VLIE O"SUR ON] IN I ITIIt > 'e hI C) N- N à., E 0 z) Compost Gîveaway Monda», May 5 to Saturda» May 10, 2014 al Road 2S, articipation -o ents, -o approximately 34,000 tonnes of yard waste was composted Iast year and turned into rich, garden- friendly compost. Halton residents are invited to pick up some of this compost as a "thank you" for diverting this usable material away from the landfill, thereby extending its life! " Ail Halton households are welcome to collect a maximum of seven bags (or equivalent) of compost. " Please bring your own containers (garbage bags, yard waste bags, reusable containers, trailer, etc.) and shovel. "Residents are responsible for shoveling and bagging their own compost. "Non-perishable food items or cash donations will be gratefully accepted on behaîf of Halton area Food Banks. Helpful Hint: When applying compost to your gardens, ensure you blend it with topsoil or another gardening fill. Recommended application for best growing results is a 60/40 split (60 per cent topsoil and 40 per cent compost). V #HaitonCompost @HaltonRecycles Every year, Halton Region and our local hospitals, celebrate Haltons physicians and recognize their contributions during the annual Halton Physician Appreciation Week (April 28 to May 2). Thanks to our doctors, Halton is a'healthy and safe community, and a great place to live. For more than a decade, Halton's Physician Recruitment program has marketed Halton to current and prospective physicians to help ensure every resdient has access to a family doctor. For a list of family doctors accepting patients across Halton, visit Halton.cainewphyslclans. Gary Caff Regional Chair April 29 9:30 a.m. Health & Social Services Cmte. - cancelied April 30 9:30 a.m. Planning & Public Works Cmte. - cancelled April 30 1:30 p.m. Admin & Finance Cmte. - canceled Meetinos can be viewed at Haltan.talm..tinnL A& Halton stress. The aluminum blade helps to cut through weed mots and lift out weeds with minimal effort. * Garden V*orks Ergonomic 7 Pattern Sprayer: lnstead of squeezing a hand grip to activate the hose nozzle, this sprayer features a sliding thumb valve that con- trois water flow while reducing hand strain. The seven différent water flow pattemrs allow gardeners to choose from misting to streaming water flows. * Bond LH029 Ergonomic Handle Gar- 8 a.m. to 4:3C Halton Waste Managemen 5400 RegIon Milton Thanks to the F of Halton residi Hanti injuries are a common side effect of certain occupations and hobbies. Ten- nis elbow or wrist and even carpal tunnel syndrome are wll-recognized injuries. But ergonomic tools can help alleviate injuries due to repettive motions. The termn ergonomios, s derived from the Greek words "ergon," which means work, andi "nomoi," which meàns natural laws. In the simplest terms, ergonomics is the study of how work is done and how to maie work better. It has led to an entire subset of ergonomicsiricluding produots that can make work better and are safer for the body. This is done by design- ing items that increase utility of the item, are more comfort- able to use, and reduoe injury through frequent use. Ergonomnic products are most readily associateti with items of the workplaoe, incluci- ing ergonomic keyboards, com- puter mice, office chairs, and Iighting. But many industries have reevaluated operations to include tools that are ergo- nomic in design. Gardening is one area where ergonomics has become especially popu- lar. The National Institute for Oc- cupational Safety and Health estimates that the rate of hand injuries in the workplace is 25 hand injuries for every 10,000 fulitime employees. However, hand, back and inju- ries of other areas of the body are also commonplace due to hobbies like gardening. Many people have considered giving up gardening due to the pain that ensues from using the Choosi wrong tools. Here are some er- and strai gonomic tools to consider for use while gardening. * Extend a Hand Ergonomic Gardening Tool Set: These garden tools help indMvduals continue gardening tasks with ease and joint protection. The tools at- tach to the forearm and feature a right-an- gled grip to promote strength and leverage. Interchangeable heads tum the tool into a hoe, trowl, cultivator, or pruning saw. * Radius Garden 102 Weeder Hand Tool: This device alleviates wrist and hand fatigue from gripping and pulling out weeds the traditional way. The weed- er features a patented hand grip that provides more leverage with less wrist den Spade: The handle and length of the tool is designed to create maximum com- fort and leverage when digging in soul. * Miracle Gro(R) Ergonomic Garden Feeder: This feeder has an ergonomic handle for an easy, stress-free grip. The trigger lock allows for one-handed control and three spray patterns. Gardening doesn't have-to be painful when you use tools that are specially de- signed to fit the hand. They help alleviate strain to the wrist and elbow while maxý mizing leverage. (MCC) Ergonomic tools. make gardening easier ing the right n. garden tools can alleviate pain