Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 20 Jul 1841, p. 1

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to mus lae tib lis a ids __ ulie h s ye tb asci .e tha muo, la ]iug iuta n5fic ain la deeiti lii subi et. ls Mid th, onga.r 09 Case, bt neca o deuat be(~ eure CItid«,j1 a ti lie Court of *ralio of the, 1~ el oRequest la, tre. ver, mor, JAaaiy b.made g 1, Jrîadetio o mse UPOR collet ho s tahe defe I f usfixed in aI bai fur A contra, suai. Tii. caseI t MyOuro. He (31 Ar attention ta thes 013 hic hîeç. n iret etamilîlin aliea to 'acertain th, our n tuhlb United ýmmm here rend extrac blà reed Ipoû mot hhitik il igt il le Cafideonedb. eshod of obtaieia. Titi) belî,'veJ tiSeè liuplaitits Whicth se. lâbut houa. in tmaki on in tb. lac. Ti allelnan magtes ilti id ebo are fi(to liei ilagemeul of matiers juriadiction of thtei atioli uhich glial bc ban va. mot jutai le Commisiosrc, if cooliug lte Jura ýO he 1ol e.tenad ià i erned gentleman ramalgamaiing ike bmrt of Requ e , support. Me (1.1 tiol 10ogo wait the IN aujef estaliiug an >videl the cuil wm ided the salaries art were ini ail canta Shboee e. woull IN would le hile uiifi einibuc. the. T". le Courts martial VI se lunes. ipel a righlt that t. bey mdl aome Courts a t wene iu ail cases aid h.e vrai desire. megr.. aboutitebre il spoicu, thst il rap leu. He bel' of ihat Couiri W. a huudlir! suaits blanc," sot ome He (Ur Jobn. nets abouti hie et. He hall r lhese Courta adi lmmaiug deeisicas. an relatedl the pari îioba bail occurreat -1 cerlaiuly muei rito ajui Selg u'i. would har". mg abuses exmi t;nel ima ti o o lw amnmles re., liâesn, sud saatitàled with te gl S.ewoe gihat Met tie bon.md as aO' oien ambeu~ t~acs arts ane sain, I belie' mned glatit " a uhejtleull And thos MMi maeirns tis. hr ofel the dmeebete ls Ols SCANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICULT1JRAL & COMMERCIAL& ,CL. <II lMR. B.,LDWINS RESIGNATION. fthe Teii pre ff ofCanada ha. lost non. pchlacteruhîc virtulenace and proen...ta bur ha.laely rce.ted the. Mnst unequivo. inth a in . vicb it bas qmpti.d fai utasimpoenL atutpon the. b.ad of l in a '. cont ohvimg cesign lbis is n thi ecurtiv 'Conucil, snd taketa MW, ng i. nft lRefocîn m.mb.rs s losu f Asgembly. Tit a mre asao, 't.th teif the idas. af înflexiblty of aru~sterling integrity, and icreproaehbile M5à,uarcte, sbouhd b. the abject of lb. foui of~a uthebexclusives, le nothing .urpr- dapeiirprovince.of bicbhiey hW «diatdpossessiOn, bmt. vit knnacaalio.sUW inst this individesa ansE *Grtéar Cei19i , onhi$ appointnsenlta m.d maleroleft lUr.5eich they uow are 2aIVaelybrtow aupn thiesaine individuil. ,pesaaa1 retire a t-t lei-.o ciiail al a ouriroaMoi of our readers, andl salacruta und.natand. This apparent lotervc, on the part of the. Tories, hov- »U the.passa eoflie Unionbil. by tii. I- purlant, a cit C itdiupensably ne- fla the Govccnoc Genecal aiould have aind aitiflce of an Executive Council, Is i. a 0Carryout ils OVÙi provso$Pevions fraimeb!afng of te Legisba uc.. The se. gir utsin ('or opinion, a Mot judicious on., g)r Safrd lt the blme, beiig coinposeai of eta PrOipairifns utTories aind Reformera; uwer beIte it was bs Excellency's detec. tuer,anmmis su till, lu .stablsh a consti- Smuiiof go'mrnheft such a conslruc- tÇe ('ounci wud aay admit of bing ~sa asuta secuce the confidence of lb. lsr, la. is politacal characler what il le ppanment ni Mc. Baldwin gave uni. ieaauartaon to tb. Reformers; uhile on dale hai, the Tories rightly judging tit *glry" vbicii tley hait acquireit by Igo- p, vus about ta "deponl front them," y pn the. pculiar =osoition of the dWoultlly ,ecur eplandernnc4 in onir ut public Ia s ;anmd a "csiluo 'to err citit a coalitionaif" mcie- t iafficienly truug tu break tie backbonéý R bfom party, was l arcoîpish the o- dea trpise ui.vecy ibody, t flbis-ai ki Try prs became ail ?fa asuien. Me KINGSTON~, CANADA, TUE5DAY$ JULY 0 1841. mitteal hy a ticket or lea,. tabaork &d amiufr -nreive, Ibu'ta .lésée lt.