ToPlc An Ad Cal 90-3244 eiâ Eral *asf 'E Moi z AD uSxUu550NB m r i praa uintnPt,00ManaUnt1.BrngoON71GS or onirie at daulfledhatonearch.oe SMasterCard, Arnlerican -xrs.Bsns cnnsmyb pndwt napoe sdit application availawe rm your ae slat joa« YOUR AD THE FIrS DAY rr ApmmAI ta amure ift acrt. The Canaidian Champion wWil noyt be responisable for any errors appearlng after the flrst For =aafpublication. If an erroir appears ln your adct yact your Sales Consulant saithin 24 hours of publication - Thuusday puLicaio erroas must be reported beiolifor 00 p.m.r on the fairsin Fridayd Lo.AFé odà o HAVE A GREAT VIEW u AFFORDAILE 0F A GREAT UI E I W W -LOST KEY- z Feelit wpls f IËIà&ý _ NWE APLM wmom Omm . ng ca ley1st Has amati silver is Z Foc iabl wpicsr- M. e#W b".e -Dune Town w foWBanIdOnwN twom d M Chain adpe fahdKey is a chlpped key - silve avallbte poper 11111A11111. 18114. 3unda onS, 2 rn l w sro & black wlth 4 buttons. Lost on Saturday October « dies in your spei- 29 i Jfn loess. fo bedooe,2 2 bed 11, 2014 in t amoon. Lost ln downtown z ic prlce range and Mi#NU1iei, battis close toi adt rooma,. 1.5 bathrooms. Mfon in te area between city hall il Rotary ar0ww S41Ru&855o-4759Bad 10 itiVl Park. Could possIbly b. noir the MlIIpond. Help *îtnzuu 9 415-î5-i75 conito for ront availabl in fînding the key sa greaty, appreciated. Ol fe " - amenities such as For- 416-66&7478 Ëi Fie recordod message L..... J tionos, parka, restau- FE 14 WNWOMrante 'etc. Sal Pet - ID# 1040 04 hElS§MM brandi lm~ Prmlffed. Gretlyu E Jas Bahia, Brokêr 10111 M OIWth Walkot b>ase- Uuaitz countps iiiii o eM Dimn A LDO ment +fammiy roore in main floor hardwood, Milton. Saiu.Co 29crgarage, 1.5 c~~ ~ Mat.Tra o f ait anilies. $1950 broomls, and groun<t £ IOMESELLERS A limot +uilifies. Cai Sophie at floor oflc media o. ÎBFind out whaf homes 39 h4fp SfBng- Reflux. 9052250 Si1550/ monte plus ssoCAT- Orng * dowii flic stret sold tn2bedroom, suie, 416-509-4989. uliîlfes. P1B155 cati feao mdu o lx-, .9 for! Free computer- Clean, quiet, well main. 9069-31.tired tabbya n Jme S ized list wlpics of faineit buiding, locatid1101111 iiNU 4hdJeU Emma. no from *area home sales and in boautI downItn HOMe Fer LMa, hoI~ Frobisher Sf. near Cabiotil cuiront listings. Budl igton, stop to $SWMoul. eiuttor- Trait, in Dorset Park VMww.MtlfooHoMu Spencer SmithPar 3 RoFlurs, GrumNe sic September 29 She Prdtg.oom Free applances, 1.5 battis, COaler Topo118 at1111 HlMET UPT, Mi'insltntapoc peopieü Central air, utilties me PeIs an utilies, cablee. ntr- unless peochaps, she is recrde mesag inludd, emsani ~Cal net, laundry inclue 1 ver hungr orOR.o recorparing $950ag coloded She and aocio h 861l"8440111 room. îCallty for Aca a g.emo l ia tPeegEoe lD#r 104 Mas Biaho viewling 905-632-5339. BRND NEW oxecutive No pet. No smoking. fary School on Dixon OUS0M* Bni ea mrod 3 bedroomi detached 905-875-4978 Driv. If you ses lier, 11111144 _____ ____ home. Close fo it p611as4 catilwp U TYIMamrenities, includin M~ij ' 47887-2140. RWR AP Gro Tran & Hosp'a. fl oi information of assis- UiITINI AU fia fumi- i MDRONBAEMNTBurlington. Spaclous i lmeae ocuac.