SRegional chair top eamner with $205,514 in salary, benefits DY Davl Lu~ made public ai the Regional Administration MEIROLANO WEST MEDIA GROUP and Finance Comrnitte.e cefnly, wbere are- port outkning counclis annuel remunerution H laltn Reglona Chair Guy Carr tmik home and expmnses was received. $ 205-514 in salary and bi nuIh~t iat Raminnal Tmeasuwr markt <r-- m caid ft while most regional councîllors ïamed b.- tween $52,248 and $53,401. The payof he chairand councllors was typical thet the chair of a council or board recelves the top pey. »Thefe wes nothing speclal in that. That's the iTns THAT TIM AGAIN!a GIANT USED BOOK SALE! Mt du Mon Ma. Ontado et S. ooh hfreUn ulaie*~ CDs, Mve auo M". on &~ et d .duam MWd P m.e HOPE MOSE YU THEIR For a go iCM^ ici la a boefits remuneration of safery. Increeses are besed on a pre-defmed CPI <Consumer Price Index). There are no additional increasesf' said Scino- ccl. Milton Mayor Gord Kramlz lied the kowest sel- ary and benefits on regional councit for 2013 - $«,.720. Scinacca explained Krantz~s rernuneratlon ls lowef because Kiantz. a senio, no longe con- tributes to the Ontario Municipal Employses Retirement Systern (OMERS) pension plan, the Canadien Pension Plan (CPP) of Canada tif. pension plan. When ht came to expenses. counclflou hWd varying amounts. Haiton Hilii Councilio Clar SomervilIe lied the hlgheut conmiune ex- penses lest year et $11,589. It wes attrlbuted to has duties as Halton% rep- resetative to the Federation. of Canadien Munkcipalities (FCM) wtieve he serves as thérd vice president. Fiels also a memlber of the FCM1s board of di- rectors Rural Forum end Ontario Caucus. Burlington Mayor, Rlck Goldring lied the kow- est conference expenses et $2.019. Carr recorded the highest total of lotheu'ex- penses et $7,234. Mbe chair has a vehicle arnd he dahm hs muleage, said Scinocca. 1bats aid part of be- ing chair, thie drig duat ho does from corn- munity to comrnunity and stuft l1ke the." OdMbe Ward 5 Councillo Jeff KnoN lied the lowmflisted expenses et $104. lEpes and remuneration for regional co<mdttotalled $13 fdmlin for 2013. Reglonal coundulors, who also serve on mu- I*%id councis collect siuies and benefits from the local council, tc. TcMin meoefs siot re.ue The Town lias receivwd dlose to Si milon fr th. Ontarlo Lo<tery and Gangn Corpo- ration (OLG) for hostrn the dmots AlMohau& Raeee The revenu is for the third W~mu of Oc- tober to Decembet ci lms Yeau and 1, 11 No $981.. Owerd& dm WOLGsaM m&oded the Toum wlth mmr thm1 $113 Won *ne du Siots M Maoaw gpene 'a 1glw.