e M t St PauI's hostung meplic of i3th cen-m Lalin By imite Slack IANADIAOdIt STAF Rom eft aren Mswnhl aidDentwadie Chirres L rinth at St. Peul% United Church. Tax Notice Rasayr a e on flSfte M o(&'n a molndd liai St kil Intalie t Na2014 Inwnm Tax bi will be due on Frido>, Febffmu> 3614 . il you mreqr IfOrmation about Ycur ta",15s111 pln otactNi Corporae Services, Tax Dyvwsion at 906-864-4142, Monday ta Frlay fron 8:30 tai. Io 4:30 p.m. Tex paYmnts muaI bu receined in t" Castuers Office on or butors the due date ta avoud Penalty. A lais paymnent charge ai 1.25% nill be charged the finui day oi defuli and on the flret dey of esoh oeindcr monil, in wttoh thes delauN continue*. It e the reeponibidety ai th. ratepaeWr Io ensére lia Nie Ume am pald b>' Nie due dlais i li l. evri n the avent that lie bill *s fot recived as rnaled. ibra e> o e -ad as MEloný (Chaques are payable te Town of Miton) " By mnail Tex Diviion, 150 Mary SI Milton. ON L9T 625 - Post-datad choques am -spb " 8>Y phOnsinsmnOt thmough mosi bankîng institutions (pise contact your financWu inutitution for, dot). " Gstwss 6:30 arn. end 4:30 p.mr. ai Corporel. Service. Calier Office, Town HaN, 150 Mary St. Peymrnt by cheque, cash or direct debt s8 eveiabis. We ret lita emi oenl cennot be usai #mr payaien 0# propar?> tax. " AI any bank or financial institution in Ontario, " By doposit niO the Abdr Nours Drop Box ai Town Hall. Thar are two aftr-hourn dirp borna, wliIh con ke founi outise ts* sein dooru facln Méiry Stmai and Kig 1mai. *Pieus contact the Tex Division for details megaidlng the Prs-Authoniz.d Tex Payaient Piogram. Ail applications are due by MevY 1. 2014 for the st half ai the 2014 tait year MiluoniauwIII have a chance ta mxpe- rence the peace, sert>' nd insigl that welking a lab>iinth ceai bdin, thea*s ta St Paus United Oturdi. Ceam Frise, mhtisue et tht 123 Main St. churcli, errged ta hav a repice of tie Chwuree Labydnt brauglit ta Ithecdhraeweekitsheoeuniu The aoriia ChsrMs -a*X Con- structed in the 13di Ctr>' is W- cated in die cahdre lin ftu Froidi Iand -§W i ach e a s WeIIdng a labyrWh as a ipl~a jb.yondthe aff m - 111 j aid taos cif ne rellgous hW sauid Fraer. 'I retent>' auttedi a liabWMo dP - niidu O rms of a nuenba ofbehu. »M t grawwk lng 11ma in s< l-' alite, yoga and the lita, mae mde ta bding it ta MiIton Labyrnnlis cari bu a petit or passage. 1*.ea mane teu's dlfficuit ta ftnd your wwyto machtheuext ley ca b ft wleh marked speces on dut groun4, or huy cmn bu bord.red by ahedge, or buOding material. Peopl. can walk it by go. ina tmhdi entrance and traveling along peths until tb.>' mach the cente - iNitie ta the piper mazes yaungster used ta do wwth their pendi on papier. Then d"e retum out falowing the seat path as in. lIn this case, in a Slitel carive bdi rnfl that wiII b. set up inside St. Pauls large auditorium. Batery-llt canies wIII b. set. up ta give vis#tor a peacdul expernc. lte ihytha of wallcîng a labyrinth reaIly fois aid calais you dow«, saWd Fraser Sorne of the fats whova dont the issearcli on thewse w tetes a lot of anazln gom.tric tftngs gln anf lIn Frussrs case hels elways b«Ao *eawn ta hibyd, nd seeés thon Out bath localy nid on is tras. Oesclblg hiudm -t anal>t h. sud labyAtts dams. Ns slànd of deyta->c actvius "i lit fiS k hafii to tu ms Oie mdwod aiducMqm.àablayriruli. >fIOW l- mivnq and dursi how I h M nd hie mm:e lie W&d '*kig the IbpMlth gui me ouSdny haat mes" i p s~fiyfddu & -4Cz Iléof M ar bibi dha we are usei Ma tEW491 real>' encourage people ta chect ue i e SUd& adctg thone in tie heaf and welrwnss indusry, yoga or natura h.alffg wodid would lb. lbvflnt wl be amei"t tode>' (Thuy frai» 8 arn. ta 1230 pin. and 430 ta 9 pin, tornaoTow (hidi>' 8 a.,». ta, 12:30 pin.. 51tusd.> 1&30 arn. ta 12:30 pin.. Sunda>' 8 arn. ta 1 pin, Tues4y 8 &mn. ta 12:0 p". and 4:30 ta 9 pin. and WVednesday 8 axn.tu 12-30 p. Ju q*cat b. r oe*d a>ac*@ nSrheionaim o on