~tneading to Emmas fuie, antiques, watches, apaERtmon in EMNTo o and 2 bedroom. Se115nior mokng No esuFJN.Br- rejoining lier family. painfings, silver dollars, silpersen. Sun m a-onfo des. ooee akns rs %vantedl. Sfarf saving i-~ ~ lstrg silvr snl esn usa-HYdro and AIC included. 416-574-645 hunidreds of dollars fo- CP.uh iosstOI J5in ture. Femnale, non-limai- Cati Dianne 905-332-8979 dey! We can easily ap- ~J S&ik fUlM.0< or, no pets 2ndosk yourie7 byphn. s 0Flnetigt preferred. $800 ail inclu- P1V oru 3rd morfim. btIUE .>% mbif r aive. Available immedi- THE WWIrslA 1rdo r otat IE Fivsigi i. 7byRa ately. $800. lm Morey avlal fig re"ips f hat nover 905-525-5271 Rates starf at sem to go anyaherea? BURLINTl R nni Prime. Equiy counts. We Miet Rie lntroduc- mht.r S U R LINnTO don t rely on credit. age fcis h 5 p e inter- HeltgeUtdni, or income. Cail anlyfime stedaid lin parfnrsr SQUARE 16'ES coiing & 70-1-58O for ide. OnZan's fradi- 10 PIN bowlin~ al 1460 ~ llïgm- hnt Aeu, * £ I windos OXOO 361-1153. Apply online fional niatclmakor. $20, 905-332-3911 Bright, spacious Bachelor, boomyns, lnk and 519-658-4204, 416-m7 and 2 Bedroam Suites. -«32 www.misfyiiver 2 APUHAJIS, one green locafod in beautiful Pillwnas w Rhle Wing, intros.cor il one brown & gold, Downtown Bunllngfon. 1KWENB <Justoml kichsc, $12. 905-864-7115 Laundry facdiu on oe- aI abnm aietrinyvVR&T ry Itoor. Heated garage *~~îgg arcitctra "ilt taillabCle T parking. 24 hour, on-ms i e i- atures with MR~ I SAO a gam, inctuding Pirates mangemnL inues. ~ t,~grounds koope in Burlington. EUUGPEAN C oAIN f tee Canibbean, fTria ta the B ili'ont.Matil$60mnh * lady a"table for houms & Chie, $50, close prxmà 0G hdcPoSii,~NcsbhsyS offices. 10 Yiac 905-637-9270 Transit. 1.877.774.6603 WhjixoOI. FimO Rom Ito rent char.I experience. References._________ www.reistarca *SU" eaSteeAplbices Q àAesthefician space Call Ursula, ALLANSN IGNITIO .Gê*tuiowtitçsalso available. 905-510-9313. transformer. Cet #2681. * * **Hous availabie for Ptooul Calt EUROPMA 905-332-4902 1 Oll~~~soit terni frnai. 904479 CIEANIN LADY ANOIE RGN ai ..2 i M s 28M820 3 Sufalefo S$ rates il ,953237 centre. Utillifes inctuod Wlnston Churchill. 5 aisons). Wall estab- 289-427-530 ray, lim. Caree saif Pleess ati l br appliances, Rln . trr lm geen act leu40 1 k j 1 i ~~ lshed, top*quaty eal M M $è 25 M U Mem u 0 ment girat Che= el IL _U aeyu oa 0-i2198 towemo.m 190-2-07 For dtlails ppod.i RIE okr excelle________ Reasoble. à IVRAocer TAA~L~II ~ 1-86-414-0039 le *mls RetMeMs. Bur- nalu broan lad Steelea: 2 bedroomn gCjeiaall. 0-2723 BIJRiNgTOW OERS GEORGIAN hous, saiti double rf ý Cabi Dorotey 958723 HMM AWAY FRou COURT ESTATES re, central air, $1l _4-8_81517. UEAIJfFUL CORAL ln HOME1&I2IDJRM 611 Surrey Lane. Large, lies lncliided, FOUM NEIIUEDmi e color quiited king bed- SUITES FULLY FUR- bi lit, spacious 2 il 3 a"tiable now, Cati Mhort halr@d black cat on1 LIN PROFEUUIONM apiead, $5 NISINED Pise. Cuit bedroo fowhouses, 905-875-4632 Heathifld Cres. On Oct European Cleaning Ser- 905-632-644 916-»M hardwood flora, fuil l4th. Pleas cati Oalcville vice. Retlable andepet esqnrp . 