éid."b i will rnOv give yen a brief détail of sur fare aud trettuest ber., luthb. oerimg ace are & alther! up by tle.donge lte bell, gel t n toola asal are marceed onIt aOur vork ou lbe rondl ; t eiglat oun bremkfast is broagit ta us, ubîcb consistaefem, pit cf vuster gruel, haviug mur bread deami cut te ls belon. we isave te station, supposed'to b. tire pansu. cf brou. colts. bread, cbicb in ta lat for thé. daY i e1t telwe ve gelOr dinner couisting cf ee Pend fteub moton or beef, baîf a pcud of vege"ab W itatiheaoup ebicb ia lhe oly neai we gel ; et ight cher, ure gel hotu. ta our sala c et elémoher pit Of valer gruel for aupper, aud et dit- w e are ail lockeal up in oui buts for lb. uiWs. Samjasr*l I4-8-*ub blu lhfsegse tùhiaa eês genenafy haves precbrcgml <o Our atatim sud anac u tei. aWe bave ta cent liv. and a baîf daya pet ceek, being exempt Bat. undaY afte11000 t'a caSsud reair uer ciothe,. Our clotbimsg cessile tarolue it>one leaiber cap, ?eumd jacket, vaitteost, *md pentestara cot,, sirt, msud ie.pairs of cearse. ansi, ail of lb. p 0net inal;Ore hIfe. ne teekingi, handkr- cheur itens ; ouly ornevantI of a"b tiings as vse do gel in allowea un Saite.setic» n ttuce are witbeul a change. If tera s cbi.tiaaity au ibis then 1 am. ne judge, but allovinq me ta b. a jeilg wilb respect ho lbe pruceeedings la Canada ad lb. isposutoniuW mdOtiter, I îbînk Ibeir proccei- jugé are equal te tbat ehicb led te thé rébellion iu Canada. 1 do think that if our cases cere fully made keocu te lhe sutoritie. in Engîsma, thé cay sud maunen la chicb th. mont or alil cens gt into lbe expeitlcu, 1ha1 tbey, tii. home geverutuent, voulil tarkheb.tiug inte o nusdration, mmd if not grant us a free pardon tbst tbey could alce os tb. lib- ety cf itéiuiand, tlice, MgR 1 lesat sb.irnl some dgt.. sumoe malilportion of hsimaity.-. Therefo e 1 bep.my frieuds, if I hae boy, viii mire ecery ettbrt in their power for our bemafil; mmc is the tite, becaus ltai il is novrae. stand lu mccii. t APrL 4th, 18». Since 1 commenceil Ibis letter angsbor si au' sn- foutemate fellow auleérels bas betakea ious u Rby the. baud of deamie. He wua a v.ry fine man but of a weekly cousitutjou-was takeu ili when at eoik on lt.ertad, vas takep to lthe hespital, arbore the. epideutie won vaging and h.a %« We "ame tufected, wbich proved fatal in a very f.w days. He bas left a wife and ta chililtean -- asidinu in Oideusaurg, was by trade a tanner sud Ihopm desr parent», brother, atersand îNieda, wid Igire theutaclves nmunnuecessary trouble c my accout sud that you may a'l hope for thb ent ever trosting tu tb. ail-eue disposer of ereuts foha, oisuct of al Our trouble, su tloku b h. orapeedy deliverauce frot my present amictions. nad restera.aue adienly ta tbe bosom a( my famnly and fieuda. Witb lthe greatest pleasure 1 subacribe atyself, Your dutifet asu, ALVIN B. SWEET. HOUSE 0F ASSEMBLY. t TuESDAY, July 13. Pursuant latii.h order of tb. day the Iluse went in comittee. oa.the. subject oftIii.lour- or Canada contest.d electiona. Mc. RÂTIIoN waa callidto the chair of the committee. Mr. NErLsO-i proposed hie resolutiont for the adoption of tb. committme which ar, as folio,.s: 1. Resoived-That ael nattera whuch shall coine in question touching rottirne of Electioma, shall b. heard et tihe Bar of the Rioue%, itber bu- fore the House on a Coromittee of the. whole Hloue or b. referred to a Special Committe. as circumstances may raqfire. ?2. 1R.iovd-Tbat ail Petitions cornplaining of undue Elections, shail b. direct and pointed in charge ofcoinplaint; wiieth.r against sitting Members, SheriF or Returning Officers 3. Reaovd-That the. Hous. ahali deternine whether any Pelation cosnplaining of an undue Election, centaine matter sufficient for the Houa. ta procueilupon. 