Job creaflon, ifmbuMU tf- ~mues for oe0o:t aile , Mt 1 .By Nathan Howes SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION4 For Halton regional chair candi- date John Paulic, job creation, spmnding and Infrastructure are top-of-mind issues in the upcam- ing municipal election. Set-for October 27, the election will pit Paulic against incumbent Gary Carr of Mîlon, fellow Oakville hlm residerit Syed Ali Naqvi and Greg Woodruff of Burlingtan. PaulIc, who's an information technology (IT) specialist, said he believes saving money and managing spending through his work would make him a good regional chair. -I arn working for the taxpayer. They're not working for me. l'm responsible to them. l'm spending their money. lt's the same thing with the corporation l'm working for. l'm spending the corporation's moneyf said Pau- Ik «I have to be careful where 1 spend it. We have to make sure we're getting a gaod value for the dollarM To attract more jobs ta Halton, Paulic said he would çpsider giving larger-sized campa- nies a tax break. «lt's such a compttive, market be- cause everythlig lis globalized. We have to do someêhing creativeý to IeI the businesses locally. Any time you talk about gMAng busi- nesses a tax break, people don't like it, but it's going to keep people employed," said Paulic. Expanding roads and resolving Paill gridlock in the region ta accom- modate a growing population is another important issue for Paulic. He said the cost of fixing both wiIl get more expensive "if we keep waiting.* «We ail want to save moniey, but we also have to, invest. lt's flot going to get any cheaper to make the roads since it's asphaît and asphaît is based on the cost of the oil, said Paulic. The Provincels regional transportation agency Metrolinx plans to address congestion in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area <GTHA) in The Big Move - a 25-year and S50-billion plan to, tackle gridlock and improve transpor- tation access. While Paullc thinks it's a great idea in theory, he said »we will have to find out how itsM * mlai b Wado m u9b mor aodc «d gren f *Mo of Wbe su 1980 1980 #MamtaoflWbu (Mds Kt 1965 lldbfoe 42 yem e Formai membàs of Id of Neo of MfflBmW Es Comml(inusalw 7 yem MM S zto M bl M d nulýp, senirs on k me onicos l keal WooisAs *Confira tu enceIse estlidleu Mf hiser eâtii NUi "Lniversuity scIelite mmspo) atM vàWkei ah tlIS W I se " a M dlaeearsie0get 09 gcdKcai RWi a good aug locd nutkid SESkO caon file CMWroari artia taon or Mid, ahi tor mo New prom provides emergency mortgage loans to homeowners On November 1, 2013, Ex- pert Mortgage launched the 185-Alive program in Ontar- la. The concept was simple: as long as you had a pulse, Expert Mortgage would pro- vie you with a home equlty loan, up toi 85 per cent of the value, of your property. No job required. Wa credit 0K. The reason why Expert Mortgage cauld offer a »no questions asked' lending program, while the major banks could not i5 that they represent aver 200 private lenders who lend strictiy on property'value. These sub- prime lenders speclalize in mortgage clients who have had some bad Iuck, and need a helpinig hand until they ge t back on their feet. The prograrn has been SO successful that Expert Mortgage can barely keep up with the volume of cals. To help fund this un- lexpectedly large number of borrowers, it has part- nered up with dozens more Licensed Mortgage Agent Lisa Pulcini, Expert Mort- gage's '85-Alive« representa- tîve for Mliton, says, 'We're seeing mostly homeowners behind on mortgage and property taxes. The banks are refusing ta restructure their boans. Many of these people have lost jobs due ta the bad economy ... or they're self-employed. Unless you are a perfect applicant, the bank doesn't want ta talk ta yu But not everyone con- ,dones Expert Mortgage's easy lending criteria. A lo- cal real estate agent with 25 years of experience, who has asked ta remain ananymous, says,»When this market turfs down, ites going ta get ugliyl lt's lutter financial suicide for Expert Mortgage ta be glv- ing money away SO easily ta clients without the ability ta make paymtents. I'd be.sur- prised If they're still In busi- ness five years from now! Nonetheless, homeown- ers like Anita P. don't see a prablem with the pragram. When questioned on how she plans on making pay- ments on her mortgage when she has no Income, Anita responds, *We were four months behind an aur mortgage and they saved aur hause. My husband has been unemployed for nine months. He won't be un- employed forever. We used the 85-Alive boan ta pay off aIl aur debt. We also had $ 25,000 left over that we put in the bank for emergencies. And ta make life easy, they warked It out s0 we have no mortgage payments for 12 months! For mare details on the *85-Alive' program; contact Lisa,, 1-800-762-5191. :$193OREBATE plus up to a $100 ffHarmonyr add-on* * with the purchase of a qualifying Lennoxsesystem .................... UP TO $650 IN HEATINO AND COOUNÔ INCENTIVE TERRY IROWLEY- machanical nc, 905-878-1979 905-854-6944 24 Hour Servsce Avaitabile OFFER EXPIRES 11/28/2014. *Rebale aller isvalid onlywilth the purciesse ot quaiîpîng Isanox products. Systeca relsate alers range Item $500 $1,700. See yoiit participatiO5 Lennox dealer lus MaUis. Leneas dealers inclade independenly owned and operatel businesses. 'Visit https I/ fot moe informnation os lise application process and list of qsalifying bealing and cooling snsuipmen. 0 2014 Leno lndustrnes. nc.