cPuzzl E o E E z Q z E o z o 1- -I i E o o c o I »kldmftn.com 'c TREVEL UiME Wie 3111CM W K A V B L A C K 0 U T Y L E F M B Y Y Il AJOUMJ lu P A V C H E C K 1 M P 1 I I E R I C P L RPORt' NUETIM E E AR F A RE 0 A S R RE A MY ANI AIIyM MÎME EIT PIY VY C RU SE 6 &A Y. M M ILEM T & H I S L D H E R T S N E P A O N 8 E ,~~AS O~ N N & L U K A F E C T E N U L I S Y 6 L ULTIUOM Nu" DIO P 1àMA HT S Y NS A0 E L EFM MIEU LATMFCVGNMLFANNI F7 FIRTCSSaCA LPYIGYRCOMTRACTOANv Lf T 1 Y 6d 1 Lod Fijf Àehely 0orzeal & Riofil Riogh. îh g uozts VISA_ _ Se3e puz1 souin on pgeT A&LÔ.ECMÀ Tis weekiâ crossword - - - - - - - Fun By The i9 Numbes 3 - Uke puzzles? - - - - - Then you'II love 5 7 sudoku. This - - - - - - mlnd-bendlng 71 puzzle wlll have - - - - - - you hooked f rom 9'3 4 8. 1 the moment you - - -square off, s 6 sharpen your -8 - -- pencil and put - 6 - 2your sudoku 3174 5 Hore<s How at Work: Sudocu puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grld, broken down into ine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numnbers 1 through 9 must Mil each row, column andi box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figre out the order i which thie numbers will appear by uslnig the numneric clues alreaciy provlded ln the boxes. The more numnbers you namne, the easler Rt gets to solve the puzzil CLUES ACROSS 1. Paper mulberry 5. Fringe-toed lizard ge- nus 8. Peel a corn cob 12. A love affair 14. Tandoor bread 15. Elliptical shape 16. A small village 18. Refers to a person 19. Hybrid equine 20. __Scholar 21. Consume 22. Away from wind 23. Br. tube phrase 26. With three uneven sides 30. First king of Egypt 31. Award recipient 32. Coach Parsegian 33. Uncle Sam artist James 34. Flathead mullet genus 39. Wedding declaration 42. Complete musical pause 44. More of sound mind 46. Relieved 47. Am. poet Henry W. 49. Fine cut tobacco 50. Honorable title (Turk- ish) 51. Nun garments 56. A block of soap 57. Driver compartment 58. Saudi peninsula 59. Consumer 60. East northeast 61. Hostile foe 62. Fathers 63. Pain unit 64. Former wives 29. Felled tree trunk 35. Suits & Psych network 36. Steadying rope 37. Anger 38. A male child 40. Marred the surface of 41. Marjoram 42. UC Berkeley 43. Hawaiian greeting 44. Saturated 45. Historic Anjou capital 47. -Apso: tibetan dog 48. Attach a brand tag 49. Run before a gale 52. Nemesis 53. Wild goat 54. A dlock tells it 55. States 62 63 CLU ES DOWN 1. Himalayan goat 2. Far East housemaid 3. Indigenous of California 4. _ lang syne, good old days 5. Unmarried 6. Gandhi epithet 7. Not the same as him 8. Show of respect 9. Soft palate flaps 10. Dried orchid tubers 1 1. mFish Magic0 painter Paul 13. Coming out of again 17. Banteng 24. Born of 25. Cloisonne 26. 3 to 30 gigahertz (abbr.) 27. Gap in a ridge 28. Tennis player lvanovic Got Your Licence and Stay Safe YD teacties drivers how to be prepar.d and safo in any on-tho-road situation. YOUNG Leam emergency maneuvers, rear crash avoidanoe and much more.DR VS You deserve the best Milon drlvlng schooli 1 4 day Express course: August 11D IV R For details and ta enrol anine visit iWvi.yd.conimilton or oeil: 905.878.2420 W CAONWNSEPR OIVE 1809020