~zD ~zz ~zz ~zIj ~izzD CD 4 CuJ ti E I Q Cf **retrolandmedia e0 .Connected ta yaur communltye -The Forever Young Information Newsmagazine, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., is currently seeking an * Accaunt Representativo Forever Young, Canada's leading 50+ consumer publication is seeking an experienced DiseIay Advertlsing Sales Representative to service and grown an existing account list anddevelop new business relationships. KEYACCÇMLUILME " Developlng sales programs that meet client's business needs while maintaining good customer relations. " Prospect new business througti researching advertisers in competlitor's pubhications and reviewing new busînesses in the area. " Create proposais, written and verbal for potential advertisers using statistical information to illustrate how the sales program will meet their business needs. " Assist clients ln ad design and coordinate with Production on content and appearance of ads. * Develop and recommend special features and advertising promotions *Seil in-paper advertising, flyer distribution, specialty pro jects, the FYI Website and exhibif space f or the Farever Young lifestyle show and Canadian Maturity and Travel Show. * Proof clients' ads when necessary to ensure completeness and accuracy. * Negotiate rates with clients, subject to Department restrictions, and ta ensure colletion of accountis. * Ensure that monthly budgets and targets as assigned are met. * When applicable, co-ordinate special coverage by Editorial where appropriate. *Address customer concernis in a timely, prafessional and appropriate manner. *As part af the Account Representative rote, =ou i be required ta handie credit card information. Metroland Media is a PCI copiant company and requires people in this rote to take PCI training ta handie cards in a safe and compliant. manner. WHAT WE'RE LOOKINC FOR * Strong written and verbal communication skills *Solid time-management and arganizational skills * Interpersonal skilis * Solid relationship building skills *Ability to worc within in a deadline driven environment * Customer Focus * Knowiedge af ail Microsoft applications *Access to a reliable velile Mlase eul resumes te yourcarsor@motroland.com no later than Auguat titi, 2014 We appreciale the interest of a/i applicants however on/y those se/ected for an interview wlI be contactai. No phone ca//s or agencies please. 00 1. *metrolandmedia 10 Connected ta, your comnmunlty" The Metroland West Distribution Centre, a division af Metroland Media Group Ltd., is currently seeking an Insert Account Executive As a key member af the Halton Distribution Sales Team, you will source new, and support existing, insert clients for our cammunity newspapers. This position will work ouf of aur Distribution Centre in Burlington, ON. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES " Provide aur valued customers with creative and effective advertising solutions and play a key rote in the overail success of aur arganizatian. " Client servicing af corparate accounts * Respansible for angoing sales with bath new and existing clients *Service and maintain corparate accountis and prospect for new local accounts * Create prop6sais for prospective advertisers through compelling business cases *Assist clients in flyer ad designs and co-ordinate with Production department * Attain and/or surpass sales targets * Concurrently manage both sales.and administrative pracedures. *As part of the Account Executive role, y ou will be required ta handie credit card information. Metroland Media is a PC i compiant company and requires people in * this rote f0 take PCI training ta handie cards in a safe and campliant manner. WHT WEIRE LOOKINC FOR * Previaus sales experience * Superiar customer service skills *Ability ta develop effective relafianships within the team and with clients * Solid organizatianal and time management skills * Solid relatianship building skills * Strong verbal and wrltten communication skills *Ability ta work in a fast-paced, deadline driven environment àA proven hlsfory of achieving and surpassing sales targets, an unprecedented drive for resuits " Knowledge of Microsof applications " Access ta a reliable vehicle Plse email resumes te yourcareer@melroland.cem nlo liter tbm. Auguaf 1sf, 21014 We apprec/ale the inferest of a/il app/icants however on/y those seîected for an interview wl be con tacted. No phone cal/s or agencies please. Drzze Orm AZ DRIVER Requird Immediatiely Houity pay, compettive wages. Benetits avaîlable. Overtîme avalable. App/y within with recent drivers abstract 1 416-820-7758 or 416-771-9236 lwodmn LEVEL Il echnician DENTAL body shop lookîng fI A T an exp'd (5 years) ASSIT N h. FE, benefits, ta CEREC experîerice pret. immed. Email ta: Burlington Practice. traup7@gmail.com 3 -4 days per week. Email resue ta: y 1 dsntlofflce392@ gimail.comn Auto for Ted start carsl i Dmzz P/T DENTAL ASSISTANT for growîng Burlington Office. HARP