5ways to make suoethat you are buytng the ight home rtndang a home and ti duaa ri sgird. scatiani drred is orw nf the bigg-t and i t erot uxlly chaurged drtaiss t4uniropir Cflt ln fac. a rrvnt Bank of Meua rueçoti t f id rt0pt nt lpro- 'qtfe nuvrrs knw i a heruse à- tW 1fr an&thetrumtwncm dry sep Aaoirdmng ru Phi] Dorr.presi= dent f-4 the Ontrn i "Es-ttte &Axîataain, whak, alutinial freng bs tflftmpmt htnmrrs 'uuid kecp li n*-d tht ihe-rc atrc%,rr.d etre Lac- ti'w'l tea omwdr below mrakmg a final dect-umn .thhnnghivmr ini l keng sh-unt a pmopenx m. a pu-wrrfulfon-re. ailr sure tm a llw rer by.esp la fwlp nm aredivu am en g to bcLx mcd wuh unwekoer &ar- prises." SMDamier 1-e aire fivunpontant ust sfor prospective uym-ta tait bekwe numg ay &cnuwt * Tom de d utz».n: The lxs< way te re an idea of wha t a woulmd bli 4c te kW a n a panKiular neaghhudnxl s ru talli r sancarw viha alrraly m'es ttee Chatn vth neatbcrs abônt the cauunty schook -. ominute ard any potecîWu sutrfl5s stirai voit sbuuld know * IM.t ,Uh. a cul ber orlu a Reakur wha warks in the arca and knuws tr iannd anas of the camtmumi Akskmng (rends, fin-_, ify and colfagwts for refemns 15 a -Mw pla&yt ta rnan An«her good W2jy tr2'[nid a Rvalior active in the aira t, ta go ta cpm hanses an the ntî&hhnlurhnod. * G« a a ~hsqwcUa In Ontrno, a home inspection reports ona the condition of the rouid. stnac- trc lounidazion, drârnage. heaunrg. cMnla. ptumbmig, insuLau-n. walls, dooFrs anti ckctrn(ad svsem, The cern #-4 a kanr rnspecdk'n can varv so do vour rtranth andi <aTte sure ta chor<ie a qtuahhrd home imnspet toi wrhi wîll ,lsci înlonrain utt4the stope and rti hmaucws of the rnpec- tion * h c b«â ai 6 cyvïsntYv)ur loal building depanmcnî mandd(nid cm iany arw dewlopmewnLrsare purid Chetk ta sec how mmvn awncra harc applied ta budld homews or addition tha arJauger than dit byilaw pernnns% - thas gives an andaca- taon ai the ragfbauîhoocks future When t curnes o numkîng a hume huyang decisian. do >aur hanwaork ar,4 bc sure te enlast a rai sat panfrssaonaliftaguide yen trmugh the pinces wwwnewucaaa.&tm I um #~ a ea VTgW a.a*r amnaw n fl'udrvscm ti. n &nbrrto openN 10E et 582Joyc. SOS f mi 2:00400 Cam ae t. rser. "MW LpmUPIR en 414 lem&RS rw b* w w»d kin ~boftrn Oise A %o MW tS«e au fre sern4ced Centwry (i40W art 4#1 bsckooerhOMt'ornfage Mlo rinmoeniPetIbid ot 1 6W0,4 fI Thi s fe rIomis tnioc oi Mmii Wyfllmg S bqnd ne nciurttg UWFlt 9"< CEIInQ& OP- lcCpt de9rýLM* R&Uand g gos &jnca'MqSZSI op, t utd d3wuy gao eebao om i r lichen crU' uvgîad brr*at Granw Maon Fb>ateomi FUi1 Frnu 00bw*rY MWVwu*tWit0il t rig baCtvw oflSoi krsrwmwom lre 3p mw or *weny ItmM efetin titrr le'ofirs3 large rççtonoes Natwus HflEnd Uçg.od e ees 4<y, -s bdron Miti eh 'ulle and litge sotr niw tnnd4 wrîNln a ailm < itcia Co IiIcols<Krs hvç [CoevJfrots 4,p, cMiacffan~ PS.AS by N Cané.. auqht155 hM n.>wu, I a. g15M 1E ** ni <lie(h<rd ffy r 0* 11* tMtwwe ofCri* afrffwmnewrwjdt <w pawld 1wai r1w weW t at brflaflr f r~-W. 11w f5j41t a""'cri flwnainhi ?hr, fwnl0%oqr4oAV*m f'. jti'jç~ q 4yK w rts -ý a *t**%wnq D<n e w 'r«a <N4,t<b1* 11'iAd«eriir4 i malekel r oflr hý Sni" ire w«tNbFAtqr*ry'ua*a PraLcedona bchfl-4itee'*, 4Mrttw Mni tstrrIRe i hit- B'.e 3mai oppoetnty 10 rebud 0<orenovat tis buaok)v in desirble mrondallai reugltourirod tire loi rs 5U'x 248 tee'ijeep ilose to CWaIlrnies. mffclud<ng walt'flg jstnoe 10 TTC and Iskinglon SubwoV, Don t MriSS oWion tas prame locaton. coN todoy 10 eoorn yore 1 De c u~ 414474o Hutgo 60- x 120'lom Moita Tras Prtîlng for 5- cars Privai. Bdtstyord w¶n'h b0 pool Qilf*lutfl.tngost'd rrelg)flrcurio $160 000 rrnupgradasl New BSonlt MCOW gtunute Nw.m flng 1b(l<'um m hiüdt) Neus hmnc ietrg f nshed bairnen t etît 5îrr brnvblh ibis 4+1 beckoom 2 v', bath Milton homne offers the besi of bot' worids' OS ha Boa nuasaa~ai n WS476*76 Ths in um theifir Aiflwy flOfli>WrmDuS m 1891 Cw4Mh l.tgW.!iî ? lcIIi 01,&ylQI,% t'. tiuqjAc4r',, 13 Surit Do, ArdA 1MW<1 q f juive S'wxJ Csmpuis for 1h mird W..:fr.oe I h, lwi rl' Of O a '.q.t, loi rt W~I4rtw %f nhirr<i gmneIrn et%- A binrBne ,.rv.tttittt<l * cr& (il69iisçro .tAl't-.nAci cm te" n411Nu