08Ieoo bassment, private patio. & Millon Humans So- encod. Cati Lucy *LAZE ORMNE hooded Utilifies lncluded. Park- ciety (905>845-1551. »05-220-1141 quile cveralîs, luke MILTON- 1-LARGE roomn lie setlng. oufdr ool- nes, ize 42 reg, $75, in basment, 5001 aplash pad, wadlng pool,___________________ 905-844-9138 monte. At i nclusive. tennis courts 24 hour On-p- Perfect for a single per- site iqflmli SLDCK HEATER for caî son. 647pand elntrance. 905"632-8547 angne 400-à004 watts, CaI4fl 0132. $5958493 1 erlnve o * Fa 90e3286 MILTON OfFICE HOURS: onday to Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. - ÇAURCNTRE HOURS: nday to Friday 9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Clirculation inquiries, please cail hIm, t-s"it, lMe M, 42,-l4l for moWn DRESSE & mirror, 6 drawers, 47' widbý 31- higli. 540. 90-4-9209 BROWN LEATHER stool. round, 16x17' lite n.w, $15, 905-634-5767 CAWULLS KIS cent co Dclo 95 Phione carde, sub set, stick ons and. extras. $100. 905-635-9471 MORIS STYL.E Stopper 5T100. Good Condition. $50. 905-845-5524 CHILD'S CARD table and chairs, red aluminuro wâ aiflm vinyl padding tabe 2-ure, $19, CHRoSTUA LIONT aphere, 110w $55, in- door/oufdoor use bill- liant 200 mini liglifs, 15" diarmsfer, ontyr M.0 905-319-7383M CHRIUA TUEE, 6n foot Horifage pino piu decorations $50, 905-639-0339 CLASSICAL ACUTIC C~iterGood shape. $40. COFFI TABLE. 2 level, $15,2e9244-0755 COLLECTION OF Movie 'Prormo Cards. 40 in ail Star wacs, Supermani, Disney and ofhars. $100. 905-635-9471. COLLECTOR BOTTL.E mao n 1966. em- bossed face Cf Pesi- dent, 1 0f5E 7 905-65-9471 DELUXE HUMIDIFIER, 11.4 litre output per day, with humidistat & auto shuf off $25, 905-864-7150 ORA F gloiy: Fine walt china Collection of ng3hockey players. DUESSER, 0 test, 9 drawers. $5. 905-W4-5442 DRESSER, LONG with 2 mircors, $50, 289-244-0755 DRULL COROLESS,TW0 Ballaes, Baftery charg- er, Plastc carryng case. Canadien 'ire. $40 firni, 905-469-8307 DIC EOS, 10 dock, 2 large goose, 2 veste, $100. 905-681-1037 ELECTRIC GRILL, stand- gtp ihcoveu, $50, FIMi TANK, 25 galons, $25. 905-827-334 Or amali: cl fi i lTODSEVIX YOR SOT eerladmt ELECTRIC HEATER,, 2 750' tru 1500,C 905-844-9138 ENGUSU COLLECTION 3 fiamed Candies on boas 0f Christmaspo- sofbie and cardinal.Eec fric. $25. 905-689-2804 ENTEUAiNuEN CEN- TUE, beige color wfth 3 T V, $75. 905-632-6441 EZADMUT bedraii, lite new,reg $170 sel $100, FII.ING CABINET, 2 drawors, metai, $25, 905-634-3572 FLNo CAINET lateral fwo drawer. $20. 905-845-5442 FUIE TV se, in good condition, oid il liiavy styl, 3' diamneer, 90-469-8412 FUIOG, KENumUE, ai- mond, works, $55, 905-634-0916 FIIRNAC MOTOR, model 4674, 1725 RPM. $20. 905-332-4902 GAME 0F Thrones CDIS, ;g 28, $20. -634-6846 HNUU VEUT. Colum- blan, site medium, orange, excellent condi- tion,$. 289-861-1260 INDUSTRIAL METAL storage 2 door cabinet 72"Tallx2O"x36", inside impeccable, paid, $300 905319-7383 $10 KEYBOARD, WILSON Ross WR-6188, 61 kes ae crond, $0 905-315-0065 LARGE DOG cage, $15, 905-332-3571 LEANt FAT grilling ma- chine in new condition, $25, 905-637-5323 LIGHTS, H1OLDS two 4ff fluorescent tubes, Hardly usod, $30 905-469-8307 LOVESEAT, $50, 289-244-0755 MEN'S GOLF club set, 3 drivrs & 7 irons, $20, 905-827-2630 MENS SKATES Baoer Size 9, excellent condi- tion. $35. 