cert., DENTRIX, evenings and Saturdays. Fax rosume: 905-315-7723 Manufacturlng t Distribution F'acility Located ln Milton G &k DZ DELIVERY DRIVERS (JOB No: 14-052) " Day runs within extended GTA " Must have flexible shift availabitity " Loading and unloading detiveries ta customners " Must be abte ta work on any day inctuding Saturday " Clean drivers abstract a must " Produce or food delivery expert ence an asset " Physically fit / 50[b lifting requirement WE PROVIDE " Team-based Work Environment " Campetitive Wages 8t Benefits " Commitment ta Safety If you meet the above criteria kindty appty by emnail and Quote Job No. ta: Fsferecruitment@freshstartfoods.com Or fax resurne ta: 905-878-5397 The Burllngton Post, an award-wlnnlng community newspaper, has an opening or a hard-working, Permanent Par-lime Reporter ta worc three days a week. The soccussfil conidafe wlll have: " A joumnallsmn degree or diploma " Strong written and verbal communication skills with at les heyear's experience in news wrlting " Able ta work wifhin a fast-paced, deadllne-driven environment " A team player in the newsroom * Passion ta cover stories that matter * Must be prof iclent in Microsoft Word, Adobe lnDesign, Adobe Photoshop, and Final Cut * A strong knowledge of social media *Access toi a reliablfe vehicle * Flexibllty ta work evenings and weekends Inferested candidates are roqus te Ioorward their resume via emaîl hy Frlday July 25th, 2014 wlhb semples et thaîr wrMtng te: Don Ford Meagn Edflor, Tie Durllngfon eost, dford@burllngtonpssf.coe Cffaidfan ( Il \ \1 1- ' The Miltan Canadian Champion, an award-winning community newspaper, has an opening for a hard-working Reporter ta fuIl a f 2-month temporary part-Uime position, working three days a week. The ideal candidate is expected tai develap and produce dlean and fresh, interesting story ideas with a facus on Town Council. The succeasgul candidate will bave: " A jaumalism degree ar diplama " Strung written and verbal communication shilis with at lattreyear's experience in news writing " Able ta work within a fast-paced, deadline-driven enviranment " A team player in the newsraom " Passion ta caver stories that matter " Must be proficient in Microsoft Ward, Adobe lnDesign, Adobe Photoshap, and Final Cut " A strong knawledge of social media " Access ta a reliable vehicle " Evening work will be required Experience in covering the police and f ire beats and knowledge of the Milton/Halton area are assets. Interested candidates are -requesfed te lorward their resume via emaîl hy Frlday July 25, 2014 wlto simples ef their wrlting to: Karen Miceli, Managlng Edîtor, The Canadien Champion, kmiceli@mlltencanadianchamplen.com Gemi E*ý G-,D CANADIAN TIRE MILTON asirendy hos on opening for o FULL-TIME BACK PARTS PERSON The successful candidate wilt have a minimum of three years parts experience. Costar expenience preferred. Please send resume ta: Jennfer-140@hotmail.com JOB FAIR Saturdîy July 26, 2014, 9am to 4pm lngram Micro is currently recruiting for Centract General Labeur and Order Seloctor/ Cherry Picker/ Raymond Reach Operaters on a 3-6 month cantract basis with a possibility of permanent employrnent in the future. If you have safety shoes, can tift up ta 50 lbs., have the experience in a warehouse environment and are flexible on the hours and shifts (afternoon and midnight shifts available with an horly premnium); corne join our team. On JuIy 26th enly, we wilI be accepting applications, in person at: lngram Micro (Distribution Center) 88 Foster Crescent Mississauga, Ontario (Hurantario/ Britannia) If you are unable ta attend the job fair in persan, please apply anine via aur website or via fax to 905-755-1354. (Please do not send duplicate resumes)._ We are an incredibly busy Service Department that is in the process of adding another 11 bays. Due ta this growth we are biring for al service and parts postions. be ffer ar flae ras enr p lysrcu ea bns cotcti ls@ulingtest okpiei ornsh ndaic Genemil Labourers FT S12.00Ar to start. Benefits. Apply at: 930 Sheldon Court, Burlington Ph: 905-634-7751 LANDSCAPERS Required for coristruc- tion and Iawn maintenance crew. Exp. preterred, lic. req'd No Weekends. Year- round employment. Email roger@ rogerslandscaping.org Cai 905-827-8158 i% ItWork.ca se YOUR BBST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS CAZ A Flatbed loads wfth Forklift/ Boom. Milion Fax: 905-693-1803 Email: mîke thomson@flve.com Concren wr Construction company now hiring for concrete worViçnterlocking stone work. Wages starting at $l6Asr based in Milton & Georgetown email: crisciconstruction @gmail.com or cal AI 905-691-0300 F/T Delivery Driver/ Person Req'd for manutacturing business. Must pos- sess a clean drîvîng ab- stract & positive work ethîc. Please send r.- sume & abstact to:dbpersonnel20l3 @gmait.com F/T Manager/ Moyer/ Driver For busy Oakville movîng company. Experience preferred. Emnail resume ta: philip@ itstherightrmove.ca