Dâot HARMACY - I le The Town of Mon held its annual March Srea lisual Arts Camp for chil- dren last week at the Mikon Centre for the Arts The week-lorg camp offere a vwiety of creatiw m.diums from which Io choose. Clockwtse (rom top Lit Sydney Powers shows the paper maché puppy that she was working on. Oa~Nn Caratao holdi up a couple of his drawings. Danica Caratao, (above) a"d the facWa features to hef paper maché animal. OlMa Pimientei cuts peeftpe o herpa o erper maché creation. CaM sff mern- ber Slobhan Wakeham joins camper MilisaMe Slkle foS some palntlng. &*a"/a 1êpish .wf ýqbKdu Nt~ utbm. lI.c %Mnw