59«tille larfWha//ees Representatives Sign a wiII when buying your home Find a place to cali home. For most people, buying a home is a sigrnficant milestone and the biggest purchase of their hifetime. While Canadians protect their residences with home and titie insurance, many are not addressrng who will inherit what may be their largest asset. A survey of more than 2,000 Canadians revealed that a majority of aduits (56 per cent) do flot have a signed will. The survey was released by LAWPRO's TitIePLUS insurance pro- gram. A will is a legal, written document that sets out the persons wishes about how his or lier estate should be taken care of and distnibuted after death. "The absence of a clear, signed will can become a divisive and contentious issue at a trme when families are already experiencrng grief, and can resuit in a range of complications, from belongings flot going to the person they were intend- ed for, to court batties that cost thou- sands of dollars," said Ray Leclair, vice- president of public affairs at LAWPRO. According to the survey resuits, only 13 per cent of Canadians sign a will when they purchased a home or condo. This is an ideal time to, do it, says Leclair, who, is also, an experienced real estate lawyer. "Homebuyers already have a lawyer working on the purchase and should be thinking of having wills and powers of attorney drawn up." Working with a lawyer to create a will can cost as littie as internet access for a year and will reduce the risk of relevant issues flot being addressed or of a breacli of a technical requirement for a valid \dll. Having a will flot only ensures assets and interests are protected now and in the future, it can also bring peace of mind and provide greater assurance for loved ones. A useful resource for homebuyers looking for information on the buying process and what real estate lawyers can do to protect their interests is the TitIePLUS Real Simple Real Estate Guide at www.titleplus.ca. www.newscanada. con