*» wharfs »W a In todoyls ffly.r Ir 19 w lu976n, 299W fflf 1Wdm0 U77 The 1 st Milto Seaveu and Cubs wiU hold the £4cylaý ftuxkisu on lb. John Tm"ll Sports Centre paMkng ot Saturday fromn 9 m.n. to 4 pin. Amngff 1w mens *"e wil b. accep"n are tae- vlsàons. 1aplomý ceUphoruez VCRu, baaula, cabbsand telphei Pud wu go to fww dm k and Cubs, varimu suppêu rmu ~w adwhI CHundf ý*y»MihoreIrwy Sai- Eauiadyourger bmottwr Mau sof*eagim*Uth àb.acc.pted g lb. fundrasoe mi~ -~Oh p aiýe177 Lwuýk hm bewn compWlenting Nod Amrefcon h..nIe w* tiinnwydtwc and fulcdiiful LubinitC~inn su*ft' i)rkijy ii trcudtiu) o wp havenirsi àc%-k)pýd a iOrzufeI1#ri cretihrbg dearn, khens. bofli ckye45 and Wall units toi diwnron cuMc~iie~gwd wq r reý,detj piropeth arnd aî-rl, t, ju-;ioi W. manuocluro cjç owNf camnuês &Laurentide i KITC HENS 8. BATH FARMERS' MARKET BJR.Çn&OTT OMAN BoucLoir HOME Lýý"