REAL ~ESTATE T 22 Ontado St &s Miton, ON 8784777 utefls -#i ctps XMI t-ur nIg $Woinc Oiisii ,unteM dFuncLe 2bdem, Z Dtrmn teWWie otgmilim owqeny rec( am auge oin Iii W KRUf r fe f t tar kge DOodMS, 4 tthfs Mf ficcr ttruy & 5$ apofiaroSl & irsh paillo 1IVCwhouIJ Bright eut in wMheP nd11 bury Dreae ltotssonaiy faniabo ruai yar e lnce opn to th over>atzp.0 cVnl. cm Largo naeer W'tSJhMs COICI rCentu&lf beQfd WMi Ici scfloot#, teuts Putt: POts taritirit are u Sopfl reswwus & Mdian s qtjait n w A M ait & s pc ensui wwaale snomr & luer I aûndsy & siorage rSin 4e-Mfff 41059 b> MM f1111M IU W 1 if On Si - - -é w Orrgc Puosun rmsti 1 bmckpw MSw k0wo in solu P, etna -w MM. ffi*fl VM amt Usa. pW flcnjmr %-gram es adfl obgn sat bancs C1ULa(Il M11a RdhyuS r 11inut flnqSltc MM.un hf s sm d a âi go Wm P tem EsY-40= cMr t w@dP Io àe*Set WSSs àu aWbo asit OMUblMu aNe wII goifl eMWl rM nn ai* Cd aaime. flY" M'w àu t.a& r emlu'iui , wat iy am Cd#" LP 1s 1s dr MM ani dbhwS Nam SU .qs Nma n" su. goi OlOV nge & mflI !III MNIglNuiSCkftS.uni b w 1 Cwf aua dJlfau't MmrnenMr Uin"& i1lme Pflmmouhastuanuoklii leu lW Ms % ii bu bN Usa MW f us tumî** -Pm Senkis ca enoerelief frm thom When wos*pluc «wmco staçari ad mrn- nwn bepa. esy apnie in mu "k*y nhka the choppui bkk Con 1 ard nto Sbould 1 do wthowt i' Thmsa esmnun big ndf uaie amr corn- rncnplaoe fwrher undnrscored hy a S-xtrs Canada Irr shtmng thîat snr oly on govemnient naurcn far *1% oftheir tricone Cururag ay ock. of courr, ts not exacrly the wma Moso uas cnvwoned the (nrdomn uf oewmn, rspcally now chat the golden years foeqtrndv suntch mata bapp-andteakhy detades -(-en. is just a frs nmr dollars evrxry mnah char 'vouki rua ail the dAffernce.ý espenial> wlrn urxprcird amss anisr.' says Arthur Krzyckt. a dirat wïch l'kwnEqunty Bank. 'Se for tbnsw hocwn ahous - and w-ana lu "a an their housr - îrcrrning sanie rehabfr added uicorneW i exaitly the purpose ci the CMIP I-ome Incorne Plan For exampie. $500 per rnuruh tan go a long way ru maînuain the homne w-ah repair nc*s propeny taxes. and iflsutaTIt prirnuums MMt bw CII? usâtm *Homneuwiiner, a>g-d 55 and over tan con- vert up su 50 per cent of theur home equut> a nti) tax-frre cash * Uinhke osher Iom on the marketu, home- owners ai-e nos îrquurd mu servie the anteres, or rrpay the principal unsal chey c.hoose to rîîtnr or I * By guiaranîre a horeowr muiI neyer have mu rrpay more than the fair market value of the house ai thetiure od sale. Yolu dont have ta take ail the money ai once Homeowniers are given the option to take a lump sum, or chey can scheduke monrh- ly avivantes to enhanct dir cash flow on a regulaàr basas. Or try van do both A rrverse morigage lake CHU' cari provide peae-nf-mmid relief to malte your savrngs sirtch a lot more Asc a financil avivisor or a mnorigage broker for deuils - and addîraonal infornion as also available aniai ai www chap ta, wwwntarswanadaLtom - ~c~ Swo--NlLCýnowi--C te wtt Us propmfl sam! Et"o ft fm aMW cwr set h ftm Iwwy of bon miniMa t tutti. Th% upoed bockS sktW Use 2 acre ot beaiful pounds. mcursd garons. pool, custom -.UhP munbpS fi supply, -o kRon wtt amiw UEO uthe an appliaoes glumo* bondi scraped hwdwood ioorng, cary ?aarty 1001tMt wM*ood bunn éflWub CaO Nom & Ton Lyno for yaur purs m of ma tinstatab r-,, $71IIsIII $279,QS Nicely updatecf condo townhome wuth <nwr kitchen, ceramac ftoring, upcfated bathrooms perfect for 1 st fine buyer's Cal Norm & Tera Lynn for your possonal tour or go to for more info. COUNTRY OCMT W"T A WRSO Uiu wutqMMe.omag.m if oe S2 rb Mhwga eSun lflaouM VU 1»2 qialou DboWms a flié »i. MrY MP UnSy1 fn & moud burng fusPiMu MwUuy MM. bOly mu Ir40 & wMa. 2n0d *r ultra Se ç« rin v 16 c'Ike 1Doosn t ow l#S -o ub a woud sam. Wt-MIn wu oeras A tuS S oi idoWMu & foiw t0 k am. P»Ss & goqio vonm 4MSMue à a dett1 9ieur up viffs Wb & aSie clouS A 0sun loik S m tuasM 3m fa lat »S 00k or MW -m or g« uisgm" Tiq 24u304 Z Ib" * O» ta haiS, -" hydro & Si ZoM %»w M lu tM - ors mMW 2 ou sa *arq bff t lu wlOt 1Mt A o hdomt Opplty Wble10-15 OnsU >401 wMmD 1 NEW Lý>-TýNG 7 7hLle