4. Rmsoled-That if the lHoues shall deter- mine that a pelition dos. not contain sufficieait mialter to proceed upon, such Petition shall b. 5. Resoved-Tbat if the Hbuse dons doter. mine that a Petition contains sufficient matter ta proceed upori, a day shall b. fixed upon fan trY. ing the merits of such aPtiin jvotes that were given or offéed aet the pol, tbey shahl by thenaeilves or agents give (in a conveni- ont lime to b. fixed by the. House) ta the. sitting >Mendiera or thear s<ents, lisesof the persans ta whoin they are ta obj.ct, givinz smo the difihr. ent hpads af theoabjections md d.tnguaiing tiiem tar the min. of the. votera obj.cted ta; aRd the sittiug Members shall fumnish simau liste ta the. Petitioners or tb.ir agents. 7. Resolved-Tbat no eparte evience shall b. admittedç nor shall any written evidence b. r.ceived viiere testimony can b. produceil "va 8. Resolved-Thalt the parties may b. huard hy Coonseland that memab.rs coinpi.ined of shall be hoard in thear place. as weil on the mat- t«r ai cq!mplaint s on the. evidence ; but theiy muet withdraw before a division on amy question. 9. Roolyed-That thn evidence ini aupport of Petiliona shall first bu huard, and the. evidence in b.balf of the partie. complained of shall next fiuiow. 10. R'molved-Thst after a witneaa uhuhi have beau examineil hy the. parties caing hiza, anM eroas-exmned by the opposite Rarty, every mnen- ber of lb. Houa. msay propose Ln wrilng to thse Speaker, such question. aa b. înay tbiia~..u ta put, which"l be pu o the b ilne.. by ti. Speaker, tule.. b. thnka lbons mut pertinent te tii, subject ; but th. ele cf lb. Hou., may b. taken thpeon, if the. memib.r proposing the. que.- lion .houii requibe il. IL Eelved--Tha in carne fadebat. as49n S th. eepieof aquetion propoeed ta w=t , o an oter rnterol tomching any "Bahb. direclin twitirarw vile seca debale le ispemdsg; and l tr lbt Re.H« hu dete- mimd ce lb, sme. thujihail be agmncaffla sud iniwmedby lthe Speaker af lb. deciaie. su neoici i heHou.. thuneon. secoetadebtn, sh affdeer ttb. Cha w"hi a reasornle lîrn, before th e&Y §Md for b.armg lb.eamrftt.emda liaI of mâciivitues e:epsa mmd sa reduni atl..dmrs whea aeê 'ly lb. cwmgu* dl. S&M cr, and athoesmmie îtmmoi4 ybieumb&sîa*atv eietua <ii 1Itemin le Ob$i themw i. aCf tW %s U bal b mny o tlaeseviloi ,'a, OM st AloWs e - q No. 14.1 1 detim Wus.a uhss ofia ai li vi. but». wbichi#ad u lesqrftthe Man popaes k hb. frete înnire loto io & les.Il vas, borevus a coq ubl db m . Malmtimonthe "ail la tite selssmil give te ils peoceoil2 vus b.esinrvwd tb buoocdicle14 H. thmii h ia b aigite saine mte pP t F.emmd efoni ta Ob" »mos»~I pi* mcilsarv. l repor t the. evidence produceil befere thun, ad lain. lThe proceeding vroulal b. pr.cisely soi't- lb. meits of the case as it shall have appearealoiar. Wb.n amciiar e .cansequence. of a de-t ta tii.., together vith titeir resohstioma titereom. cinie. apait tiis question, il will net lbe over-es. f 15. Resolved-nhat if geititer of thu eries, tinaat sia importance -ben 1lexpress lb. deepa their coalise], or wituesses, siioulsi peind.- reposlity which 1 feel in giving expressionE cent langurg againat any mtomber of tb. Bouse, W my vieva oa lt.aubj.ct. Il vil b. ec..- i ar againslte cules of lte boue. b. or titey may y ta cefer ta lb. origin of the, dtfficully in t b. callile0 ord.r by amy memhor ising in bis vich t" question in incalved. it i. pcetendedp place claning plivilegé. thal lb. petilios have w.anlonly disregard.dM t.aclaa Ioil pretendesi Ihat ltey have cuites.k Mr. NXILBO'5 in praposing thuse cesolutions vored te evade tl. lv Ifer froui il ; titey havep observ. ltat il vas perfectiy unnec.aaryfor bin unifoniy expresied their rend iness tu acquiesce I te enter mb to th discussion of this dry i1, que.- thelb. w. (H.i, heu-.) The difficultyias.