GoIgu Miltonians Amanda Pizarro left) and Kim Langan near the finish Une during the recent I 2th annual Shoppers Drug Mart Weekend ta End Women's Cancers in Toronto. They col- Iectively raised more than $5,500 for Princess margaret Hoôspital and completed the two-day, 60-kmn wallk throughout the streets of Toronto. It was the first year each of the women participated in the walk. Langan took part ta hanaur her fiather, who died of Iung cancer, her mam, whaý a lung cancer survivor and twa friends wha are both breast cancer survivors. Fortunately flot touched by cancer, Pizarro walked in honour and memory for ail who have survived cancer and dled from It. New provoa provides e.erg.nc mortgage lochîs to hom eowners On November 1, 2013, Ex- Licensed Mortgage Agent problem with the progi pert Mortgage launched the Lisa Pulcini, Expert Mort- When questianed on I '85-Alive» programn ln Ontar- gage's '85-Alive' representa- she plans on making 1 la. The concept was simple: tive for Milton, says, »We're ments an her martg as long as yau had a pulse, seeing mostly homeawners when she has no incc Expert Mortgage wouid pro- behind on martgage and Anita respands, «We V vide you with a home equity property taxes. The banks four months behind on boan, up ta 85 per cent of the are refusing ta restructure martgage and they sa value of your property. Na their boans. Many of these oui' house. My husband job required. Bad credit, OK. people have last jobs due ta been unemplaycd far i The reason why Expert the bad economy... or they're months. He wan't be Martgage could offer a «no self-employed. Unless you employed forever. We L. questions asked' Iending are a perfect applicant, the the 85-Alive boan ta pa) pragram, while the major bank docsn't want ta talk ail aur debt. We also banks could not, is that thec ta yau» $25,000 left over that we represent over 200 private But flot everyone con- in the bank for emergeni lenders who lend strictly on dones Expert Martgage's And ta make lfe easy, 1 property value. These sub- easy lending criteria. A la- worked it.out SO wc havi prime lenders speclalize ln cal reai estate agent with 25 martgage payments foi martgage clients who have years of experience, who has monthsý had some bad luck, and asked ta remain anonymous, For more details on need a helplng hand untIl says, When this market turfi '8-Allve'pragram, con they get back on their feet. down, Its5 going ta get uglyl Uisa, AccessMyEquity.c The pragram has been lt's utter financiai suicide for 1-800-762-5191. so successful that Expert Expert Martgage ta be giv- Mortgage can bareiy keep Ing money away sa easlly ta o_ up with the volume of clients without the ability ta o calis. Ta help fund this un- make payments. I~d be sur- - expectedly large number prised If they're stîli ln busi- of borrawers, It has part- ness five years fram nawf nered up with dtozons more Nonetheicss, homeown- priva"einjs crs like Anita P. dan't sec a 61"CABBAGE 3 for $12