Learn how to inspect your new home before possession Before you can move n to a newly built home, there is a cnutical first step that ail Ontario buyers mnust take: the Pre- Delivery Inspection (PDI). Much more than just a quick tour, the PDI represents the first opportuniîy for buyers to vew their home in its coin- pleted sâte and to0 rhoroughly assem is condition. Ali builders in Ontario are required by law to, conduct a PDI with theïr customers prior to the date of possession. This inspection is part of your new homte war- ranty, provded by your builder and backed by Tarion Warranty Corporation. The PDI is your first oppontunity to view your home ti us entirety. Ieam about how to maintamn a and take stock of any- thing that may be damaged. incomplete, missmng, or not working properly You nmay bc excited to show it off to your fniends and family, butflow 15 not the time. The PDI is an ùmportant part of taking possession and deserves your full attention, say advisers in this field. Il you are not able to attend yourself, you cari ask someone you trust to bc there on your behaif. Dunng the PDI. you should carefully examine your home both inside and out. Look for things like chips in bathtubs and sinks, scratches on counter tops, damage to floors, wals, cabineury (and oîFuer fin- ishings) and look for doors and window-, that are not secure or do not open and close easily Outsmde, check things like the quality of brickwork and sîding, whether win- dow screens have been installed, and inspect the appearance of the dniveway and landscaping. Your builderý representat.ve wiil record it ail on a PDI form Review the formn care- fully to make sure it1s complete.. Once done, you wiIl gel a copy, which wilI become the official record of the condi- tion of your home belore you moved in. Il aî a later tune, there is a disagree- ment herween you and the builder (about damage before, or after possession) Tanon, which regulates new home builders and guarantees your warrant y, may use your PDI forrn for reference. Sometimes, due to weather or other factors, you miay not be able to inspect a certain item. If you are unable îo assess somehing during the Pt», simply make note of it on the form. The PDI is also an exceilen opportu- nity [o ask questions and Ieamn about how your home funictions. Your builder wîll show you how to operate pour homeéb systemns, like heating, etectrical, air condi- tioning, and plumbing, and provide you with operating manuals. Your new home warrnty doesn't begin or end atthe PDI - itadbegins when you segr a putvhase of sale agrememn with your builder, and stays wnth the horm for seven ycar. For more information about the PDI, and to access a detailed checkis, visit tanion.com. www newscanadaom FINE HOMES & ESTATES GoodaleM illerTear CENTURY 21 MILLER REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKERAGE CUSTOM BUILT LUXURY H-OME Or Blue Sp ngs Gcé (ourw e1000 sq tti f iuxur4 Irvng wrttr'Sycar garage<y berrooms., ah wrth ensurte & balcorrv acess, separale quet suite uistomf walfIl miltwork thrwoutî. 2 laundry nooms. 4 ieaçson suntqom, main M mast e re uiliy frnshed Iowir evei wrtfr heaied %mi, <diout, ýstom wine celas waik in trrdqe & freezer, den, gams & entellrrineni rooms. (>umite Md.l & mo<e $5,495,0 LUXUR'Y LIVING MEETS FINE R FSTORATION (iorgeous c 18SO s home rebuit sione by stone in ILJ8 «no tiy esterday s (hdarm wrtPail of today's cofvefrQfln(ps ver 4700 sq fi o? rlvrnq space 11,~ rrxia rocrm%, custom kichen wth high alýepphalirxes èlgeothermnai heating'Lcoorrng system. lardwood floors two fireplaces Master bedroom witt, ensulte pus piale terrace overlo>oking 97 s(enî( acres JuS? noriti of itie 401 neai (arçtbe4Ivile $2,299,000 Experlece. Integrity. Resuits. 905.338.2121I 95 ACRE ESTATE Breathitakinq 95 âere privaie estate eeautwfulty retorpd 1940% stone main house replete with hand hewn beams & latge Iotted pinCîpal rooms Long. prrate drivwsay wnds ttrrough an arch of trees & andsaped rolI.nqg gouuids Pool, tenn c ourt & horse jumping piV track Second hOuse for groundskieeerwdtt 2 bedroourw kitchefi GoodaIemIH«Team.com