- tion. There vere many bon. members in that muiathal a difficnly idoes exist, has arisen o itou. betqracqeeintudi ith subscts of titis ne- ù ira dsitai.a misri emiou Il lea aMis- i tir Hi ll obMje and b.h114M k e hici Dot only thse peope of Lwer i pitioners, ail b, vasucrryte tise Ie4wature; a1:1lt.eprsu"o7ti b sa-thaïtaonmuci dlay bid riyoccurrei- S0"regahamme iL bjtoraumg ta the. Josrad a He didl eutlAd t"Uthitlutte hu.or vitis au ai b.Leghatu» of Lover Canada. il viII b. of ite adoubea,but ila a ater of tlii.kind l(.zhl -Èceived, lai the meeting of tbâtllegishature in lm the. hon. mnber, Ippr hta adecisiosi 1830 vas caihal a union by bath itousesi, and ai might have b..n hadi ong ego. Il vif b.hob. misa by the repremeative of lte Sovereiçu.t nerved liaittis ila tasimple pettbioi gaiatTheefre if il bhoaaiaae, it la on. ta 1hicba. lise return of an individual menait.,' but it in an ah ane parties; anal conidering liaI Ibis i. the.ta asdres.te tise bouse gemerally upoithlb.subject mstainre et tlb.intake, 1 certatm]y haed baped as 1Ii cf ahlegei violence comnnitted ahtte eleclion in ventuealt express osn a former occasion thait t lte Ditricî of MontreaL Ila consequence of the. tose ho. 1ntlemeu, in viiSe keeping, the w douba vhicit have existqi re.pectiag tihe lau h o f i Province ha. been plaed, vouldif vchregulates the elections in Lover Canada., iouqewhia, have coime down tae &W haouse vith iK petitions htav b.enpresented te thsusme., and a Bull torelieve us fron t Iis difficulty-Hovev. Il titose petituan. have linon presenteil under te er utile confidence I have in senft c se hon. pI supposition taI that lav vas ntctin force. Titis gentlemen, 1 have aIat lautme confidence in te suppositionmje justiflea iu may humble opinion, and others alomqtbem, mndl1 certuinly think that 1 in I beliece th. houa. viii heu me oun ta t opin- has-uht titis bouse had-.that lte country lied, iz ion. The Governor of lte Province mmd lte Ex. goad renomnta expect thi. fro t hose hon, Gen- w ecotive Cooncîl Wa adittl dlaIttis .ina.e liemen.; I ahlude more parlicularly ta the. bon. he ce, an ordinance iaying b.en passedl in Lover gentiemanfromtlb.Ci o f Toronto, (Mr. Dunu) eh Canada vith a vieaif emedying the defec.- viio 1 pe:reive ha.s hiu sihi@ place ta day. (A This bouse by receivimg lb. politions and ordain. laugh l'h.., gentlemen on. and ah e;f hem cc lte mode for tiking thom inta cousidecaîion, ove iltaelise hou.. mmd taelte representalive of a bave alecadmited ltaI lii, ip lb. case. Tiat se ltai Sovtreign vitose servant th.y are and tla I large Ikpomion 8îe fiahitnlgf tii Province te country, and they ove Ita o hiemueives, that ti ahould lie depriveil of having cepreseittatives of lte7 shouid have prepared auch a mesure. 1 ev theïr bru choice je a deplonable cbtumsta ce- have expecled itli their band; but I have beaun t The electors ai lii. counry siiotlihae fuW disippond-tiil.bous.e bu.been disippointeit sa hibery ai Xecuç thefr elective franchise, fre. It i. nov laid thal if a messurener.ovpa e irm violmenmd intimidation. (Hear, hoar.) il votait bu an ex posfacto liv ; tiin the ex- or Hon, gentlemen viii recollect thaitue Tirome cffceue undér viici liose hu. Gentlemen atelter of Englanil ha. b.en aus=edon thi. pricipie. hsmslvus. Ther, i. no denying thal it voisdif lte poeet Rayal Fain* yoccopying the ltron, lu have be an ex posiforte lau ; but i. il mt bel. Iâ con.eqmence of maitaining tie freedont aof elec.. ter ta dîisense vîth a mer. tecitnicml objection, mi tiens, (b.ar, b.sr.) l'h. constitution ai Great ratier titan involve lte ment important igits ni Bitain voulsi long go have been anatiuila had vici euale exerci,.dl by freemen, in so serions Id mol the. fneedosm af election. heen preservei-. annbarrasanaent. Sainie of tira. bhmgeiatl.-th Wtbaut thia, the privilege ofbhavimg a represen. mm vitoare no tenaian, respecting lte adop- Pa tative foin of goverriment i. but a "leam nock- lion of aue post fecto measure have mo alwayo t ecy: it in ridiculous tu a e. the sens# of the beaun.o ' crupulous.. If ve loak ai lb. records wl peuple titrougia tair rp,.tative, vion thi.e etaraiet f Uppe Canda aswell asof Low.ea people are mt porttad freeiy la exercise tb.ir er Canada, ve siall final casseoaiex pcstfoetc i eleclive franchise. I bave every confidence luit lava having been paiseal. mmd I do mt thin thle a tii bouse vill mt refu.elieethhsaoi 15,001 honi. anal learnesi gentleman froni Russell a de- of electons, anal ltaittuey WawD