PuzzlePg - --- ~ - - Fm By The. 4 Lic punies? I 2 3 9aawT 5 3 7 hmlel 1 211 3 f»"u S 5 ~ ~ y 5wpou 4 e 4 of m 3 38 2i Hans~ ~ IIl.t WO &Jdolw puntis ame mw oa Mu gWU. brolenwn ko fine MO bo wa To 10i*" a sudoh. the nunters 1 Wvot4i mewtUM edih roe, oeOm nd boxt Each visiter can pord o, i oe-ch row. ceuni and boitYo ni i1g. out tae orSi I wtch due nunters wu qsrby ufli the msrnoelc ciums Uremdly pm'Adsd I t bo The more "Vo num erwne, it elsr a gM to sale puzzdl 'Mmm-.. sZ * as I g IMMOUB 1- a Ic 111M ioqlS PI za Lm- mm. Nift %~j *0uvt h~ wt&*t huu~r &4mun*, *~ue~, *, ..=i. Sm puzzk s*iLXXS on p« A6ZL1 's f a LAI This weeks ciosswo cuus ACOS 1. Regêons 6. Abu _,UAE capital 11. Forever 13. Lowei position 14. Masterpiece seriez 18.Atomic#18 19. Cuchoos 20. Goal wlth causal hotus 2 1. European money 22. FIaw tht surface 23. Restaurant Nil 24. lndîcated horsepower (abbr.) 25. Go in advance 28. Ancient Egyptian ling 29. Inseit mark 31. Palm fruits 33. Peels a fruts skîn 34. Many flot suds 35. Cathode-nay osciflosope 36.8Bo,-1 38. Satisfies to excess 40. More dry 41.0Of h 42. Lay a tax upon 45. Ed Murrow's home 46. Newsman Rallier 47. Sw.ss mountain 49. Till 50. Potato, tossed or green 52. talien .utoen.kei 53. Birlliplace of Abraham 54. Scheduled vIsits 57. Yemnen capital (ait. sp.) 59. Assited 60. Persian kings 61. Accumnulat CLUS OOWN 1. Unkeyed 2. Recable 3. Sea cagles 4. SmalI social insect 5. __ Paulo, Clty 6.2 man ftght 7. Honey (abbr.) 8. AnnoODomini 9. Malibu and Walkiki 10. To bwst ln 11.- Mild yelow Duîch chocs. 12. Liquefed natural gas 15. Douroucoulis 16. $polled chlld 17. Founder of Bablsmn 2 1. lreland 26. Love intensely 27. One who contronts boldly 28. Atomic 052 29. Feels concern or intereit 30. Got up from 32. Sound of disappomnîment J »Soalo cou0 43 4I 4id p8M CD o 33. Out of 100 (abbr.) 36. Actress Kerr 37. Irish Gael.c 38. 10 Cornmandments mountain 39. Mornlng 40. Straight downhll ski run 4 1. Angel's crown 43. Canonized indivêduals 44.0Wl schoot tables 46. Olp lghtly into water 48. Traumnalic anxîely dîsorder 50. Minerai sprlng resorts 51. Desoxyribonuclec acid 52. Greek cheese 54. Express pleasure 55. Don't know when yel 56. 1 3h Hebrew letter 58. Chinese tennis star i OSvYour Ucuac and Stay Safe VU frache how tbe ào popaoed nid sale diver in any on-the-oad sftuatlon. Leam emergency maneuvers, reir cash avoidance and mucti more. You demunv the but! Next course 4 dIa> - Dectube 27?,28,30, 31 For detalis and bo wiroî «tno vut wwwyd.comlmllton or cat: 905.878.-2420 YOUNG DRUIVERt'