Halbi CAS ruhsout to resklens vi iMonnàMaion onadpl Everychiid and youth wants a family and they CAS, somte 7,500 children and youths un- available to chuldren wath Native status. otf e: individuals or coçe.people wuM ail have on. thkîg tI cortmon: rte nccd for a dcr the care ai CASs across Ontario May be Of th 12 adoptiorns fnalind by Multon CAS ta hav chiédren of iticir o ei or w dio zsale andi Ioving home for a lfetime. clêgible for adoption. Lait year, 830 chêltiren fast ycar, 75 pet cent werc aged 12 and w'der have kitis or adtdts whose hmi choke be 'The Halton Cbildren's Aid SocWey (CAS), which and youths were connecteto their Iarrilîcs and the rernainîng 35 per cenit wre aged 13 :building a fam#ly s through, adoption. Ps thas offices i Milton andi Surtington, is mark- through adoption; another 2,200 are estab- or older. Currently tii agency ks woetdig on ,ie he*wvrecuua bac$grounds -r ing Adoption Awmruncss Month in November lishing permanency through legul custodye permanency plans for 18 children aged 10 or lame-uN couples are enrgetiO ta con _by encouraglng residents titrougitout Malton in whîcti the child is pLaceti with an alternate older. sldur adoptliS, te ieurn about dmi role 0f adoption anti life- caregiver; kinship, care, in wbich the chilti is Adoptive parents cari corne eom, ail walk For htmaio visît wwwilalonCASau Ilong connectlcm i maklng a diffcrence in placed with afamily mcnber after apersod of ta le af risre cas suct i byt ormay cran option simlarte kni cire Ar& E chlaldress lanti yo u fyth ormiai ranotiason cailheti nipcs Qpera4i m eN IIJflt L ,,% MaM Iu M«Itsisa ighm3Smcefacilty' Mak rifd tumni iÊ net jmast a v o Me nta S boeu said. notlN the Stberan mapée und for JIta qclng fadlty dma t ks a 'muls.up thetrckisexpnsS nd*tughtotoe y. fadlitWhe sUd. mtw thss wig be ab «I utcencernet that we're net w" tak âtb onau e %MM& qMMMýIMM.enoughf for upkecp and we may b. omeesti- space. CIJST MER ppuimaning the revenues7h saîi. If anti wtun %w get the go-.adtfrtdu Leac fndcommuntty program ad ction vilm. aiW laurer oenpa dmt bm r olfty rcntuIst such as thic vulodronie bchig drme hfact wii defin!Wy b.. aer. $ $ 25 00 $useti as a Ngbh-pcrforrnance centre by Cyding cf tht arer. Off awy ApWd lio&y~ows £ ~Uhn in revenues bcung projected ovr thc next tenter 0f 2014 and vit b. usd for tie Ca. W.d NOV 271 &in. ooc. S. MliY £he dlanc#traackhanrns4>u tdm ys The. evf *1 154 USi St E.. Davinlau 905-M71414 Counciflor Mike Ckaett said the veladromc's wilt act as a test event prie ta the 2015 Pan 1 coupn p~ îUMs p«M ut oeJ'i gw WMy urr PgggI no operating costs. are comparable te otlierTown ParaPan Amn Gzaes and attmact hflernas facilities, and noted the cente vit be a mufti- cortyctition to ifton. use fscilfy - open ta the general public, not Mkhouf Gregory cmt b. reedwi ar mgrpowy just t cnWkoeco1naé.chepotm oreon Tainr 'When I tatk ta people about ttiis I always te- mMradgregory.