tuhelr rongu, monstrate ta Ibis bouse, tht on amy occasio ie b i tbey oieve thuy have begq aggreved, 1 proteseslgÉg it ent. I final Ihat hon. geste. I ahali express no opini on te a uljeet, 1sMuid mmm vas m backvaral lu passing aunct te eabie es. bore as a Puilge lunttis mater; th. decieines ii the ciarleresibaenks ta suspesi apecli aymnt the, honne.upcthentis rIresolntion viII daarseine <&Dramme - - - '-_ . s oae)I lb. question, vb.tb.r te bouse vil p e' _t m vminea-rcei]y have vaoit sl roced aiat i, (order, order,) ht te comns ta mttera til deteuuine upon the. comnmon livuw rOuuus. instac; 1thao J>em. lIt lbejate lav w- va qte ready te -uut in paasmg M a1 tee. It udbensisi on a former day tisait t s ie trial cf criminel odancea, comnailleal adoption ai sucii resolutions as tic.. now subuit. bo is.the .anig aftisaiacl, tb. .ent biquuIl led hy the bon. member froua Queb.c, va. out13821414seannme pechaps titat vas ever Ofrtd necessry-titaltb.hre vas a certain law in force m itoefctian amy cohssay. Iam nemol slributing a1 viticit regulutes lte preedinga it case. of ca. tiies a cnJMe ta lte hmn gentleman ; 1 oui y aya lees el eci. Tti proposition involve. a ltai iere have been inmeune. equally entitledite quesionci lu. , (c. Crisie) asiloa ealb.cb.racterised as epsnifacto ? and tlb.7 vene&Ô mbte liv relailgtaete subject, mmi vas Certainily of greater moment as regard. the. pria- t tae e ei a lte the ii.conamillee lb.result af ciples of ex pont facta legieation, tit eb.one a jetse.arch, and the conclusion viticitlie bai ubicit Inov dlaim aM their haas. If ve tursc ta t arrivei et iii oeqfuenco of that r,.earcb. He that autbody lb. Special Council ve ahallien hai foun irai tii.theContestesi Electioc Ac tidfinal thilba.mi teen acvit beinil. <He-r, k ben originahly papsedin ithei year 1808.Thaî bear.) ber, Mr. Baldwin 'psinted out several ai if Att wus contintsed and amendeal by divers Acte lb.eoRd«iancof lte Special CounciL of Parlaments ountil the year 1834 In that year, The hum.amid harneit gentleman lb. Attorney'us hy a seperahe Act, tais iav vas continuesi for tva Generai for Lover Cana& hbu tali us lhitjili31I years, mmd front hience taelite ensuing Session of not th. intention of the governinent ta bring inluie tiie Leisiature. amy :censure for tise purpose requirei, unit I con- th Titis art having bren pasei by the. hiree fee.tt a m a dsappointedi-romn tais delans, th branche. af the Legislature, vas sent ta Engians ieonI1mn bounal ta believe thal noinseonoreilare. th and laid belorn the King in Council. It vas dis. quisite, becauoe acoding tae te ev system oaiau alloved vithin tvo years frona lb. lime of ils W. governmemi uniter vw"ct ho.. gentlemen act, rf ing passed. The disallovance of tii. aIbai wve tsuMtppose they have lte confidence ai Ibis wl lb effect in i. (Mr. Christie%,) opinion of pla.. bouse anal the cou"lr. Educateal as lauve been at ing the, former eaciment, wbici theb disalloveit bah profesioialy and politically wlt a deep rev- th act in part repeaheit, in lh. saie situation as if erence for the laws of my country, it i. out ai My t the. aubsequent uct bil neyer existei-tIe pre. pover ta say that i. law vbicb 1 do mot holieve ta in viens act vas revivesi. b. law. Therefare, if 1 came ta the conclu-w The aettai 1884 declaresi lui il shoulsi rmain *ionatinl point of fact the act of parliament taic in frce for tva year, and froint thence te the end wviib I have afludeal la lhe liv of the. laid, hou- If ai lie mxlsession of 1h.Legialilure. Nov h. ever it may grieve me ggive uch a vote-hov- ci holieveil il would b hiov.d th no session had ever 1 May mourn avec lie neceasity af giving n.t, i tahe c ince 1836ountil tlimpeent session 1siiall neverthelesselb. under lt.e necee.ilyaof giv. in of t e uni teit Legi halure. 1h vas rne th. Leg- ing il (hoar, itear.) The. han. gentleman froint islluc bai mtbolno et asdon vbicb Gaspe basreferreal tadifferent statut.egufla it voulit constitute a .essosa-no act bail passeil tiug contesteal elecliona. ;teiton. gentlemenii the three btranches, mmd h ho eievedit il as par- muetaieb.avare that tha Provisions of tL.. etat-.j fectly umderstthat a unissa an art vere paludeitme. are conlaines inluthe Ach ai Union. 