',Mustans'AM OFSMA mn short-Iived; ousted in consolation quarterinals q-1 9~ Milton District~s senior volleyball teain wefe aged to keep things competii%'e two gaines to cdms the books on foot and then Iosing Austin reaWl hurt us. 96 eyeigq a measure of consolation at OFSAA after a 25-11I flrst-set rot t the Ld ttieïr Iatest app.aanxe at theAAA Mac he been in there 1 thln v couic have SFriday evening. hands of Danforth in the consola- provincial championshipi in Loni- made it ta SatlJrdaysadd Usa Middlebro, whc J Bu that just wasnWt meant ta be. tion quaterfinals. don. . coached the GHAC.frepisentatives akxngsîde Missing offensive standout Austin Macln A respectable finish was about ail -The. guys dfinitely played u4> Dav Walker. 'Everyone pl.yed great and aye ut wlith a knee injury Molowinq a 1-3 MD could muster, as they suffefed to their abiltty. but hr^Wn Ryan wWe ready proud of diem. M. couidV have Srouhd-robin campaign - the Mustan'gs mani- identical 2 5-23 defeais in the next Nowak <setter) out witfh a broken asked for anything more! R%»1UsiamI~m MaftheRwu LeM bhmý hmhtI ériefort àc Franktd pass during a turnover-heavy second half oflast week*s HatonT fr 3 junior fOball chn)is Np OuilInoon% The Spartan uer wftfi all the. scor- ong done ithe fourtli quarter - to end theïr first season on the grudéron. KWel burger en>oyed an otherwise strong debut year. going 5-1 and reaching the. final Wlh a 17-14 ovetàm victory against Burllngton Central. Trevor Chudkelg pro- vided the semiW nal heroics witti a 3 i'-yardl hfd goal. - wNdtma Mason andi Dublin top Chikiien's Hunter Divsion By Stm LsSAMM CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF in the worid of equestrian catnpetition the. right connection and the. right timing cari b. everythsr.g. Nobody knowsl this better than Lindsay Ma- son. A 'Royal' remîinder of that came earlier this month ini Toronto, where the i 7-yea-old MII- tonian and Dublin - a 12-yeuaodthOrough- bred - reigned supreme in the CMidren% Hunter Division of the Royal Winter Fai. The pair s overail ctampionship prfOmano was ta say the least unlUkely, givn Dubins background. soid atae t to Luiria Hale at Old Or&wd Farm and 9ven a new job after a short &M unremarkable stint as a racirq thoroughbred - Dublin wasn't expected to b. much more than a school hors. Enter the Masori farnuly, who would purchase Dublin two years later after a strong bond was ftrmed %"th he and Lkxlra. &At tha instant -ksd dkk tase into irttuce, -«e had -came goeid *.--w bit rot that: nauW. t vient un to m h m.s and it w»Wt uuitil thù past sumne whew we peo'ed up - ait we jut MIW# stated clideine lb-ats sonnething of an uerttement. Wrtb Dubins smootb canter and "Wues ai- proach to junps. he and Mason tiok thùd in the Ontario Chàd*ei% Hunter Division tM Get ou vehic-e spîaye to prevnt rusi befoie winter! Rust Chek wiII also inhibd existing rust amge fîom spreading fudher! 0l0t ±aif iui 1111111111111 L' l la M Gill