HhDR Fais eqmedto stay dosed «wsometimedue to etensive damnae Msee the t he trahi networit ln tsenttrety fstanding and patience of our vlsltor and are oral weeks &-d ame Iookligq forwmrd to a more tubig. wtu stiNl om e igne to repm WOrkinghbad taoen tepark. Oitpriorhey treo ul, and pe*iaps a bit longe winter *Mountsberg: cross country skfing. hiklng!, Traits that ère doôsed are being clearly ideînti- fight now is to ensure a sale environment for with soie farnastic outdoor programmlng DIscovery Centre, Play bom, Raptor Cetret fued and vwshors ère usled to stay off of ehem our visitors and stft and as fnjstrating as it is tu méie up for kmu time" and WhldUbf Walkway for their safey and te. safety of our stuar~ h. to keep the gates closed, safety and te quai- Wtwe rècre.t1on enthusiasts can now enjoy *Rattlesnake Point: cros contry s&iing (traits addred. ity ofl te. overcil experlence, s not something thef*owg: arent groomed> and hliking. Hiton FUIs sustaIned extensive damnage dur- Conservtion Hateo can compromise on, - Crawford LM*. cross contry skling (traits Conservation halton hus soven primary con-i ing the ko storrm with flot only trees and saUd Craêg Machan, manager for Hilton Falls. aren4t groained). hiking and sreadmn:-.th-ervadon areas with more 9me 85 km of roc- branches brought down, but power lines as »We do offer cross country skiing me Crawford imquoimn VIile VisStar Contre boardwal. meotion trals and encompassing more than7N weil. The downed power lUnes have impacted Lae. anc Rattlesnace Pont and we invite peo- and a signfcant partion of traits '2200 hectares of propeirty. For more Infor- the clemnup work that can be done by Conser- pie to corne and enjoy those traits." - Gien Edem. sling, snowboardIng and snow maelort go to wwwconserctInhaftonca. VUaU.N1 riuntui mou uIt Sirtt is 1111V1 1V INwN romailn closed for sorne trne as outside con- tractors wtf need to assise wlth the woriL Kton Falls isvery popuar for cros country skirs an wthsuegrît kirqcondhw this season, t is very disappointing to not be aeto offer people an opportuinty to beout on the tra4s We reaily apprecJate te. under-1 MI.MMW LJUVÇWIn lj .ffiluI1i lj U3»UUI Basit: "As we have don. so throughout this perlod, we wili keep everyone informed in a timel mariner through aur website and so- cil media, andi 1 encourage everyone ta seay connected wah us on Faceboak and Twhtter for te tatest information on park events. We have a lot af everits coming up in the next sev- Man cha@d in business- break-i A man bas nee c@r-di cceon wfth a bredlin et MoNstone Transportation on Steeles Avenue this pase summier. Tb. birea-i occurred i August. Several trameslse wtth hawsehald appliances and vadmu Jood products were mntere4 but notig was stolen. A Haltori Rqhonal Police investigation over the riexe seiverai months led to a suspect be- ing atrested on Sundmy. Narinderpal Dayal, 27, of Mississauga is chaged whith break and enter. As wv e - mcmiem anavwwuy la à0ba *e owfon, .ampmsu« mm staff et 3""sal Pluce Sezâor CO.MaltY wà à@ *" lbenuemt Mat.. a" Hab er @à et cfe 11mW od suppuL V&. hm à. ma uehrctlo f prIme a vdbie at M rolue mmOu Ce@m bok ymur Leu tsdmy wm e vIsa Me m t" in &à aIb.ai Birkdale Pl SENIORS COMMMI C'ekbaje «ift zwâ Hospital Expansion Focus Group Participants Neededl Halton Heaithcare -Have you used the Emergency Departmsent or had Surgery at Milton District Hospital? We need your input! HaMo Healthcare Services is looking for Milton community members to take part in upcoming focus group sessions. Participants wiII be asked to draw frofn their hospital experience to help in the design developmrent of future expansion space at the Hospital. Emergenc Dop iet - baosday, Jmnuary 21, 2014 Surgca Srvce -W eseday, January222014 Registration and Refresmrents: 6:3Opm Presentalions, and Focus Group Semions: 7:00 - 9:OOpm Milton District Hospital - Classom - 7030 [)erry Road Free parking for participants Space is iîmited. Please RSW by caling 905-878-2383, ext 6788 or by email to prOhaltonheatcae. Of. Ca