29()__App y la 1h5 Kingalon, May 11, 1841.I STJ. 41 FOR SALE, a OT vainble TOWYN LOTS in tie villa 6 . t ortsmorih, only oui mite tram theC ity Kangston, anal quaiten o! a mile troini Gvernue Rouase; L anl ving one ut the lest qlansies in tI Province. One muat vauabia WATER LOTmd i.ning Mesr. Marpherson & Crane'. Sbippin ehart anal Ceplain Gitdenteeve's Railway. Ap piy teS. W. BBADY. NEW AND SPLENDID CABINET FURNITtJRE, Ai* Ciuep as llae Cheapest, andi as goo HE Subsetiber legs leave ta intorm h lie .Tligeerally, liai bc las rcuoved bis PUr ailure Wîre Boom la las cnur building, recentl eecealin Martreal Street, luirai dour trouiiit --mor f Store Street, analcrier tu Mr. Thib du naa assalrmet TUBE, outile liaI qualiti anal latest patterns, prices ho sait intending parcbasers. Persndi roua ut purcbasingarc respectutiy invitea teusa a cli. As tIe Sebscriler in eunstantly mminfac turing tor sale anal lu order, tley co speedilyb snpplimd titi any article tley ma irere TO.BUTLER. Kingston, Jan. 1841. WANTiD-A Virnishen anal Polisîer. NEW BOOKBINDERY, KING STO N. A Ldescriptions of Birsding neatly exc cute .-Gvemtun's Librarieo itted t, and repaired. Mric anid .Zcriodiais houmi to patterni. Lrzdie' S&rwp.BooÀ-s, Alhumr and Portroli o#, and Blank Book#, of ail de soriptions, made to order. Binding donc for Library and Book Insti- tutionB, Socictica, &c., on t e most advanta geous tcrres. «~7- Orders received et H. & W. Rot' seli's Book Store. RICHARD BREWER. Kinston, Jane 15, 1841. FOR SALE AT TIIE SBSCRIBERS AUCTION ROOMS. 1 Case Pins anti Naedles, 1 do. Pillow Fuçtians, 1 Bale Prinled Wooiien Floor Carpets, 60 Pieces Wbite and Bed Flannels, 250 -ao. Bleacbed andl helf Bicacbed Canva.t, 30 do. BassasDack, Whisky by the Barrel, sai do. do. 63 Boxes Window Glass, 1 Cae Tamboured Moalin Collars, 1 do. Needie worked dû.. 6 doxen Brusslà Lace, I cmasemsrled Calicos, 1 do. Books, -10. hhls Cruahed SuZar, 150 boxes Soïp, 1 cas. Giugham Handkerchieb,' j do India Silk Bandannas, Bobbineta, ?Àgings and Laces, Brmd Cloths, Beaver Cltho, Stripe Canluo ,& =var:ous otiier articles thic it i la eedl essleaue- te. COLLINS 43fhKiE$. Kingston, Joune 26, 1841. COLLINS AND HAINES, coeuuisIu EmeCiEAnTI, ààn AUCTIONEERS, C~ erof k a nd Wut a&redu, OpiiesteMm. AMmli aersa' Gmeay, »d in tha immediitî vaciaaly otf IL. etali% , , mis isas. NMaehmc.& Co..ud liu- dama Jk benay. Vueviardiffg EU"Ftabiiémt. VALUABLE PROPERTY 12< nS TOF/ZOPF KIGITO Fou SALE. Kiegae.,su Pib. 1811 ,1'îoe1w ubouâi1, .11 p uy ommefi sra fîe au sbefltesetm. Wieie.&Bi- toi Co# Fm",B" me Ut. 1. A. MeDOWALL. Liqali, Uhi Apil, IOL lai2 FOR SALE. A YM m LT etElmSL@ Md * ý JOle t mé. -r learnîsi geotiemas1 r malmainiivte. aura t r l. suppo-rt. He il. vided Il cois aese ied thae Curs ie I erre in ail ra-e psi t, lawue Inîlle lsd ines. Il'ilité . uit bat Coi h, hu s iaanled Courtsl l' e nanc il csesetil lIss le Cous d i mutsavsrsoud b spuliet o birils xpgrec li l le i ai, a. il e lioni a tauie ol ille iane otec J low le (Mr. ohiet nt. 1I, had 11a akie Curtgs andait ed iat hetiti l enlleiaa i zhere i the bol ILthaou ta5Iws W. . etAW elq l OLICIOR i %CVaic ii NwtJ I3ConvyaaierhaIlg remigad - Cleri utCommon Concit, tlt COe aoley telispnufainucldtaesb. an Ns,~~~~~~~~ anlcrtlyatn eiel se kin EVEe s anal ~ ~ ha sitatsl e yin à George'. hurel gentlmSan , Kiangal,111Play, 1841. PUBLISBE» EVERYTUE my IM So. a . M D E SO. ?