905-633-9330 METAL DETECTOR "D- Tex" batecy operafed. Used a Cou le o f fmes. $1 00. 905-635-9471. MICROWAVE, MAYTAS, wahite, larg for over the range wih0 exliaust fan. $1 00. 905-639-3592 NEW SINLE lied with headboaud & bsdding, $100. 905-637-5323 PMZ SING tule, 14" diameter, instruction boouilat wilh recies,, new in box., 15 905-637-3152 PORCELAIN 0011 on stand, Victorien Collec- tion, Limitoi Edi n , $40.905-637-3386 PUINTER: HP Model 1300 black & white. Needs ai paradi port. box. $99,905-844-1140 OUEEN ED, drosser mirror and night stand, movingzw $90, RATCHET, M driv, 6 soccets, 8 sockefs 1/4" - 3Wi sae. sciesadrivor and adpor, $5 905-639-4578 RGCKING CHAIR and poil, ight wood, $40. ROYAL OOULTON tLardhmon" patten. 6 dinner plates, 6 salad plates, meaf paer. $40. 905-842-9209lat SAFETY DEPOSI box, 6Hxi4WxlI"D, bank quaity, flue proof. exc rond, $25, 905-634-3572 SEARS EXERCISE bike, M~ condition, nesa soul $100, 905-639-7489 SECTOA BEIGE plas- tic dishsaashier proof din- ner fia ys 30 for $30, 905-592-1982 SHELVINS UNffl steel, 6 sheives. 87" x 36" x 12". 820. 905-845-5442 SKATS, BAUEU Su- prême. men's sizo 10, saom 3 fimes, nesa $2301 seil $50, 905-637-3152 SKIS, CROSS country sai. polos, 2 pairs, men's il saomen's, $40, 905-637-3152 SALL SITE Chistmas Tues and Wreaf h and ofbier fancy nrnamenf decorations $3, 905-689-2804 SOFA, $70, 289-244-0755 STUDENT DESK sait h saord map on top, $50 289-244-0755 SWIVEL TV stand b rosaw n /b l ac k , 14 FHx261Lxl"D, $10, 905-689-2532 TAPESTRY HALLRUN- NER. Burundy back- grud l0nesa. $15. TUUNK wrIT trag, 401.x21Wx22"H $2, 905-634-3572 905-87 5947 TV SONY Tninitron 27" with romnoto & manual, $75, 905-632-4583 TYPEWRRTE OLYMPIA electronic computer out- let plus many spare rib- bon. Originaly sorfh $1400, nosa $80. 905-335-1262 VENIIJRER RADIO and CD pilr.pocablo. $35, VERTICAL FILINS cabi- net FIVE drasas, logai sizo. Commercial grade saili bal b.aring draws. $100.905.469.8307 W1IEELCHAIR, GENTLY Used /on Wheeilhir 22.X20" saith hlad rest. $75 obo, 905-659-7325 WHIITE BIRD cage wfth stand and supplies, $50, 905-827-2630 WINE RACK, nesa $160, 5.5'taItx32"x14", 64 plus boaiels, neyer usod oniy $80,905-319-7383 WINTER CAR mats liglit Lro for Acura RDX. $45. 905632-8687 YAMANA YPR- prtal & sta n d 3 o n g , S100, 905-469-8412 CARPETI BEUT CARPETINC Deals! ~ rds Pad/ Instll Î .Ail types! Colours. Repaira, ro-sfretching, cleaing. Cati Dota or Peul et 905-849-4847. Wo saon't be undersold! BICYCLES FOR sale. Ail kinds end sizes, some liko nesa. Wiii store until Christmas timo or spring. 905-878-9263 DEEP FREEZER. 12 cu. IL In agood condition. Must pick U. $155. For more information pioase cai: 905-849-7445 DOWN8IZING SALE, Kitchen Aid fridge, salite, 30'. $200. Ornafo maille vanity saith mirror (light pink saili golt fiock>. IL75. Liglit brosan pet- fornet love seat excel- lenf condition. $100. Royal Douton Confetti- a Rose china six set place sotfings sailh met ching extras, rom- piste sot. $300 cosf 8,1000+. Pinsaheel Crs- ta sovora piocos $150 or b0sf ottor. 905-333-9418