CD cmJ IZJ e YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS II ADVRISN 5 The Cambridge Times has an excellent opportunity for an individual ta start their career Z i diita, pintandon-line advertising sales. e Thecanddateviteseekwill demonstrate exceptional abilities in... «J Pospetingand closing customers with advertising sales opportunities including newspapers, digital, on-line and Wagiag - 'Cold-calling new or non-serviced businesses in Waterloo and related areas E .1Creative thinking style and an ability to problem-solve o0 Self-starter with loads of initiative who needs minimal direction S tHigh energy and a positive attitude .2 tExcellent verbal and written skills S tLiterate in computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel tDriven for success w/t Excellent organizational skilis This is a career position. The earning potentiai is far better than average once you esals oref " Base Salary " Car Aliowance * Commissions - indcling opportunity ta sell business for the Cambridge Tlimes, Kitchener Post, Waterloo Chronicle, Guelph Tribune and ail other Metroland Media Group markets " Established weekly publications. reaching over 180,000 homes in Waterloo Region and Wellington County " Bonus Opportunities " Benefits package and group RSP Post Secondary Education an asset but not a pre-requisite. A current Ontario driver's license and access to a dependlable vehicle are required. This entry level position is perfect for individluals with a background in door to door, automotive or other types of sales positions. lnterested candidates are asked to forward their resumes by IuIy 31, 2014. Reference: Advertising Representative Ted Anderson, Reglonal Advertlslng Manager 475 Thompson Drive Cambridge, ON NIIT 2K7 Email files preferred. Please label files with last name for reference. Our apologies but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. usdwd -CANÜ M 'IUM 475 Thompson Dr., Units 1-4 Cambridge, ON NiT2K Ar Yo a .eetGAD.. A 10 pear aid Mississuga salas agency representing data/electricai products f0 business in Ontano is looking for a sales trainte If you're hard working, enjoy people and have an aptitude, or experience with technology produots -we'd like to train you. Submit your resume to: or Fax: 905-813-0075 CAR LOVER Required by. Legendaîy Motorcar Fuil-lime for Marketing and Sales Position. Must be enthusiastic, self-starling, hardworing, go-getter ard have wiide knowledge of ciassic and late modal cars. Work close ta home. Love what you do. Email:vIoklIebgenrymotorom subject "Car Loiver ~D nD MILTON NISSAN Hors we grow agaînl Has immeeiate openîngs for Technician& r4th Yaor Apprmntice Apply by fox or emali to: 905-875-3216 WAfSTAFF Experienced, 3 weekdays: 1-9pm, or ' weekends: Bam-3pm.ý_ Trafaigar/ 401 ares. Cod Jmnor Nokt 90-875-1388 service irection CAREOIVE NEEDED in Milton ares (Derry Thnompoi tor eidrIy perso.rlerably Por- tuguose sitina 35 hours/ week , $1/ hour. COUl Anna 647-273-6055. ALPINE OECE DECES, DICES Sueasnal Spoclalul business. Freso Esdtiates Photos, reforonces. 9 "-88-320' POST HOLES. Atten- tion Contractors and home owners, $10 hoies, 9-12" cliameter other bits availabie for taor projects. 416 505-2700 MIM' MOM. Fe rae. Fully Insured. Reputabie. Eprecd Manthiy psis. Sneni Dismonts. Cali 9e2-21621. www mymw"overoem. AUOLUTELY ANAZIN Daintefs ~ aIb rai rc- 11i6* y" . MW *e o tiz_, n MASIER ELICURICIAN frne iý! 1d1ý, Hot Toitý Paml 1 No oh 1,jo Impp't WM Eiectc LSZZ isi SummeJ wa 25 yards cloe, reisile. Fres esti- Ai Types / Colours. mates! Second-To-NOnRO Ropairs, re-strotchina, Painti 905-265-7738 clennina. 1-866-25-7359 Dons or Paul TMW 11111111-840-41111 S " lonbe urdrsold. EUT!E TREE service sp- cialuzing in reovls Iaquailty worktil 1-1111V THE MADY Hton/esiregions.Fair M. Floors, IdIctions, Pricos. Fullyr lnsurod. battroom.s painting, Cail Vinc.e for fIree go- sesvotrougi cleaninc. matte. 905-330-4448 No lolb too smll, we d t ai Ploas oeil Lue It647e87-9070 or 647-407:5407. SAM,$S HAINDYMIAJ. CRIMINAI. RECORD? Best prIces for ail your Canadien Record Sus- home improvement Pension (Criminel par- noeds. From rooting, tii- don) seais record. ing, plumbing, olectricai Amoican waivor slows etc. Cali Sam: 1ea entrf Why risk em- 647-919-6352 $29.99/tr p ntme, business, trvo, licensing, doper- tatIon, poace of mind? Free consultation: 1-800-347-2540 CRIMINAL RECORD? Don't lot your past limit your career plans! Sinco 1989 , confidential, fast aftordable - A+ BBB rat- ina. Empioymont and' travel freodom. 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RLOCI- Mi Concroe, Lsndscap- ing, Drivowsay, Walkways, Patio, Flouer- bods, Low Prices. Fr.e Design/ Estinmatos Satis- faction Guarantood. Ovor 20 Voars Exporionce. (647)81W-3435 ROSS' RENDS Handy- man Service- Quailty uorkmanshp, atfordsby prlcod, painting, drywaIi kitches, basoments, filmag, ail "spirs Froc Estimates. Please oeil 2e9828-0743. M.iI,11n Il 0 '1I ForThursday Pape deadline ta plae au is TUESDAY AIT5PM %MesCail 9m582444 fax: 90-86-2364 buusloess irectorv DECK. WAHN eAN 905me6C1tt688 Dead -vw sarkl-ahoiiiWoodflingRemoval. Prun- 4. Hedge Trimming. ADM GRAGEFuly lnsured ADM GRAGESenior Discounts DOOR SYSTENS 289-337-4266 New Residea Garage Doors and Electnic Openers Installations, Maint. & Repairs Quality ServiceM I Alistair Mackcenzie garage ales MILTON GARAGE SALE! Saturday JuIy' 5 820 Gazley Circle Toys, Boks, Nondtfix Bench, Golf Eupt*m Kitchen Gadgets & S0 MUCH MOREIII Miltion Mufti FamiIy Garage Sale Set. JuIy 5th 8 a.m.- 2 p.m. Morue Plac Lots of baby items home, fur- nishings, books, children's clothes, toys, ttoies, dvds & much, much more! Everything in groat condition MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday July 5 8am-Noon 58 MacDonald Crescent Lots of misc. items WHAT cleans out your closets, basement or garage? A GARAGE SALE Ad in The Milton Champion Thursday edition reaches 27,000 homes in Milton and your cost is as low as *$21 .25 + HST. (*terrns & conditions apply) For info. and to place your ad in the Thursday edition, just cali the Classified Dept. ait 905-632-4440, Mon.-Fri., 9:00 arn. to 5:00 p.m. DEADLINE for Thursday edition is Tuesday at 5 p.m. If your Garage Sale is rained out you won't get soaked if you buy our Rain Protection for an additonal $5.! Notify our office and we'il re-run the same ad, with a date change, et no charge within the next 2 week period. Note: Vour ad aiso appears on-uine at MILTON' ILO MuIti-FamIIy YR STREET SL Sat July 5 Jl Gleesn Wlo appliances, toys, la esecto nik nairs and more o tm! SALE! Saturday 8am 8am-Noon Furnltir, orait (North of Woodward) C, 1 El s s i f i e tris Get Results .905-875-3300»