Deuî"gn, Variety Ami Flenty O! Scenery, AlWaitigFor You IiHawthorne Villagre. Sbu r*à <sC4, T. 71M Fs4i Rasa 4àa .Toclay we're offering new Townkomes andi Detachdà Home. in-Mattamy's moot awarti winning coznmunîty of Hawthorne Village. We're open witk a new releaae of our most popular andi afforclable Village Homes, branci new 2-Storey Townhorne anti tesirable Rear Lane Townbome clesigna as; wtt1 as 30' anti 36' Detacheci Homes. If you've Leen waiting, to Sund a new home wlTere 10,000 famuies have alreatiy foud i fe completely enjoyahle, then we uugeut you visit our Sale. Centre. We looL forwarcl to seeing you resi paon. 2-Stor.y Tovnhome, 'Me. Atwood 36' Home, Il% Wyndhvné EIev. 'B', 1,290 Sq.Ft. EIev. 'G', 2,824 Sq.Ft. TownIomea From The $310'o e Detacael Homes From The $440'o U i 1~~ *1 I I I i I g