1 have io oaajudgment given, ilcoullb. no session, bis listemed ta lie arguments stated on a former oc- li :Zn. opnion vas liaI the former lav vas reviv- casios by tue bon. and leermeil gentleman froints e 'Pmd h considerei liat the. present bouse Port Neuf, but lie7 do net aiord me sufficiemt vece boumal to proceesi upon it in tb. inv .ahiiiit. for coechâdimg lit a .olcf01834 la ot i lion of tue election trials. Hewvas rayt - un force,.lThe question in, wvit h.e feci of len te ltheargume ntsanmd opinions on. aete i iullovance ai tise latter atute, of caurse if t men via ver, convergent viti the àubjet, ansi lin ect vas a repeal of ttaisMatute, il vw"ld if b. aboukl a lib.vawru gb vulileave lb. former one lu force. Tb.ebut.unit a lursi round, (huar, lapr.) At ah vetab.b. learitesi eathmm ti.entaered into the levr] t liove i ilwvasincumibent on tlisibouse ta enter omtruction a e b.ppliesittlia operatio aoflthe a luote iiivesttion.Il vwu expectesi by thse disaflovance of lie adt, in conu2aAlimjc le pta country, assiasaises.li diii ne, lie comtr!tie epealof aMaatte. Itappeareal teMr. Bal& - vouldime, Stisfled, (aarW a.) f. etwm5ttIR iintnlioli as ta remerce te the I sme regret in d«fering fra m ay of Nefriendac»r L ieaieon aateft hetProvincial Ie-b on lii que.ien, but unlesho boardi sucha argU. p rtte., he tar,> if herefors tb. cotruc-a nment. as ouli coiviace hil liaI b. vas u'de na iSOtpt iffl tby teboit. and lharmeci ss a b. frtbourtasa clupon lb. vievi ubici b. bal manirau Ponit Ntif<iuld i naerfor cita li tola- laken <of lb.eintter, mmi vote agahat lie resal. lect, ita$PPeuresite him (Mr. laMpia) h VOuIM tuons. mdly b. a hlr construcetion t. put apatle te @CLa Mr.a.nwsnd laias hb. laben _of ai wih hitefeb b. (1fr. Baldwin>ad amlbyd liome vit, vi h tjc asli en.lnmy a a Ia thi lb. kii.hy buebont. ctinittes. tatW eir*i tut leasnib, a nM Ismseflen1.fra. Pnt Neuf <1r. Aylvia) goe the m. tbe hupilnsujectwd tea.- tenubhoeg.lydspgof an se.me'te ho suedr lie powevtlu argume~nts umn" 4y liashm.ii.d hy mSfe hm emlm tise meday, t aotbe ilmot t ho f Wriit t hoduo te b.dtoit id»ste i.hmi. f ai m ta m t li an iy ppmtunty eiexpesmdte TsUkaof P-"te adept ht e m e eg*0 so bis emnsidenslrmm pm b.su-aI Ivas a uWb"te Vote tp=the pteloaso.Tsr hic col. sideaimsu vethelsiseti b um sicieiaohrMOUi i aislt steahefsesQuiecafgaveugotam..The wctiaha (M. Balivia> vomIt eg have te ta 1 canM&,eUM iosa th l auin qu"etion u a lseattent ionhof . slýismnIl:lit via sudn-a 9 in ionor bt ~vus cmeWh" cia v o ta- déestcid maiumthem e ologne" 1lmr = ihdeep mmddhaporwt reanils. (ha ob ttes ditoni «&i mutoue. .roete . nue a " wuecli a veiyliiitalbe u nmteas usuie, Crni the IschicaIemi lnge.,ile pu- 1 dechm wvasthe diansnbmwssuuOf alae uareapsssoeaiteornus amhsv aci ehei mea, ss. thgfl atta etsvcarfis.t sh . Wsnlaes «,er au f" hmupla O M Ï,tiseu.. AM astor u nWin a givease$mm'in » f c à 1d amy baF."uneretPnotau e ha eiles stal esit nth aussssuos- TeKi l t r fera,% i, 7isslîtugiaçeun aa*m b«¶ b -they-aiiailW tce mmiaicur osu oue oItbo f - -_.i. .m-ma . d » di. nussha ali.totillisd Lv 1 Rrviwà,%mý- ý à ý à ý à mirrium ý a ý w- - -- -- the c-îuaun*emsof lb. distincion cnttsajhtfb tue athi., a y the bon. md andltaeitmesn frot hm.eyeQuébec (Mr. Blac14) bet'wmm a niecsmeasmg aconvention, amaes siomn ef Parinuuttî legîilatuce af Laver Canada biel in tuis instance ai ahlevrts, bythe veryterni liey »se&idi.