Unite Wwy encoeurages residents t')rmoàz GMngTuesday Dec. 3 As the bu$nq frnnric of SNac Fulda and Cy- ber Monday approech. mnodho spetia dey îs guintn recogntion ocrai North Ameuta. lVs on th<at tc United Wy Wf Milon Nopes locué rsidm wlUS4m oefat.wth a masure ofigen.rosfty on Docunter 3, whlch bas been deflaated as GlvhigTundhy tt% an moyvenmn in Canada tbat nduides more tban 800 paUMr agoncaci încludng th. United Way Wf Milton. ¶United Wsy Milaon us .xcîted <o b. part of tUns conderf u mn* cammnentd Kae Wfii- Jiamian. «EO. United Way Mian. *Milton as a commurarity bas an amnanng opponun'ry <o dmo ta United Wamy Milton, you are helping $0 mari>' ti our commwwty - yoor In.n ds, kmr- de. negbours and co-woutcn ont in four> peaple On Milton are wkang United Way funded peugrminst tir donations wit help alleviate watt lists koW socia services tbroughout Our Wftb saine Wf the mon.>' yau saved on your Stok Frida>' and Cyber Monda> purchases wtj> n tah. the opportunty> on Decemnber 3 ta gave ba.d to your borne conimunit>' b>' parflttIn« i Gngq Tuesda>t You cari make a diffe. Donations tan b. madle at www.mattonunlt- -IIm eIll Scotabank hostingc boeakfast with SantaV JctIy 0Wd Saint Nidk mil be the giflof han- rickets cest $20 and include breakfast a phoa- out ai a Scmnb*=host.d breakfast earty ta wti Sana lime enwetainment and wve- nft moewh, w$ On Satwdlay. Der- 7. Scoteaban wiff bote, Ail proceeds wU go ta the. United Way W MiI- pancak e afst wath Sant. ai T"ato con- ton. frnncmCentrt 21 Chehotr r Ioi0aa Acvanced tickets cari b. purchased at any, tol1pm Scottaan brmnch i town. Imm n Nisoemà C..SiyON h lod mew ad w.» oai « smrnyek ohmee.o li. aiss mahg. 0 Im eu e811 a Ss- pof u * flohto. muS. di * Daly oet ak s m Iuae aSmiS e mi qmach p.up l 1imvm *w-qb iW u »ee@Wyo ubm Wc fN" * MedbsSe. uSas sh -o Maù Cttuvi.R m ln-0v"C té LTON Always FREE Parking in Downtown Milton!