2013 CIVIC DX '881-99ý_ LIAS! 81-WLEKLY' 101 Où 60 IIS FINANCE Ç, WEEKLY FOR 84 MCON1HS' $ 16,970 SEkLW'JG, PRICE iCVF FREiGH I Li LVIES ANOD <'iVý(_ it EXC LLIUEý0LS P.[41AND IlS! CtV HTSEILIetNG 15R CMWCANACI 'f DOWN 'FPAYMENT. mOrEt GEbG20fx 2014 CR -V LX i49R2.991 LIAS! Bi WtEîI<'_y -'liU 60 allt $5 MORE B1-WEEKLY FOR SE ACC!SSORY PACKAGE WNCLUDESROORACKWkA' t RUNNINO ORS A. TRAY. AU. SIASONHOCCU MATS ANDS MORE S0 SECURITY UDEPOSIT 2013 FIT DX LEAM Si WEE# [Yt FOR 6aCVIvP-1tMS01 WIIH-1 $0 SECURwcP T" tPOcSJT 2013 CANADIAN hI.ACK 100< test UIAINIOD VALU!E AWAIO: SUS-COMPACTr CAR' 'E&I wLEt'rY LE AS[ ONL Y AVýAILABLL. 10k 48 MCYNIt il'.. IL0< kM W ' OR GET GREAT DEALS ON OTHER 2013 MODELS Lj* OS9 Macr o '5OOO LEASE FOR 24 MONINS OR CASH INCENflVES ON FINANCE Up TO 48 MOMIH- 01>ER SELECT REMAWsNC, -ON SELECT 2013 HONDA MODEIS 2013 HONDA MODELS OnWb Hond Dfl - iflSiud ann m frac ni W W , et V-w lies M'ii S kno 1 rc TLw ,~ 'mai .*twr et, up'a. c a II C4wi P#t e, £i'tU exit les/ - FI (~e nntît45 r51 O ~eqa2013 aloi set OS <r idAiti 2014 rooes, 114> W," IV% (*41 htsne 41, 4t ".,PVOO OuqO cf« dt o a î lgonoit Imm lm . 1301» *MW onmd lm% Uf R PA wsým aSul!S t-ui oti lsit24bu s4NU*j M»e csfltSon dSsfd tlet , ftqfqhue idrç ln s to um or wa4*dwg jhcu 61%8<1 tN-wlmb paa'ie or M'W."~r 5*Iraudar t5' Iii III 4 i2OlSoeee *nusc ~lwgicI0121ss M tace aèeM PI'5A le' edîtr %et telt a". M- 'tfd% snallfist.e W11St *oef'#frs MOUsnq Y'MW ]MS batu« pooo SUas >alot vs' of *MMfl mIc àt MCaêatsla W'. et ýIa i'r Offertsslu -xw* ÉWWol aseS flaft lit -îfe i' Oms.n, Sxcap qr ia-e V1 tqui wn"tCs o las.wwl agesit s ý>w I 'eo 1 'nids' 7411 2V 14 L 4w MiM V 3QR% t0)Isoueaue cluv#plKit, iusMOm1mVn i PPSt qat'ffsnwMr"« /1 rd 'srAr'sjý MlC 'skIt< Wjroi Mus 3ar.?01 sNawMM'ted ESIo q'&[lxs~t' atp1i3 i't1 trt.Ie Wrrsss l 11'5 utý ne r O4epi.' le 1ý'% 6M F -vfCtae 0o-' f îad. rlso Ne~% 1~ 5î537 20104 21 -2) 250 m!M~ 541210 s'Waln èSf-oDicrw's sr' .al4at 'e-'ur'nCMt.am ': iHindo' M (s, oer Sa% ..~D .w 21 so ai àsq f4iw -ab Wl fi M 'e Ill %Xt44 ii' wr-aZ9 à ! tl. 'e- Ilwe st , t ati ' Lx* M l <iUM UMM) it 201 ige "utsu ',Umm Do" nut %O àsar WM usU lfte'acw . ' >,m id eit.g, 5 4> n tt'ta t atui ' 4 loe S ase 180 i annn ia %4e e h t twsi 'isuaf 41A ES t* aM 01 dernat NOW tit Udla 4OIllif wtia. a St' cit a I i. '*5 lt If'W dbx li laisVà ut huimn 'Aa usa.ta cuaMt tim aom ve 516cr "r Ime 'aam p«rtr ansE . -ae datatc 'J%,t* r Sm ýat - t'l. t'as-. 13k MtutWsi Oulander 2Ol4 imprms on -agxdtn Story and photo by Rob mOentema Metroland Media Group jSQVAMISHP B.C C»* In comebacc trait - ta i Atter paning the dedwvod ,ut of actated tineup offethe pas 1w years (Galarn Monte- ro, Enôe an La#pe> 1on tfl ey ae cur ty dîo ' Ng best - compact cars and compact SU.Vs - before foilow-.Ai ing astepyetep schediue of The 2M new vehicle introductions. wsd OUMNt The i-MIV remaîns as a Squanudsi, smalkiiche. eletical ecen IMM 1 tnicity. The Lancer is stU OI- IcompauWs boeadad*terM mainstay with a wide raie of ichoaces. from enty-ew modle to the eo- tenic Evo. And the RVR remnains an afforale Ifirsi-ste» offeulît for CUV intenders. Andi