oo Opinioneher 0- c 0J muhIo out -winte Snwai-w int buie htoem i the ie-ls ths eonto a harslangado an wmn ter the bunlenincp cfnshthtiuels.o, h e.freez- And ran doe'r formusd a ge precip oiton ee Snowb tatk t hle lotue thece own as a fewte efong ola the d walk in becone af baain act on tas the buîldup o srirshoatmets hen rielreezes.o crin tehe exhwaustared. sret And what wereo exbausst e e rnk No ihesnfot frogh thatr drie guy a the crer wnon mae a bett effot ta leokaitbew i n fro t aie is ue. aY e hof namndie shoulder have ieldeo ah your casion tbls winter, whetber it b. through a grand dis- play af goodwill or just a smrall - but much appreci- ated - act ai kindness. Sc beres a thanks ta those who bave gone the extra mile in this sametimes excruciating weattîer ta, ensure those around them are a bit saler, and a bit mare cam- fortabie. First, everybody's favourite: the snowblower owner who takes hîs machine just a few bouses further alang the sidewalk sa the end of the driveways are cared of the heovy dreck lefi behind by the plow. There's the considerate driver who stops ta see if they can help disiodge a fellow motorist who bas stid off ta the side of the road. And what about the persan who clears a path around the fire bydrant or removes the buildup of siush and snaw from the starm drain ait the side af the street? Then ai course there were stonies of people opening up their bornes ta, ottiers during the ice stormn power outages - a generous act indeed. Belleve it or nat sprlng truly is just around the corner. We will make it. We just bave ta, bang in there a littie bit langer - and be a Ilitte bit patient, wltb Mother Nature and each other. HIeritage fMatters Tis 1850 Gcorglan-style '40fle hou'e. originally bacatcd ai 7129 Tr-entaine R&. was built for the Coales tamily who emigtated f rom England in 1816, In 1888, the property. was %old to the Cartwright family who lived there until 1955 The structure was demal- ished in 2008, however a rc'plica hcrntage home bas been constructed and is now ont of 10 grand pnizes in the 2014 Pnncess Margaret C-ancer Centre Home Lottery - SsJmitird by Hetitage Milton and Milton Histiai a Society~ Whatfs Kgoing to take to stop the madness4.% on our -roads? What's going on out there on aur roads? It seems ev- ery time 1 turn around theres another traffic fataity - or a very close cal - being reported somnewhere in southern Ontar- io. li seems like KOMS Mkc.ll when we drive Mlanagirog Editor on aur highways nowadays Wre increas- lngly puttlng our lives in jeopardy. And we can~t blame it aIl on the poor drlvirg conditions we have expedenced mare olten than usual this *iw. There are nunwous factors the con play a raie in accidents that kl. AmoMi thmn mr aq- gressive driving -- especially speeding - as weII as faiting ta weair a seatbelt, dis- tracted or inattentive dnivâng. mechankul fidure and driving while impaired by ai- cohol. drugs or sleep deprivation. - Knowing that mast traffic deaths could b. prevented., 1 wander bow we con maite each and every motorist understand that unsafe driving con end their life or that of someone else suddeny. in an instant. We can't b. in such a hurry or becorine sa complacent that we violate sale driving practoces by travelling at excessive speed and following too closety - which les- sons the tome we have ta, reoct ta situa- tions - and makmng unsafe Imne changes. And w. cant drive wte talking an aur ceil phones of texting, w$Iich has becorne a huge prablem. Therels simply too mtach at risk. KSme MkMi con be mieched ait kmkel*ffW- moncanodkonchompoén. cam or on Twinw 0 ChampoEdmr or. CIMplon 555 lndustfi Drive, ~itr, Ont L9T SEl 905-78-2341 Adertourig Fax: »5-8175-2364 Clas~1ed 905875-3300 Circulation: 905-7&-5947 wwwmiffonwrancampon.com Vi? - Gnxip Pubftser sa Ouffl RegWnW GermWUvge Dwector o(Advertesng Eoetor in Che OmbI, 0'HI , m0fl mnagîr Edftcî Kaý Mui Produn Monjýr Ckision Dimctoe omoe Mana M Qu Sm hu k P aww MY lhIimu111 M a 6hloo o dcobm - meO omat. " PW M A-1- accu"*wo r me port, ff -ne he-~nt .of OCCUçr.i tW O e' nmaug léem~ taeer wAfl aà 'U aoufor â«Rastwe. 00 at De CA*rw Mr, kg 0*e m M . et mhe adwwe,?U1*e wo e ow kW nt the. aqorAta ra& Fm@ E A CIIkIcmw? D4 wh à pcWmadbspiim lu lsOM Whm.h