to playon Singesongwiitr to perfonmat arts MeteFb 20 CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF When Uic Milton Centre for the AMt opened, It wus a dveamn cane tuc for many, btx for Orrdie Landon kt meant even more. The snrwj-sorogwrlter wtio gat ber start in Milton and went an ta receive national and internatinal acclaim was thriild ta find out a world-ciass, performing centre exlsts dogt beside lier former higli sctxxol - Bishop Reding. She kniew kt was a place sheld fike ta perform. Naw 21L the singer wîll take ta that stage next Thursday (Feb. 20), et 8 pm.., akansid Canadien singer Ambre McLean, who was a fineiist in CBC's Searchuêgit: The Hunt for Can- ades Best New Artist 1 never imagined that there would Blshop Redng Secondary School graduate Darreile London wid bring ber Indie piano-pop sound to the stage at the Milton Centre for the Arts February 20. I«wléftuIi,.du ChG.w, be a world-class performlùng arts centre, wlth a nîne-foot Steinway grand piano next to my aid higli schaol*London sad I hope to se ail my friends and teachers at thus spec showf London sald shews realty looking forward ta performing locally and is thriliied lier morn and clac - who stili cmli Milton homne - and sister will be among the many fa- miliar faces in the crowd. Currently working on lier third ai- bum, Londlon smys her work ls best described as eclectlc. indie piano- pop. She writes al lier own sangs, uslng lier own expeniences ta bring Ide and passion ta each ane. For instance, the sang Seh¶ish, wmich appeared on ber first album, Edible Word Parade, is about musi- clans dating each other and how it doesn't always work out. The songs shes currently writing for lier newest album, Tan gerine and Blue, which lias a tentative re- lease date of spring 2015, feature a very raw look at ber experlences. tLove, being on thie rodc and miss- ing sameone, a few sangs about my experience in the .ndustry and the ups and downs of business relationships - they're ail part of it, she said. «I think it wiil be a very raw look at what ifs; actually litre to be an emierging artist in this indus- try: Newty-married last fait ta Rkh- ard So, London said she finds she writes best when it's something- ithats gotng on in her lite. Since shes stili in an early blissfully- marrl.d stage, she sald it's only natu- rai that this record would beaa fair bit about love.0 London said her fanbase ls 'dual- cored' - comprised of young girls, high sctiool and college-aged girls and the other is what ilie calls *the CBC crowd'or middle-aged womnen. 'I'm trylng to play more at perform- ing arts centres... .l'm used to playing at a lot of grungy venues, she s.aid. .1ts a nice change playing at arts centres and it works for my whole fan-base. «Entire families become fans and supprters.7 London started her music career tak- B ing piano lessons when she was five years aid, but for lier, it wasn't some- thing she fe11 immediately in love with - quite the opposite. »I neyer really llked et she laughed.1- was foi-ced to practise and it was flot fun formre. When she was 13, lier dad showed lier how to play chords and that's when something clicked. thords are klnd of the building blocks for witing a sang and kt was a diflierent way of oklng at it for me, she said. «I realized 1 could write songs and ail of the sudiden this in- strume*nt that 1 hadn't been connect- ed with becamne sornething 1 couid relate to* About the same time, she started taklng singing tessons. She wanted ta get a part in Annie, whlch was holding auditions in nearty George- town. She wasn't successfu. but at 13, she reaiized music couid become a career. She began using sang writirlg as an outiet to embrace ail the emo-ý NOW 'N AGAIN Wv. arie, NOT Uour vvteryjdry àe(ond hnnd ztorie.