044 <"J ~communit E a differenoe _ A een nxtfor kids CàjJ 1M A vetnx week in Milton will îw fil tackle a subject thats topical to o i many: anti-bullying. À~ 1 An anti-bullying group in Milton and E ENDS A yâ2 eJ Lions Quest Canada will hold awork- Hf??;!Meshop to help people who work with E_ youth Iearn ways to make a differ- ýý5 lu e nce in their lives. éïIt will take place Monday from 7 to r reates _bý' e10 p.m. at Milton Lions Hall, Memo- El rial Arena, llThompson Rd. S. iO.6Loo~2MPGlwr~E Lions Quest is a program that pro- - ie tachers and parents the tools to deal with bullying and other anti- Antiý,ýII Il Oilsocial behaviours. E Organizers encourage aduits and ~'youth who care about their children, B NG> their future and the well-being of the UC SýYE *' 1. 4 community to attend. Attendees will learn how simple, ev- m wje5, 1 eryday actions can have an impact 1 ,0 0 ( 1ý 1 ,2 and they'll Iearn to shift from focus- ýï 2 M j -5 ing on young people's problems to J promoting their strengths. They will 8 also be encouraged to commit to - - making a différence. î Register by calling Kay Nelles at (l- 800) 265-2680, ext. 102, or email e Z l kay@lionsquest.ca. 1~ -î Ou avwlsd Un ntdoFrlgtAr ix adS 7(f , ' ibad.Addir îïmlurdo îî'k 4-, t à TÉ FW1JRISHOP conmcnoN = NBWAPEI RETACTO FOI THE! FUTURE SMO ON OSTOTHR F150TRUKSAPfhL 18CORPMRTIFLYERnhh.AdlI1flye, î pope 5, the. Southi Park: The Stidc of Truth ürmitot Edtion VicieooGaun(WbID: 10216019/ 20/21) wil hin Wmta quantiliesm il nd elgrlîle f«oi aichcks. BUILD YOUR DREAM TRUCK WITN $19000 IN ACCESSORIES.(sruxw) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ONLY AT YOUR ONTARIO FORD STORE. Go Further E bQostUTMSO cnmo inm Iontarioford.ca I POýEraih~d subscrption~ NIWAPRURIR(TFOITIMSIIAMMIL là COIFORATE FLYE latis Apil 18%wuon pqe 12,th _____________________ D6raphks(Woblfr 102I3826) mw. dbedw wuan incorrect V1I~~!Ila1UI [e [4dàTi PmesswhquPhas.hilhet hisn-i.ne ho n El VIW O RO LN D TO ww .n ie at nc m pint dto praceow MOT an AIO, as Pteviciisy e"