HoA-tListins ta M fiNi Hot Ul~n yu>i au %« * HomeFinder.ca Loak*irlhe WUOI oditian cd fiai E*Mo N www.kusldlmaNosLooff/pslautsdftiuu or tii u~irUoe bore coewact Wano *IIwUu*uo 9Q~47S-2341, i212 ~ ...oem j r ~' v -~ i t: ~ ~iz:c.~. :i ui ~ j M t ~~~~ ~- 0 i0r if .cil & 4f 'psH.s -an 1 L MMW 2 ué. C"i. MIS W" -wà 6 -. -ou~ b impéa Imu -. &éw h M& S& Véry "W & upmde* Uv/bkm KS.w lE-. 2@d. hi, w/AI. dontSi 3#xleO1G0sq. h. boduil . -&SSuqsm. CENURYSCOOLHOSE 2STRE ~ ItIh'L¶;[Is]:eILa1e SOO Now you on paint outside in cool temperatures Afit tht &-p freeze of wiinter. you may find the extenor of yoxir home a hale wors for the ,àeather The wcar and tear of subzew tempera- tures and lashmngs of snow and ice can leave rain gutters broken. sidings warped . or paint curackcd and faded With spnngjust on the honzon, now is thetiure to constder somne reluvenauon Comnvrntional wisdom, arnd the odd bad expentence. tell us chat exienor painting should bc reserved for only the mosi idrai conditims file moderate ternperaturcs no lower than 100C and cailm watîher ln Canida. ihis cari limit our painting srason to mere months The giood newsl IS chat the latest innovations in paint makîng techniogy mean there are for- mulas on the market niow designed to work ini temperawures as low as 2C- and leaders in thîs field like Canadian cornpan. Para Paints. has relcased a lime of lew-temperature products chat lengthcn and improve our ouidoor painting opLionSý Whiile ho.meowriers .htouid still refrain [rom planning outdoor puinting u.hen rain or strong winds are forrçascd. thts breakthrough tin paint technology allows for an early sprîng head Surt -Our Ultra Exienor Liw-Temperature for- mula is well suued to extenor cricrs. doors. Frne and sadmng wuih great durability and washability,' says Gariy Belal, the senior brand manager ai Para Paints Icital for shouider sea- son projects. he points out chat the paint boasts superior moisture, mldew and fade reMymwne wich Ls key in ensunng a long lastung and pro- leuwinal looking finish -These Iow-temnpcrature parnts wcre Ionmutated specmfically to protect your home (rom the realities of the harsh Canadian winters.- he adds. cedar stain accents? Belfal says that this simple Once you've got the nght tools. how about but sophisticated palette wîll create an înviuing the look? Why not mry a trendy combinaîton of auimosphert perfect for enteruaining guests out- nch charcoal shades like Nouveau Arn mixed doors throughout the warrn months ahcad with a taupe coloured trim and translucent wwwnewkanada.com