üllpravided liaI pelitione coin. ofaino1 ai ani.eehcsaboulul b. present win4 laps uSerth. irai eèg cf lLegis. laZur., ciether ach meeting aboulal ulttualy prove a meuq(in actual menue) or not; and ik vas obvînqu fointhlie reimuaif tue limau . eil a froeu in tb vi&, m by ta. satuetat=sunch vau tiua neatis. aithe legielature; unies ~ed ba. sn re psiumlt. ont 7i tba it me4a m ers e u~ hccmls b.01 n;m stac ert bicon eliS would neomearily b. liat ailbhos thereighl atn eùgofPwfiomi4 lastinq or 30 aye,a and alrding, therefore, mnlphtuesfor lie ne- ceiving ah complaints aofune electians union amill] vas pasasal, or jualguent pronouncsd, so as i ta couvert sncb sseis«tg ima ia iin the. teci- I tical «»me oi tie tenu, it vola oi esjuai]y op-a 1 tu parties tu pebition agaiset,--tnanietuS sitilu biot 4 dy. fa " - ;à-sp.;" ~s~as, ifsc fwmeeting of PachIia.Ment hait# Baalwin) presemeit hon. menubers ver, mot pre- pareil ta came. He tierefare feilt jusîifled lu an- terpretiug lthe word. 41umeeting c i.Pri.iet in tue finI part af limai section of' lue ad ta raeanti amy commg togvhhea aiflthe Legishuture viiicb 1 vould ilor anuepocunity for suclicomplainte i to b.e made, vihatrefeneuce ta ehether ilt1 ahouId or shoulal ual assumes lie chai-acter of a 1 " sessian"--aM t liis b. ad no dout ousi b. cancurreal lu by ahi uho hear i iti. He (M. Baldwin) voull nov direct lthe attention ofzhon.i geme.mta the concIuding part ai the saine Sud.t mion, and they voulal Sud il provid" ht i when.1 avec lthe malter. conlameal in Qlgcitpetition ta nth beIl7 b eard, tried. and adjualgei tallie1 samsi rofaiAaenabiy l in w ichte sain. er. begun, that bte sainae msy becontimuesi assit aken i op, hoard, and asijuitged upon at lhe néet meeting af lb.rbonae af As.eaily, in lie sanie manner a. if o ~i. talen piac4c." He (Mr. i ldvin) teck it for grunted l tait l vulsi b.adt, d aittei t ailb.terza " Sesian Mithe provision r mt sb.h.l trefero any mob *Meeting oflts '1 Legisiatlure" as in spoken of in lue carlier part af I lhe clause, as, if nal,. it voulsi maaie.tly louve palies vihaut twmedy in lthe vecy ca e.tso 1 -euiringthe protection af suci a proviso- .m t cherpitions huit been preseneul duenmg àu botmdahortive Meeting eathli Lgislatue, à wien liere bailMt been lime la disposeéniflitent, - andvwhich wuolà, ifect, place it i4 thtepower t oflthe Executive Goveqin by lb. eý,erctOf r te tnaprecjb* a tlaq Ne -'vint) esamblsi(et leasit tIse sbafctim isihis ovm mi ie hasi dun omsS) liaIlhe Legialature W ain te Act of aliaient, wviai vusthb.b"siaai le ridle coite for lie trial of tueir coutestesi EIee. a tono, ued lie ternuis61msjeofmfe Llat.e-e»h terefore iis intance choseeaa,# of his terni0a Seuais" vici, as v" contenleit, amore restricomi nneaai w as in gmrsi tao ppiiesias descriptive uais mere fegfh i egi#Wums" Il nmueItiterefre b ole nd i.1a scoralance vili lb. cule ne.peclimg the comstruc- bon Of Stauiue.lPari nateris, tau hich iethbal secereil, b. presnmed tuat in the subseqjuent t Statutes upan lue saine subjedl, lb.7 hsidimal. n. afithe terre in lie samn acuss-he vas titere. fre justiesiun iholding liaI lie ternia Session" t an lie tWmV. 4 c. 9 vas meuni ta lipart amy suci 'JbUug qifte Legisioture"l as thse smm ternit meditheti.rl otatelsecof the 48Geo.i oC. 21 clery maida., hemire, liere lied benivosau Meefla uer lie lut May, 1836, thesisyreferre inlaWna.4 C- 9, and prior ta the lmipril Act o 1 2VcC. 9, lie eld that the48 Gect3c. 21, mmteoter Aceacotinuing 1 and amending il hait expired it lithe terminstion ai tie firaI of tioser Meeting, of the Leg*shature,a wheiher il vaseor vas mal a 1« Ssam" mn lte ne- stricted see" O the teTn r.,Wruvirespecite alitber tempoariy acta-enaci ai heast vas hie viev mof the suhject, and umless b.e aboulsi b. uhaken iluit in the course of lie debate, sapa. tisaiview b. rae t prepred tu vote for lb. resalu. tion ý î frandfront the Connty ai Que- bec, belag ai opinion liaIt te Actaai the Ptovin- cial Parlisaient of Lover Canada forthe regula tion ai te trial ofcantested Electlone arç ne now in force. , Mit. Bosuxar. express e i 1m te"ir. luat tue huse, ifit bad or coulit bave te powe go aqueina Iesepettions, aitauhlprceslt. b.e investigation. Rsbon. friensi the -bbnm for Hastings hait entevoresi to a mpne.the toumn vitu 11* ides tel the legisjalurq of Louw- ai- Canada vin il psseiltbe lac and iniou oui the Wordi"session" laiua notinas im Puci asession as the lac ilius. IHqjoined 'laea 'ith iemo. friemlon this point, for ibeiiee fluai tbwere brs dat47ntb7, as tee. weesl b t su teIIIIIt "Ils, t oraenmt of eir prfession, vie pl ve to the vend lI mau"aIandI legal riulsi andila t iiela lt e cd sens. ai uga euit prcew te b, the proper ane.