Haydar honoured to et to weari med and white for Spenger Cup1 Crysa Gowavukl of the North' Hlton Redi Dynumite bmntains he-ats on for a scorng opportrnty aguénst tht Ma"ssuga Blick Panthers goa. dunrag the recent Northo Hillon Twisters Mouse Leegue Tourna- omit S Milton Sports Cnte ht Red Dyrinmte ws edgad 2-1. wNle the Niagara FeUs Rupidis won tht heetan diàrm ilon ha 3-0 victoqy cm the Oa&viflle Stingeus. Tht North Halton Oreos b4anked the North Hltn fvl stfr the nwe, cbunmshp the Swhkn0tou Rames nippoti the Grand River Mustangs Armurog 2-1 for toin supramaqy. the Por ColRne Wavt dumnped the OekviNie Crusaders S-0 in the 1paMe fiad Ow i. .g.tt/fmrmua dMsaÀn w» won by the Qalivilie Dtggers wotb a 1 -Ô squteker oe t Guelh CO-(.>ptuton. à* IICGool ,bmj* fh n hw*n'.ha.sn.. e3the oldest international hockey show- case in the world. deting back bo 1923 - the squed us madie up o! standouts (rom the Europeen rancs and a kew other ptey- trs toaneti out from Americen Hockey Leegue clubs, -Vve elways wantad ta rep- reent my cou ntry and play in an avent like thîs. Ifs an honour to wuur the Cana- dien jersey et eny event andi lin Iookmng. forward to a greet expentnc&» Ater a somewhat slow start overseas. Haydar ès now enj4ing a neir point-a- gaine pace wâtb the Red kilts. sîtting fax holiday press tie) with eight goals andi 14 esséstsi<n 25 gaes. Stepplng thlngs up sînce the countryls national break un Novenbtr Munich now sits elghth in the teegus at 15-14. Mis Germmin hockey expeuiance follows a stellar 1 l-year care un the AHL that was hightigbttd with two Calder Cup champi- onships. a 1 22-poinit MVP season with the Chicago Wolvts lin 2006-07 and mhe Hock- ey News fleming hlm the teaqu«s Player of the Decade on 2010. Mis 788 carter points put hlm l4th in the record books. whole fie us lOth ahl-turne 5 in assasts (496) and 23rd in goals (292). ýe Even mor prosperous in tht playoffi. w he scored 63 times and added 80 essîsti - placing hlm atop the ANUs ali-time post- season scorers. Me played 23 games in the MIL aund re- cordad eigb? points - aI wuth Attente - including bus Ione goal on October 13, 2007 agaênst Martin brodeur in a 6-5 los to New Jersey. Maydar has much more to celebrete this i Christmas than just bis Spengler Cup in- clusion. Mis wife Sera - now recovered from a1 tengthy mand well-documented battit with throat cancer - gave bord> to theur first child, a son named Loam. on October 25. «We're enjoying Germany and tht berth of hiem in Municb wes a btessir>g7g Tht six-teem Spengler Cup runs today o; throuyh Deternbe 31 iii Davos, Switzt-'b tend. O Steve Leilnc con be reoched a: sleblanc@ miftoncanadianchampon.com or on Twst- rer pMitronOnSpors. SAPr-NTA'S GONE. BUT THE DEALS ARE SILL ON. Find the best Boxlng Wnk sales ai in one place. fiyoe-s. coupons. dols. g 4 -rra>i$orr iliu- -Go so coupon-.na cW llilmia. »%w.