In ant auditorium packed ful of parents. stu- dents, ward ceuncillors end education work- ers, the candidates for the next scolbar Wards 1, 6,7,8 public school board truste Of he ivecanidaes or he altn Dstrctcandidates square off at Cralg Kiaburger School Schol,8oad tste poitin fr Wrds1, , IastThursday. From left NtkThMder, Syed Raz. 7 and 8. About 50 people showed upto her Jaldeep Kala and Kim Grame mwalt questions what each candidate had to say about their vi- fromnxKmdeitor Mark Carr. sion f oMttons education programns for the next four years. ted anine anonymously. Thèse questions Th* canidétes at the meeting were Kimi centered around forglng strong connections Gravs, Jaldeep Kala, Syed Raz. and NlkThak- ta the. community special ni.ds priorities, kar. Davinder Buutta had a sclheduling confict schoatraklngs, use of technejçg% drugs and and couldnâ attend. safetl4Julsdictlonal concernis andi trmnsporta- The avent was moderated by TV Cogeco's don actessL MarkChrLH e posed eight questions thawere 1M -w ta look et hkow * Iissues are in- FIEEa Muxlskmo wIAlFinse lUMS sk fmm AClaL wffMibWu an aruw f % s ~~ P ~184 +S,6 mminM OMM N mCAH SA +$~1037 OU MONTWS + w ~O PIIRCHASE J MONTAS F4IAN C N G' + ~,4 IN 5% CASH BJIC< PIUICE ADJUSTMENTS' MPWTA ftli IMKoèrqIMMl p- lamb tp IICKEv