su'm Tmiflmza'y. Wk 2008 MCCOWANI 161h- 2 bedroom walk-out basement, applianc- es, includin washer/ dryer. $10 0 inclu- sive. Immediately. (905)475-2623 McCOWANI 16th- Very bright 2 bedroom basement apartment. Own side entrance. $850. Immediately. 416420-7672 MCCOWANI Deni- son- 1 bedroom im- maculate condition, separate entrance, parking, iniernet, laundry. new appli- ances. Near amen- ties. $650. inclusive. 647-868-7664 (905)943-7664 MCCOWAN/ Elson- Freshly painted 2 bedroom basement. separate entrance, parking, laundry, TTC, schools, shops. (905)910-9806 MCCOWANI Raymer- ville- 1 bedroom huge basement. Separate entrance. cable. park' ing, no smoking. $700. inclusive. (905)294-0730 MCCOWANI Raymer- ville- Bright lar e 2 bdrm basement. ep- arate entrance. Laun- dry. Smoke free. Im- mediately. (905)472- 1163,416â€"418-2736 NEWMARKET 1 br quiet, private en- trance, spacious country aparlmenl. Ground level, 5 applio ances, +gas fireplace. Sunroom. 5 min from 404. Bike hike lrails golfl Satellite. No pets/ smoking. $1050 inclusive Marianne 905-251-1203/ 905- 895-4487Mustsee! OAK Ridges- 2 bdrm apt on 2nd floor of house, with angled ceilings. Quiet niegh- bourhood. No pets. Parking laundry on premises. 3890/ mnth inclusive. (905)770- 0259 STEELES/ Birch- mount- 3 bedroom, main, newly ren0vat- ed. close to schools, mall. 2 appliances, $1250+ utilities. Also newly renovated 1 bedroom basement apt, $525 inclusive. (416)3184092 STOUFFVILLE (2 kms.)- 1 bedroom. private patio, entry. Not basement. Newly decorated. $850 in- clusive. (905)640- 1275. STOUFFVILLE- 1 bedroom basement apt, immaculate, no pets/ smoking/ gar- age. $695+. Immedi- ate. (905)640-6675 STOUFFVILLE- 1 bedroom in building. Parking. immediate. $725. +hydro. Les 905-716-4438. 905- 989-1954. STOUFFVILLE- 2 bedroom bright base- ment, freshly decorat- ed, parking, nonâ€" smoking. no pets. Im- mediately. (905)473- 3232 STOUFFVILLE- Prime downtown 1 bedroom. $1100 in- clusive. Laundry. parking. A/C. non- smoking/ p915, (416)882-7453 MARKHAM- 2 bed- room condo. 2 wash- rooms. close to hospi- ‘al. Go transâ€, shop- ping plaza. Available Oct‘ 15m (416)566- 8108 MARKHAM/ 16th - 3 bedroom. new semil Available November 1st $15004 Call 416- 684-2678 cummmm For Rent Houses Fot Rom In: For flout MARKHAM (Hwy.7/ Robinson)- charmin 3 bedrooms, beautifu deck. garden. garage. Walk to school, church, rocery. Markville all. Go, YRT. Dec. 15m. $1350+ 70% utilities. No pets/ smoking. (416)818-0200 STOUFFVILLE- To- tall reno. 4 Bdrm/ 3 Bat det. exec. home. 2 ER, finished bsmt, 2 car gar.. new appli- ances, close to GO. no pets/ smoker, Im- mediate $2.200+ 416- 346-9671 5 bedroom- new, large and unit, a/c, 2 garage, family room. library. 4 washrooms. Dec. 1st. 416«297- 99249054714667. MARKHAM- 3 bed- room, finished base. ment, attached ar- age. Wootten ay/ #7. $1300+. AvaiIable December 131. (416)879-9171 MARKHAM- Country home. Spacious sun~ ny room, share kitch- en, laundry, bath. YRT at door. $475. 416-986-5320. M181 HWY 7 $1.6m; Denis? MARKHAM- Main/ Bullock. Furnished room w/balcony, bath, utilities. laundry. $450. Near transit. (905)4720899 CORRIGAN, Dr. William Robert - Peacefully at Southlake Regional Health Centre, Newmarket on October 6, 2008 in his 86th year. Beloved father of Vilda (Jack) Reid, William (Karen) and Brian Victoria). Proud grandpa of William rock Leslie. Jami Marie Madeliene. Ryan Justin McCrae and Jessie Morgan Victoria. Dear brother to Lillian Cadieux, Ross and the late Marion Gould and Anna Pouliot. Friends may call at O'Neill Funeral Home, 6324 Main Street. Stouft- ville on Thursday from 2-4 7-9 pm. Service in the chapel Friday at 1 pm. If desired, donations may be made to ALS, Diabetes Assoc. or charity otchoioe. LARKIN, Paul Joseph- Suddenly on October 3, 2008 at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre at the age of 57 years. Lovin son of the late Henley and Mary (nee oughlan) Larkin. Dear brother of Michael (Shirley) ot Renfrew, Mildred‘ Cotton of Flinton and his twin Peter (Christine) or Whitby. Uncle of Randy,‘ Jamie, Keith, Marianne, Richard. Linda,‘ Brenda, Bertha and Kenneth. Nephew of Ann (Doug) Gladwin, Jerry Coughlan and Jean Coughlan. Paul will be fondly remembered by all who knew him, especially his colleagues and acquaintances at Community Living York South, Blue Nose and Tim Horton’s. Visitation was held at Chapel Ridge Funeral Home, 8911 Woodbine ,Ave., Markham (4 lights north of Hwy. ,7), 905-305-8508 on Tuesday, October 7th from 7-9 pm. A funeral service was held in the chapel on Wednesday. October 8th at 1:00 pm. Cremation. As an expression of sympathy donations to the Communit Living York South wouldbeappreciat bythefamily. “MCIâ€, thhcu Pbasamlhnmdeab‘mm 1 LLlflLLlnj- 3 bedtm Semi, Fam.Rm Townhouses For Rent Room: For Rent Wanted Death: T- 3 bodrm. Town. 2.5 baths. 