î At il. c, in stores&.4e n-my sl!e vere au rdes fialbe fl peuatusly aftenida to- ta14. if «M.. Oisasi "Y Pt m bbe g fa GANADI TUMMZiaYJuIy 2 er touk tbc choir aiS emk moea laItic 711re etc vag tbiUs of a Pri kaela o r ta R in t a e x t int W ,och e a lpros elalbe hri the id,doud oppose"nuen.- Ullla, an e Wt he revival out .as sie!b.utiedecidedag *0odtoiequestion vhich hidi ju uitai vilegga un teW b, i u.e ~of dtil5e Me mu i D bWad h«WhIit l D tBtae hie 1 t lasaSg pfid ieilpel r.e.. Iiey shial-ot e caIdi Mo,,&dhbefoe tic lli cadibl ïi. I 11,opeal lia lie lO 1000 nmelion 'ud xisiaijostic, te tsm a ,W er uegvelubing an a tise peruchaS i e priyate atI CMsL Leitet'a jviii, lia i roI timed ore fi ase $ aulia hm ila ad"e i tisaEcIilsicye Goviruce C îaat Hia Exce ay taul eaul foree nhoma sitatiient oftbe t île Cubocn, atHoa midOuI ils payumnt. tti; "iamotion li. g" it p t v ntte posseioneb »0» memn o tier ieel valuaimeler, vie gat p.Ni its raeiniit aad lihus exieen nlecml a.New stock Wm ysid= Z -uisf loêt 12 pue t aia siilîg oteidthaeIapriz lad teaptal te verui r yar aal hIt(heu, lieoa.> sale snwrdi scod ime a a tanaa bane itil cder the p ah flesl, dae ire coleti k idi, aller detiraying tie oxpat.. collection bo p" dinto lie leu 'r Genersl ofthe province anti analutercit lad hein sefundel has not bepn esspied with. ne go epaisitu the Receiver (lisiral et clmp Ilotarorcompiyvau in a on A lonmo l20ad heim indeal. le wus niuprepared to 9 iahne, wich ad ef t the Prov ii iof oD ieOd been employed ia th L o te brbr, hechargea fur e v iU asiunteal ta more ta iuts ci a mipCt in pressing the inuona Pune shoula lie infocael o! the fa( cxso ail ouobjection lai aUil t in pimiemaao,nofuthle Governanment mue arbera aould aie laid efova t oaat i e ounal unatis!mctory, a ly gel forth in sudchCmses a, 1 haid Ien expenaleal i heianp n work. The acts cteal roveal ae neceasuîy for gBvla, o M itY of ieaving publie worka 1 of priva. compnsnas <ear, hem. aimver, l the coaplazy te ».. l pecmit of tie country ne snc bel sisal for canying on eciiotuleM'l i wcre il Dotfor inadividualentsamer lave bren destittate ofa&à Impruarei - McN'ià as afraWalthes vaeaedy he boas. umeuer for Kimu e tasthe evil[a laugyi. He= nount eqained futhlemaintenus 1 O Worka vouli e greatar the m Èl the l iSU M tu priva is c ni a i Witneupect 0 the iii>pod lheb. .gentienan iah muid extenal lie .nqciry te etîry cl' lad receaveal lain oatniuy. bit lise tiai, matten soMloie b b boue. The lbst modge cf proce ine issmal. PLUtcooaredtliat tme.hal rani -the paft ofthtie Gavera ten Irougîl lefe ~titi aiss. wEILL itas tof inSon ai theaé /ini ature. A =ogeouca MdUtiaolt. le tocla iienaaontîî .thereteu ve no Nechk umed %biaithn inqul auompste ikaon, amnaft.raàfi qPeed ta anal île malter dreppsic c nuTOftle hy for e- lm thimubiertau 0 y Foiandaud lithut the ul4ee anal lie omulatuuejon là yem thkici mhextmui .111"endelt.lb fip ,ubject vu u n le pa tiie tari rmaardi la> inal isaid twrssupport nauttiti lie suljeet WOU ri ent ui iceu, ra um eri ibut e pihui ~aOo ao f modal. na rt eulat ai almil oI. a f puec as a %0ilia W"asu vins lane tti. eb a m q i.es ethmeu t )- e.ocos %v . gs Id Le;ad i le ml, e MP l 'hI lie duaemuary e'o tblii t eum--g r10 sa s inUTia I 1 »J 1