More Iban 25 agencies to be resresented at Milton Wkunteer Fair Ibsornething for everyone, Prpa safl. 8 Weve baS familles corne out and help us tÊ wit' the set-up for Muttkulturalisrni Day at ' Brout. Crnek Provincial Park wl*e Unr chif- .? dren help out wlth anothrf aré of the event such as the chi$drers mme or ht food aveC Ismid Prpa. Wve baci familles corne out to support New Vears Around the World by set- tîng u p mand running the cultural booths and doing cultural activi'ties- Its exceting because dicte is this immediate feeling of having contributed somnerhing positive, They get ta seethow their bardi work bas helped rnake an nont succesîful?" Un addition ta Iamîly opportunities, MMC es re«ruiting pîctessional mentors in different micas (accountinq, finance, and banking. mar- keting, healtb, Il', buman resources and en E gineering. etc.) ta belp support intemateon- alIy-trained profess.anals through a stries of group mentoring sessions, HMC ts jusi cone of many groups and cr98- nizations that will be represcnted at the fir, whoch annua4l attracti hundreds of conmnu- nsty members looking te make a difference in Milton through volunteering. More tban 25 agencies are represented. of- feiing a varifty of volntr cholces hum behind-the-scenes woulc w hindi-on contact in t corniky. WIunteeç Hairon wWl misa be thete wth a dea- tab:ase of ail the groups registeoed ini Maiton lookenq fkm volunteers. Juie Stock con b. oeoched o**A*nlroa nadionichompiô or on Twftte nUfton mnusîng. I ce A happy and safe Huliowe'en tti ail! On Ociober. 24th in celebrarion of Ontauio Public Ubrazy Wcek. Milice Public Library (MPL) Iauncbed Mtm s mew DIgI N.woqpe ArcMwv wwh nutes culfra amd hisarca ÎaforuSao aborn. MUlt an d its people mmx I amn grateful dz folowing people helpcd t Iumch "hi incredabfr commuai>, resource:, Mayor Gardon Krn, Ken Jacobuen. Chair of dhe MPL Berd, Ccsmcil 1cr Arnold Huffinan and MM bonrd Memtber Jan Mowbray, MPL Bonrd Memnber (»d President ni Uhe ihton Hastonce Society,), Jin Dîtis (entIeor. h W*i and liceo traE!), Manager, Haltoo Newujpera Division (Metroland), and Karen Micci (iar. Mta Canadian Champion), among many others. Thîs i% a sensationai produci: please take tlec lime tn explore ils weakth oi informauion Sec you nexi nmontb. I rslie Fîtch H I J @you Iirary® malton Public m.. Library What's On Cel*oet the movis minas of Calchong Pre. Canadien sar Larry Brown Pulpe you ffln deh 10 hindi >cw nos., Piusewe: ltfnon*nwLfon.cU -ise sgss avusIo%%« E i@M ç 09Mo lai "SMMa CaMh MW nW a Shoid A pflsrfl base WIlfrd tajoor Ur*miu4 Tomuf aiMlnud lisMlio Puic Lbmiry Fu pçps wm (agu 3-7) - 4V brhu yçoe 5*5 o mbie doc nd hao s Unfl -w& % wtu*ig #m bel appel Piss mgser kSnUMM&iRflaoe Solors pot us tor cards, board games, book ta" canadin Autho Tis Ridmout Iaf abou <Aon A# Pungs - namesJ 9est Bot* o! Itie ac by lueobe andi Mi#J Arnazon CMi anm tise lBooksto'e N am 2774 *A& &Wnttsq ]Discover tir Story of YoU @ your library Family histries Bih, Mariage, Idi Recrds ?vliitary recrs& coun rctr hngrau Dùtctorks MwOtos De a fMOy dehetifVe! Yooe st efft dcsm aloo lte way. Bring your laptop or use a library computer on your next library visit Nisfit: Online Library 0'w MPuy firff et the seufchemetns ai M LS#aty m roi Sule oud ID kzw * Ph: 905-875-2665 * E-mail' * Fax: 905-875-4324 * TTY: 905-8751 I zu 1 1