1400+ ; 4 bedrm. detached, Fam.Rm ( Ihapfl Ridgt MARKHAMI Hwy#7- Beautiful room w/en- suite. Hardwood. Near amenities. Non- smoking/ pets. $550. cable/ Internet. 905- 554-2601. 416-931- 16TH/ Woodbine- 1 bedroom basement. Share kitchen/ bath/ living. Furnished. $600. Non-smoking. Immediately. 416- 918-7532/ 416-356- EXECUTIVE House. R. Hill. Furnished. Pri- vate bath, indoor parking. Modern kitch- en, $1000.00 Inclu- sive. References SOS-7738029 UNIONVILLEI Mark- ham, all rooms en- suite, full English breaklast, maid ser- vice, free parking. Nick: (905)479-3862. (905)947-9493 EUCHRE -October 16. 7:30pm. Lemon- ville Community Ceno tre. Aflweloome! LOST female rey cockatiel bird on ep- tember 23, 2008 at Bur Oak and McCowâ€" an. Reward offered. Call (905)927-1075. 3 Shana Accommodation Room: For Ham 8. Wanted Coming Event: Lost Found Deaths MMavunbofltm The Region is inviting Tenders from qualified bidders for the provision of the Service and Contractor-Owned Vehicles. This shall include the supply of eight (8) dedicated accessible low-floor Vehicles, one (1) non-dedicated accessible low-floor Vehic e to act as a spare for the Service and non-dedicated sedan Veh cles to supplement the Service as required. The term of the Contract will be for a period of three (3) years for the nonexclusive right to operatethefollowingYork RegionTransit Dial-A RideServices The tender documents can be obtained on after October 7, 2008 via at There is no cost to Biddingocom subscribers for this document. Non-subscribers are abjeatoanominalfeepayabletoBiddngooom. Bid Deposit: Bidders must furnish a Bid Deposit in the form of a Certified Cheque in the amount of ($25,000.00) when submittingJ their bid. The cheque should be made payable to The Regional) Municipality of York. in lieu' of a certified cheque, Bidders may) submit an lrrevocable Letter of Credit in the approved form3 attachedheretoasSchedule D. Bldders Meeting: Bidders are invited to attend a Bidders’i Meeting on Thursday, October 23,2008 commencing at 10:00 AM. at the York Region Transit offices, Main Boardroom #513. 5th. Floor, York Region South Service Centre. 50 High Tech Road, RidimondHill, Ontario. Bidders are advised that, unless otherwise permitted by the Region’s Purchasing By-law, no bid shall be accepted from, nor shall any contract be awarded to, any Bidder with whom the Regionisengaged in unresolved litigation. All Queries regarding the tender shall be directed to Mike Gerrior, Senior Purchasing Analyst. Supplies and Services, Email: 61(905)83044448fl-1554 T-08-40 Provisionof Servicesand Novembet11,2008 AooessfleLuN-FloorVehkzles 1:00pm. andSemmberRegion TramitDialâ€"ARideSemoes SEALED TENDERS pro erl marked will be received by the RegmalClerkmï¬HflOpm Mn)attheaddressbelow,on Tenders will be opened publicly immediatelg: lollowing the Tender closing, Tuesday, November 11, 2008 in ommiltee Room ‘A’, localedmlhemalnfloor,ne:dlotheCouncilChambers. THE LONEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. TheR' Municipalde Otï¬oe meClerKImrmationKiosk GreatHaI,Groundeor 17250YongeStreet Nawnamet,0nmm L3Y621 T0868 WmierGrounds Maintenance October28,2008 brVariousYork Region, 1:00 pm. LongTermCareand PoiioeServioesFacilities SEALED TENDERS pro eriy marked will be received by the RegionaiCierkuntiIkOOpm tine)atiheaddressbeiow,on OCTOBERZBJHB trom qualltled commercial landscaping contractors for Winter Ground Maintenance Services. in accordance with the speciï¬cations olthe Bequest lorTender document. Tender documents may be purchased from Supplies and Services, lst Floor, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket after 11:00 am. on Friday October 10. 