now. a sw 2014 Outtander rejuv- 1 nates the compact sport tifty llnoup wtt a new look, new levas Wf qual4ty irmnwd Iperformance, botter fuel eccoxnw anti a kmt fprive as fts predecessor. iMitsubishi boas that the nw Ota*flw will be among Canadas fir comvpat StEVe to offef advenced sasi> technoie Pi Adaptive Grumse Contrai, tans Dopetur mng an a Fomrcid Collision MftWlon system. The 2014 Outiandler is adl nsu WaN up ta a point. A study of t 8000 sho shows a jlot of common duTsensÀonal meesureffens shareti vsith its predecossor EUA chassis kw- proNeamts for the 2014 modl >uor énclude a re-tuneti suspension anti thtexeiv i use of hght-tensike strmwth steel ta liten iAn atdati stb#ane. ho> ebdmtmeemni andi mdesgned ernhe mounts caSfibt to a more refnied ride wfth rechioed noise, vibration andi harshness. iThat same emphas4s on refinment tis i founti inside t Outinder vilue e j nealatin andi imnrraafl wea thripin complement redesgot mirar aid more aerodynamic structural ines for tee mise andi a quieter ride. Pacssetter comfort tailespreen h the riew interia layvut. Second row Boots recerve 170 mm more fart andi aft tramI <, for atdihtina legroom. ibird row seats are 120 mm wKder andi also odd 60 mm more legroorn. rNew. hgh-rsde matertals inside éncludie tpacidet surfaces. sott-touch finishes. sstve ihlghts andi gosa black apphus. Tht xAmnencaris optai for faux w'ood accents but SMitsubishi Canada electeti for a hger-tevh Slook wrth cartion fibreAMk contraste. lt Avalable w-ew conveniencles include duS- zone automatie air conditioning. next-gen 4 Astsas#aafldassed i Copo M.eti kWfo anteue a nO Caiec* ' #$d boudu i Botbie CMwnbla. The n kttuud.r boasm a n loo bar, nelwi of qudty Wnuhk a txuio 01M a md muw t -nrw poflormance and better fuel economyl. SD navtton anti a premrium audio stem wtth 6.4h QMhA tiqid et chsp* ant me ufiactlon tucxh -ae. Em nile tiitaeW tai botteri match the tq** i qty amdo Mtenm levai af sophttiction ol nff ceaidce to a marer*ed, smxotw- skmmer nd less open St a hfloW MotsW 1o 1'10111q. USl ut dnrmed Ssff ta nm NmîwA~ 1Usd m*fl g& pbmc - Lw"Upkm& campuntel U m« tim copiS - Oi bouGt compfl:is tom Foard ta Audi. But iatwaum mSly hsd asum dlu ta go. duw#mbu se *MrSW< nfl t> snphsn tnup e o aopt*UcSd e oui »uabd tan of #. cyclle, wWi the soe more coutoureti look coitutes ta a sW1y svy0-33 cO of dmg <a smi per Met The 2014 UhtstUS OutSmnder Nneu Mm nso as lyl- or rMP iýe&c mnotin tuoflal drift or afituluaimt UfcetSs Guaomn cmi bout - lm tri IV"l onfine but Rt ts wth oflg mUm eva ostrylevol Outiandor ES 2WD camaie usil -q4w wfth t f dsrmu ta âo inc fl iw (wtt a ne dmr loue on ma, four ruiABS dis filues vM Oi « sest oEo and ers.n Oui.stC ActNs Stailsi CnoiS Kil-art Assit a IssUs-w Vf«»dt/Wlescooc Msftg -h wtt cruse ni ui btta. po*w locks. pu* er windims sl pow hoated mirros, Bey- lm &"fr andi seafly systarn, heatet tor sets, a 60/40 spIt4oIdu. rmr seat wtt' recline, andi a six-speale AM/FM/CDw3 audio s"stemf wtt Bhaotooth 2.0 bande-free ceil phoïno interface wM nbamw nui andi vo control. Stay tuneti for more news about a brWit MitsubisM future.