Hilton cahhcm Un t» VWksl Top 5 flgs >w à.WN ka mil 1. 3&l000 sqAft. 1noew qaSw1th Iii,41 connectionsu thes afltacihty toEgs=eteti& emtirt aonds tu "tpe lccan poit ua ai and oemtar r. wdiust ucfvlW WKà*Ç ocp 1Consrutn nciaedto beginmneaty 2015 &w&Rndnn prov*ied by Stantec Architectre t FModout more on-hw ai wM MDHFs Uoeak fatlh Sauta lestht tw0 f year ain! If you wn to geo on Ses mKe. tis - besieta get your tickcets ta S. D1ill ktsb ànus oh< 1 nsSk l aLM MM.tà Sssiday NovSITbSI 24, 2013 Ratabeiake Poen Golf Club 9:0 ênt- 1Ote amn>of #an 2:00 p.m. a M. lnchjds buffet: brtmcfr, w*Uted gates, and actrvîtes, hve eoeammn by self wang ctutdrens entertainer Ma*usa MuswL and a prOfeSiona qlay pacti "i PMrsna nwetmg with Santal! Tiktare avMabl onkic ai O 1c otît or by c*'g 905-878-7014- SiNab" Pi Awaweuss VWe is fron Nomnbu 3-9, 2013. Thi wek provîde ai apportunity ta raise msesm" the ticnporaaîce of pu Mrmnagmnt and ta dumonsarate Naton Healdicare Surica (H*6) succssu in -ai managmea. At M dm6 ties a dsdicad Mut Pumn team, whdt consisa of Anesthesiologàsas, aid speciazed l*W5tL Ttîey «nue patients, hmv the bet pain rnapgmesn possbl etter surgery Mînumnzdig pain uçuad wtile sUqawinr the hosp its via ta promoee sa.reabititatkmn andl heah¶g It 's a cors elemnent ofthe cere povidudund is exasumnparrw te «s patit's neet are accommodate on ttts aePm arugemenT atter susgsry cao lsd ta better rehabiliation icludingrthe abiry ta go haine soonier "i retn tnorimal atoil es ter For more information about pain manegecTwnt ai *045, born mmwhatftknbac fl On Thursday October 17, 2013 Natin Healtcare Services*(HNS) receved notification tram Accreditation Canada that its accredltatioa status has been elevated ta Accredîted Wth Exemp/ary Sian<*ng wbach as thw hîghest possible status granted by Accteditation Canada. *This adieement demomaaes piu oegmniatkr's detuumination and commitimein ta ongo.ng qualy imupnrvemnt. We applaud your leadership. staft, and acuedutanion n'nm mmrnters for theé efforts and dedicaio ta the provisionocf safe quaiy heabd servioe stated fneôtation Canad in théï Award lenter. HHS' nt Acaueditacion will tae place in 2017. Fornmar infomation on AccreditatoonCanadapleasego ta CawFrwr ritormation on Mahaon Healthcare Services please go ta www,hîflgmottkresfn. AnW" CMsufl Lunwoem 1h. Milto District ilospotal Auxîhary wil b. holding theer Annuel Christmas Lunction aidl Gift Shop Sale on Thtnsday, Novemnber 21, 20131in the Molton District Hoaspital Classioom tram 11:30 anm - 1:00 p.m. Everycre os wekaomel Sec you there. loin us at tu PaI.nSafry Expo Kaflon Healdicare Services (HHS) invites piu ta loin us fatr the lUi Annual Patient Set ety Expo tbis tati. Iter aout the patient safety initatives thut are happening et pi Hospital! Pesa displays have been an faits prevention, the new medication dispessng units et aur Mospitats, andl demanstrataons about the Wark-Fit services sucti as massage! The titret day Expo sowases, up ta 60 quality-safety dêsplays tram HHS physiciens and staff and is a great way for 1*45 To share current and upcomîng patient sefety iititives with haspntal staff, vaurateers and tht public. The Patient Satety Expa os held in celebration of Canadien Patient Safety week, Octaber 28 - November 1, 2013. Pieuse drap in ta the Molton District Hosptite Clawaom on November 7, 2013 anytime bttween 10:00 e.m. - 3:00 p.m. To learn about the wonderful patient satety B. - Prpm...for te Au Flu season fisarrived. We encourage you ta check wîth your doctor's office about receivr>g a f lu sMot or attend ont of tht fret vacainatons dinks offered by the Naton Regoon NealTh Depariment. Ta find the cfic that's most convenietora you, please caN 90S-825-60O0 or log an ta theor websrte et www.haltan.cafftu. Durung tht f lu season, please be aware af the risk ta patients 'n the Hospital and do flot vîsit t you are utl or feeling urnwell. When you do vîsdt, please remember ta wash your hands thorauqhly as wasbong your hands 's ont of the best ways ta avoid gettîn9 sîck.