[t ao pme ke tWedithat it ubouil b. a sosim in w" neo mc etmusapassad itminrg - - but xl vus me"satIhat smm alaibpthma mai *lab tlssciPioeld mcntine till M a iases- in vas Isu JH o wlaim alais t. tbe mii. er pai of]lg be enil'.a rçumasto. hecause, mil~t lb upsW wcm.enitiled te grint Oas- iuiiuafer ýjhe had tak ee.telntcmse show. te ' M eruperes t. s1011199111te ~iimtaie. 7-im'à « i leEnPort Nm men hISI u _%eawb.d anid limi 4. Iar u a hm isn goçi 3 11» dff if .lis «mmte ae*ravy mmii sn 1*11e u vu ie. Te »ma' lionl a t te uci ig.09 V wu se, a ien a" d lete as eae."è&.ilis mlii cilsPopih e m v. I oee.Uumme alett a ned- tbu oilhc* t0.c ue t he ln m Ils. pabalions. Ue n silprsoit lh er ium saaedlihal héeuecute oveulag bai i by Ifsh anal agents f orfenedtàï tkn s . lon it-e did mot iloiy the Mt ft ilbHUm la 6mqu.Uie sincb sucOeaSmMU, 4 n u a.l reput any nmebr vie aooqW b, precette lWi has.ektw4u or isuitpraueilesabat if th. mnalter Wee msUàm -miiteose, lun te euso liebad no itilhiuty u a 1*9Lt,>~ z itioners vr =pe nitby lb alte i5 iy rqu=etitrtain recegrnl.ane.amj se entem&iintoamd chica i ot beuscen- pliadith l.He nid, terlora hait they va noa ina stuationt.cintee tet sauasntahaving1mhloeteltsmteps by, iI vonusi b.an adse t austieo te lie sittig menaor. ver, tey te entertai IM*m Anm altenipt had berau mal. to~oulatla.d- l5y as-osefrota guoanceon rpatrt ie pe- titionerst butoel las u e et thuas petâtiin i. which il vas difficuit ta, suppose liaite goim. Iensa canicetasal amuitbave beu. igascf the law, b, referre toaM. lahotab. [McU. AylvistacaidthaI M. Lafsialus tW dourdtnd« n noance : b, kn.v thaithe kw If il wme conteudesl at ho 1mev liai the ladid nasexistuid as puepureu . ieaîla dout on a ome op a tho bi~r. Bc.vmI aonteuidt ere vas m doutet susb. erlu ras momnO&tilel oeta44.b inbhlgm eal 1k Obi Arr.sar-4Ie sa6for um mes (M. Bçwl>l) hà te.Ios Otiel ai "en," mm-.) t a tiç«abas. ouiy«*"ie it CI.cf Iva~o i I1itwt5 in si t pr fit lau?60 it bi in ose cas l vlca p awly 1 R e M ta ho allouai %W tin>hteil.uuu b se lad fUl t. iý s esoluticus they ugha. tsmh extemi th telnie for - 'nglaroeq et unee. For iaaehfhs 0iame o-tqbi %meis lau vas la forcewasid ha dU i afel bhimsi tied iistpetlag froit M. Duisaii» bnisi u, 66l *uludemu rnvolved lu begul du ais e= aun i thanefore inclimeei s l dloeh'fli "meai, te give lia...doubla l =foggi tatouer, mm vqt. for tis reaili. ui nea vm aisiet, um eb.dée, and 1te0 ovethmatntoppmetuaskt m uor mvestig-alom, Tite petillonenàUuége. ounequi angiot teer ilth ir il.pI.tlcx10 ta wu flncd tintewurnbu omi Coivpn for lia ômasOt. Mowi. fthe =lai sxistq ? nilt ablM ehli. etNiyud mot ioLtum .yminere tauisilo.te *boup foteM ïyit*Pt us s. fingets nta ic wbuis .1serve to "nake w tued clueimehoe id and vote a td* M. Jaucas, uub "Y a kvela" mlte subet thaugi ot = dyiesebtim« nbtidue ntust he Mr tpretly Wci , pree mter anll. huit inard, te prooeuil tevork liik. sevm e-a as cdl mna e saisptilnt-ea u edccler.ue ta playur, one te hhW& A LentIfe> bsard »Vefl gntleen alkjustice, &ansi liaue ~teqlievawusmstime. prmspai; but, vas .tW te i efe. it tas seate of maq Nembere, chenthe tintehai elapsesi n ubicit lucasemksid lawsful W40 sa! me emhiredlbte télac vswu inférep anan hthat b.beai e froua bis selg b0e bad motisnljstne m m boiatin hui ma it itwluasdouilful iaRow sI wu tliu e- pôsio, il use tMce tmuat enlb.. 19bo enmmnsmsudphaSthenattshtea luas peetie.. go visuui te allespi sea a striNgun te tareittusmt n *vsd.hae nisuom lth e u te - vas etitu" sir *lwt kWsu mot vwmetvaistiapehut T'ajoà abridg.i hy tbpà.leta hv, Mi ià va u Wpcý ative mantm mm li*pyil."e ~tanâeIe'saIIsê Ls3e b ld a de l.~ q ~Mmd tw heM. in n

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