Former school pdnicipal appointed inspector of chilren's aid home M>, Casesteqnsof ifnaon ex&trai efio piou m mtISE of the Champmon4 othur pub&canom i oaidr ra pnwtde a w*idow into A*SýOnpsr. W.K. Stewart Wee principal of Actai- Continu- ation Schoot bas bain appoited by the ex- ecutlweofx4hldedsAid soe>iy, hipector off t4i Gardon Hom ta succet CJW. Norton, rea*aad&tle bas heta ndng 3 5 wa# s 16 of tem at ActMi Ne has bein au wzd qarters in Miltorn. but wtt contiu. to rnus. AcM his 1 boni. for a Uirne et least. 0.. A numbet ot returned nts'aas sarne of thern ailginuis of 1914. bora aid brought up i MUJton, have ant receind watches frai- the coua» as they nia' not citizens wf un tbey enlisteci and the counc4l could noat kegally -pn pth4c n>wy lfo their benefit. Tha as th. caue of geta rer and saine dissatis- faction. If ft ï %lounci Uht awy off tht ati have nul recewed du. recagmtcn nt Usr new homnes thcy Wtti get gold waîches here, the money needed to be rased by subscrîpîîon. et. Mr, and Mrs. Samn Haîrop and the. thnte Misses Harrop Ieft for England on Tuescay ta, rema Ilire. Mr. Harrop has been prominent in ail public mentirs "ii he ac is famdly have hein activ worter ini the Methodist church. They wVAU be greetty missed- They came to> MWi ton frorn Englanbd about live years ago. (The funu on the Dms Uine continued in the naine of thefr son for miany more years.) Miss Helen Panton lait lest Saturday for the West ta go on duty there as reblevinq dfrti- coan ir miitary hospixuls 10 put in hum îwo t'> tIre weeks each la rotation i the Saikatoan, Calgary and Edmonton mihrtary hospitals af- ter w'hich site expects 10 corne home. This matenal n assumbtta on beflolf of the Md- ton >IMonYCO Socnty by Jin L>lh who con bc ruoched Uwough the sociuty or (905) 875-41Y5& Ki'challenglng behaviur focus of meeiingj The Hilton District School Board wttl preseat compiant children andi adolescents. I Dealing with CIiallenglng Behaviour In Cl- He. belleves thut chuîdren and adolescents <lien andi Tiens: The Collaboratlve Problem who exhibit tht,. behaviours are lacking» Solvlng Approach W.dnesday at the Suri- cognitive skîlls dhat deal wlth problemn solv-t ington Perforrna Ants Centre. ing, frustration tolerance and flexibality/ The kernote speaker will b. Dr. J. Stuart adaptablity.w Ablon, director of Think:Kids in the depart- Tht CPS model wmll help aduits teach theseï ment of psychêatry at Massachusetts Gin- sktlls whale reducîng the frequency of explo- ic tt Hosphel. sive/noncompliant outbursts an a myriacl of Of. Abton wtt discuss a treatment modal settings, including school famnily anad more. called Collaborative Problem Solvîng <CPS) lThe event will run front 7 To 9 p.m. Th-e centre to, help parents citai wfth explosive/non- is loa nd ut 440 Locust St, J1 i 5»b annilverury kik-off Juin us for food & refreshments, mneet owr staff, check out some features & equîpment Q«YflOW 3glneennc