1Are you conuiected to your community? Upcoming free seminar about dangers of aluminum widng A Mississauga-based electrical contractor, According to the Electrical along with Milton's captain of fire prevention, ity, there are many hazards a wilI present a free seminar about the dangers homes that have aluminum wii of aluminum wiring in the home next Thurs- Steve Elihs of the Milton Fire D day at 7 p.m. also speak about fire safety a Birnie CurrentSAFE's presentation at the Mil- plans. tpn Sports Centre wilI seek ta educate home- The sports centre is iocated at owners on how to make their homes safer by Blvd. To register or for more i preventing possible ires. www.ismyhomesafe.ca or cati 1 afety Author- ssoclated with ring. epartment will nd lire escape D5 Santa Maria formation, visit -855 5691818. Get ail the news from Milton, OakviIle, Burlington and surrounding areas quickly and conveniently online and on your scheule. Zr èo 0 0 Wrilnkle Free@bMe.Ca YUP IT'S TIME! ADvIffflTIL New prom provides emergency mortgage bans to homeowners On November 1. 2013, Ex- pert Mortgage lae'ched the »85-Alive' programn in Ontar- ia. The concept was simple: as long as you had a pulse, Expert Mortgage would pro- vide you with a home equity boan, up ta 85 per cent of the value of your praperty. No job required.-Bad credit, OK. The reasan why Expert Mortgage could offer a »no questions asked' lending program, while the major banks could not, is that they represent over 200 private lenders who iend strictly on property value. These sub- prime lenders specialize in mortgage clients wha have ~~e'~~ïi'SÇ 4,-ç,.a t eVab'c<3r'thelrfet The. program has been so *succiessful that Expert Mortgage can barely keep up with the volume of calis. Tohelp fund this un- expectedly large number of borrowers, it has part- nered up with dozens more privaie lenders. Licensed Mortgage Agent Lisa Pulcini, Expert Mort- gage's «85-Alive» representa- tive for Miltan, says, «We're seeing mostly'homeowners behind an mortgage and praperty taxes. The banks are refusîng to restructure their boans. Many of these people have Iost jobs due ta the bad econamy... or they're self-employed. Unless you are a perfect applicant, the bank doesn't want ta talk ta yau." But flot everyone con- dones Expert Mortgage's easy lending criteria. A lo- cal real estate agent with 25 years of experience, wha has asked ta remain anonymous, says.,When this mnarket turnis down, its going ta get ugly! lt's utter financial suicide for Expert Mortgage ta be giv- lng money away s0 easily ta clients without the ability ta make payments. l'd be sur- prised if they're stili in busi- ness five years from now.' Nonetheless, homeown- ers like Anita R. don't see a problem with the program. When questioned an haw she plans on making pay- ments on her mortgage when she has no incarne, Anita responds, 'We were faur manths behind an aur mortgage and they saved aur house. My husband has been unemployed far nine months. 'He wan't be un- empiayed forever. We usecj the 85-Alive boan ta pay off ail aur debt. We also had $ 25,000 left over that we put in the bank for emergencles. And ta make life easy, they worked it out so we have no martgage payments far 12 months! Foi morel"*i4~ 14pI »85-Auv.e»poriCftc Lisa, ÀccessMyÈquity.côm, 1-800-762-5191. 2.4% A,ý,0 IzjtIo'I ý,p I Rates fro 35 years!