Like a dr core taie": Masn S111qulify for the Royal - whor. ln thonf de- but appeararice tlwy won two ove' ine classes mnd ptaced second on anothtr to dlaim the ovnrall i.t *lt was like a dreamn corne truC, said an et- static Lindsay. who alsa rode Dublin te victory in the rotent Longrvn Thoroughboed Retre- men-t Society Thofoughtned Humer Classic Ses in Paigrave. Added coach Heather Maclnnis7l1 caoû îhink cf a mre deservîng kid. I knew that she was capable of nt (winning). but it was unexpectod because It was both the rider and bonoels frit ie at Royal. and usuafty tbat cornes witb a log of neives. But both Lindsay and Dublin put on their boit effort anod it paid or White Lindsay hasWt Nid too many challenges w*th Dublin ibis soason. she tan atways rely on tht uperience gaoned froni ber days wfth aplucky but problernaflc pony wbencwer thng aent gWng acccwding ta, plan. Though gowig top li a horseovln kamy. the local tan achn'ts she dldnt tnîly ewmrae -df ani mc«Wi Pudleus ywben t vas w nèfle A fant quiet chdïd and timod roder. Lurodsay was secs*4cy Nl-nMed for the sknitt poey. o - showin slyn of mlstieatment b*xèe ai- rrig at Oie> Ovdwad Faim - na mar <ban a handlul to conit WItJa.crf 11 A h - *. a' - ?fl, ~* But the roder andi poroy wcukl taon bring oui thue boit i each othet. And white iheir compeVîve caree wasn't much to mrite home about, Lindsay stressed that Uic developed mnuch cf ber rmding in- stincts from doit earty partnertoip. *1 kwuned how te ho a better rider with Pud- dies... Iiow to adap0. samd the up-and-ccming equestrian. who along wîth her I 2-year-old sister Charlotte - wbc teck second place in the Pony Jumper Challenge ai the Royal aboard Boawerweod's Cinnamon - stili regu- ladly ride a now retfred Puddles on their family farm. Tbried juit te have quulifite> for the RoyaL Lindsay saod Uic was pleasantly surpnisod ai bow poîsed Dublin ws foltowong somne mnx- ious nmments in practice. -He vas awosomne. He reully settled down and o think h. ted betng on front ef the bigger au- dience! Among Maclnnîs' other Milton-area students, i 2-year-old Madison McMullmn had a pair of thurd-place fînuibes "d a fourtiti the Royars Medium Pony 4untr Division and Jacqueline Germnait 17, had fifth and nonth-place showy- wegs on the ChildruuVs H~ute Division. Steyr Ldfrc con be reocbed ut skbnono#- aoewoewdrodmpèmoenor on Twtfter OMH- a- e S.-~ n y- 't-ma. ..t ente, n Satrday, lovember 30, 2013 GeL Into te Spirit or Spýort! Move more. together on RBC Sports Day in Canada. Gather your family and pin community members and citîzens countrywide to celebrate the spirit of sport. Enjoy fre. fsmily-fri.ndly activitios in, honour of Sports Day (se. sohedule ait nght> and show your support for this national event. -am wnM CM 10:30 -ll130am PaientAàChild NOM (Undor 13 ysars) 2:00 - 310 prn mm mmoret Try the Town's nsw spfl -eepe poru, teaces adtée -la -x sports games and actiesý *MOI Upflu CCm 10:00am-l1:00pm FaotyTMeTennis UMM MorW Auna 12:30-2:20 pm Po*Ilcskmts Wear a jersey for tru admission! Cme mire, Citer! n.. * mauhué- *-4. wwýitnc to"; -33 ;oI 26 0* Ïs MXI H I VED Ls11,11 FIffl 10A101 _1oo'w