Expedenc atumi~ FaUtheMýd actMteS the Niagara Escarpn ptannedtaste of gourmet s planSdat IoCail sine, faim tours and. conrvaton areas tion packages, the P showcases 26 Haltor Halton Reglon is celebrating fàll and offers something wlth two events in October Harvest Halton and the Pumpkin Trail. IBoth events provide residents and visitors wlth an opportunlty to con- nect directly with the agricultural <community and Ieamn more about Sthe importance of supporting local food growers, local businesses, res- -taurants and farmers. rzOn Sunday, October 5, Halton Re- q gion will host thé second annual SHarvest Haltori culinary event at Se Country Horitage Park in Milton Sfrom 1 to 5 p.m. SHarvost Halton is the Region's sig- nature fait event and a stop on the ~Puropcl Trait pairIng local chefs and farmers toqetter to create sea- sonal dishes for sampling., While enjoylng live music, family ac- tivities and wagon rides, guests will have an apportunity to meet direct- ly with local farmers and top chefs ta learn more about the importance of buying local ly. Vendors from local agri-tourismn and tourisim businesses wll also have display tables at an artisanal market, wlth items available for pur- chase (cash only). 2O Guests will also have an opportunity to take in 30 unique historical build- ings and 20,000 artifacts at Country Heritage Park, and enjoy the view of the striking Niagara Escarpment The event wlll run ramn or shine as tents have been arranged. w Tickets for Harvest Halton canb purchased anlIne at*Haiton.ca/ar-cnm vest or at the gate by credit card or cash. Tickets for Harvest Halton are: on- line adivance, $22, online advance a h fo couple, $40, at the gate $25, un- v au o der 18, free. Food sampling tickets There's one car many g sold separately, $1; each food/drink during Saturday's Milto sample costs between one to fiv Milton'ls Ryan Fitzpatric tickets. -trMcai ae Meanwhî le, the second annuat io ehnchv i Pumpkin Trail runs until October 31, funds for Cancer Asslst and offers residents and visitars an CASH Is a non-profi or opportunîty to oxperience pump- tiènts with services the kmn and harvest-themed faîl events ments or hospital beds using a self-guicled map to visit Io- Fitzpatrick said CASHh .çir jly merplers îo*hç cleçi Harvest Haltn ient to the easonal cul- iccommodWa- umpkin Trail businesses for ail ages ta enjoy. Coptes of the map are available by diahtng 311 and at local tourismn offices and participating establish- monts. For more Information, visit www.Halton.ca/pumrpkintrail. LHAR-OODS - Pottery - Fertilizers * Fum4ture -Fauntalns - Pond Supplies L! u- sGarden Décor MES um NOLuiU~S LTD >n~ca Watsdown Gardon Contre 38 undas St. E, Waterdown, ON Tel.: 905.689.4631 Someting for ail at fail fair Osay Is an »unforgettable experi- enco!' She said the most popular event is the demolition derby that runs Fr1- day and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sun- day at 1 p.m. There will also be a truck and tractor pull, horse shows, barrot raclng and the Classlc Car Show on Sunday from il a.m. to 4 p.m. TREES FOR PRIVACY " Pyramidal English OJak * Cedar " Omamnental Pear * Coiumnar Mapie " Columnar Crabapple - Pyramidai Spruce " Pyramidal Hombeam - And Many More! Hours: Monday - Fniday 7am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 5pm Closed Sundays pink ribbon car at fairs demno derby ieople wIIl lkety b. cheering on Together with his mechanics, they paintedl the Cadillac, n Fali Fair derooion derby.ý which they've named the cancer crusher, breast-cancer :k and frllow meçhanics at Mas- pink and cut a large ribbon out of the trunk. Ail people ked'out a 1987 CadiIIac to raise who have dorqated funds to the cause have signed the ed Services Halton (CASH). car. ganiation that helps cancer pa- They will be collecting donations for CASH during the ~need such as drives to appoint- demolition derby, which begins at 7 p.m. Ail money donated wiIl benefit CASH. Sa far, they've as helped some of his own fam- raised $1 ,200. deqtçtlylo.helR thepjnnMe AIl cpr-associated.expeqses Wredpriated by the me- On Sunday, the Rexaîl Baby Show *will take place at il a.m. in the. Ex- hibition Theatre, where babies will ham it up much ta the delight of parents. Several popular entertaIneêrs; will take to the stage as weil. Canadian country music recordlng artist Rab Kirkhamn and Neon Ramn are known as one of the mast personable live acts in Canada. Theyll be on stage on Friday evening with three shows at 5, 6:45 and 8. The pet show on Saturday morning will also pravide a chance for fami- lles ta get involved, Speck said. Hands on Exotics wlll bring encaun- ters with parrots, birds, snakes, rep- tiles, kangaroos. The exhibit runs ail weekend in the south. end of Hall 2, with shows every day on the Market Stage. Kids can get their face painted or get a free balloon creature with Lindla Googh, who's known as the Applause Generator. She'll be in the Kidz Zone, Exhibition Theatre on Saturday and Sunday. Milton has its share of local talent performing too: Finnegan School -of Irish Dance, Miltori Youth Theatre Productions, Fosters Funk Band, Jessica Lockwood, a 1 4-year-ald Milton musician who sirigs, plays guitar and writes her awn music, Nancy Be Duo, who performýs clas- sic rock standards from the '60s ta the present Brass Angels Fitness Studio, Gavin McLeod, 1 4-year-ald Miltan singer and guitarist, and Hawthorne, a local band faunded by faur yaung musicians, to ane a few. 0f course, na faîl fair wauld be com- plete without the livestock demon- strations and campetitions. Rabertsan Amusements operates the midway and it's a really goad mîdway, added Speck. If it'some tasty treats yould like ta' sample, there wan't be any short- age of tempting foods at this years fair, with a full selectian af vendors for every craving. Speck said she hapes the weather ca-aperates. «We always have ramn at the Miltan fair, but we ga with the flaw,"she laughed. Concessions will apen at 3 p.m. ta- marrow. Admissian casts $10 far iadults and $5 for children aged 5 ta 12. Children aged under 5 years get in free. Parking casts $5. For more information, Visit www. mittanfair.comn pr caîl (905) 878- Mr "I F,,&LL Môlas %Pm riffli-11