2008 for the sum of sixty Dollars ($60.00) NON-REFUNDABLE per each set including GST ‘(cheque to be made payable to York Region). All Company information (name, address, phone and tax) M be provided uponpurchase/pidt-upotthisdocurnent. A bid deposit in the form of a certified cheque or letter of credit lor $8,000.00 is required lorthis tender. Bidders are invited to attend a Bidders’ Meeting to be held on Oct., 16, 2008 commencing at 9:00 am. in room it 30010. at 17250Yonge Street.Newmarket. Bid advertisements are also published on “Biddingocom‘. This advertisement and additional inlormation specilic to this contract is available by accessing the Biddingo web-site at Bidders are advised that, unless otherwise permitted by the Region's Purchasing By-law, no bid shall be accepted from, nor shall any contract be awarded to, any Bidder with whom the‘ Regionisengaged in unresolved litigation. All Queries regarding the tender shall be directed to Garth Stiebel, B.A., CPPB. CPPO Senior Purchasing Analyst, Supplies and Services Tel: (905) 8304444 ext. 1688, Email: 91mm Please state document number when purchasing or inquiring abwtthisoontract. Tenders will be opened publicly immediately following the Tender closing. Tuesday. October 28. 2008 in Committee Room ‘A', locatedonthemain floor,nexttotheCouncil Chambers. THE LONEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. The R ' l Munic’palily olibrk Ofï¬ce the Clerk inlormation Kiosk Great Hal. Gr0undFloor York Region 17250ibnge Street Newmarket. Ontario L3Y 621 51!] Tender: Tundm m] Yonder: BILL FISCH. Regional Chair BILL FISCH, Regional Chair York Region Novembet11,2008 1:00pm. CbsingDate 31!] Tender: 31'] Tender: LOST "Fat Pants.‘ Ladies sizes 18-24‘ If found, burn. I won‘t be needing them thanks to Herbal Magic. Get ourself back now at magicoom KENNEDY] #7- Find out where friendship begins. Quality care. nutritious meals. crea- tive activities. 416- 455-5303, 905-591- 1662 JACK N . Melody Lu, Philip C ung are no longe! employees of 1511753 Ontario Lim- ited and 1706545 On- tario Limited, will relin- quish all liabilities and legal responsibilities associated with busi- ness conducted at Unit 85, First Mark- ham Place, effective Octobert,2008. LIVE-out -Weekdays split shift. Unionville $121 hr. Oct.- mid-Au gust. References re quired. School age 905-470-7564. Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all ‘things and to confirm once again that 1% ‘never want to be separated from you in leternal glory. Thank you for your mercy‘ \towardsmeandminc. Amen. [The person must say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. After 3 days the request requested will be granted even if it may appear difficult. This prayer must be ublished after the favour is granted withâ€" out mentioning the favor. Miracle Prayer 313] Pmonals 3] Nannies Lost Found Personals CORNELL -Respon- sible sitter tequired for 1 evening weekday and weekends. Flexible. 905-209- 8727. IMPROVE Math/ Sci- ence. Get tutored by experienced college/ university profes- sor.TSpecial group/ sibling discounts 416- 726-5327 MATH tuto: for grade JK-124 EOAO, Adâ€" vanced functionsv data management. calculus/ vectors‘ Contact Bhavana (905)477-9253 YORK REGION CRAHGUFT Personals Daycate Available Babysitting Tutoring Services Saturday, November 15, 2008 kGlenway Country Club the Newmarket Santa Claus Parade 470 Grassland Gate Newmarket 10am ~ 3pm Come visit us CARPETS- I have several thousand yards at new stain- masler 8. 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room hall for $389.00. Includes? carpet, pad. installa- tion (30 yardsl Steve 905-890-5552 www.carpetdealsca HOT Tub (Spa) Cov- ers- Best Price. Best Quality. All Shapes Colours. Can 1866- www.mverguyca HOT tub/ spa- 2008 model, fully loaded. full warranty, New in plastic. Cost $8,000 Sacrifice $3.900. Call; 4167790563 SAT. OCT. 11 @ 10:00 am. Vanhaven Arena, 720 Davis Dr., Uxbridge L9P 1R2. THANKSGIVING AUCTION of Furniture Antiques. Collectibies, China. Glass Coins more Auctions w PO Sex 1030, Uxbridge ON L9P 1N 906-852-9538 416â€"518-640 garyhrll.theauctsonadvertisercor BALLANTRAE (30‘ Community- 34 S. Geor 6 Street. Sur day, ct. 12th, 10an Moving Sale. Furn ture, household Items MARKHAM- C MAHKHAM- bon- tents- indoor. 7788 McCowan Road, Just north of 14th Avenue, south of #407. Octo- ber 10th 4pm, Octo- ber11th, 12th 9am» 5pm. NEWMARKET Estate Sale: Antiques, colâ€" lectibles, large oak dining table, sude- board, Danish Modern chair, couch, beds. dressers, armchalrs. classical vinyl. books, electric piano, tons of Contemporary paint- ings 8. prints. frames 330 Second 81., Oct. 11 12,10am-4pm, GARY HILL AUCTIONS edebratlng 2 Auctions JOH