vaS~pu ule on WisFi in Htfleûi p lySé* Meitcel SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION A Nation ichool trustee agein wants te un- plug Wl-Fi frOM Nfto«s publi schook But unike 1*0 years &go wh.n Milton public school truste. Nmncy MacNeIli sought a total reqlo-wld ba, dfus Unme she wants 10 linit ins use ta go minrutes each Clay for Most sas- dents but ban ut outràght for the youngest students andl those, witb larnug disablties. 511f. it appeau MecNeig wWl have a tough thine gettung enough trustets on her sade when the Isue goes te a vote wben IWtcon Distc School Soud repesentaives mee Tuesday. Sotti board vice-chair Kathryn Snemn-Olm- stnd and Oakvufe trustee Don Vomn~ shot clown MeaNeiW proposa ethQe Ctober 17 bard me.unbq They suggesaed titre wusdf enoughi data 10 Ut* Wl-Rl use tu a vanety of symptorns su-ch as dei inatokxgici mreciesu dtnglintg and bumnn sensation ns wMl ns ftigue,- the*iess. con- centration difIullhus, nausea. be-art palpita- tions and digestive -rbee MacNeuf wants WI-Fi ta b. turned on for onty th. fwni 45 minutes "u the lms 45 minutes of each day at ecd school. Tht truste. ais wunits it turnet off cornple4l in airas where 1K SK and Grade 1 students are being îeught as Weil as where students with Iearnung dis- abilities are located. 'Adukts cari say noa {if they dord want 10 use Wm-FI) but children cant: MecNeiII told the board, 'We have <o sey yes or no for them7 MacMeilt toki board members new studies are contwualty providing new information and the medical profession suggests tw0 te fwn pet cent of cNldren have suffrredsigniflcanC' reaction 10 a condition known ns electo- magnetc hypersensixivity (EMS) arnd <bat ifs 'much Ngjher'for children, who have Icasual eff.ats Thtwouldmii nas many as 3,000seudents i the public school board mouid ho aff.cted by EH&. MacNeuf si i the ont-page informa- tion ~ie preserwed et the board meeting. Ibhese children canKt speac for Qiemselves. es- peclaty children wtth POT or autîsnc childreV ski. "ad "Tht teacher probabty îsn'î even go- ong to notice the changes. The trustee said she had! l.amed so much on the subrctl stict she lest sought in th. ban in the SprNi of 2011 thftIt scares'her. Technkaliy. board officiais sey Wl-Fi could b. turned off as MacMedt suggnts, but ttre has been no wide-spread concern or complaints frem sîuderws or their parents about eny symptoms possibly releîed 10 ENS. 9ateman-Olmstead understood MacNeIW's zest, but îold board members she couktn't support ber motion. Mot only dons ber chul- dhen use Wi-Fi in their home, but so do ail of ber friends witt' chidren. 'i doVt know anybody who plugs ttwir stuif in, Batemmn-Olmstead said. 'So when I con- template this, kt Mus doesn't inake sens. to mie. lm viot sure about the research yet. i1 carVt imagine talcing something Iikethis awav (trm the students. It (usWna Wl-Fl) wg1 51111 UN m Rsg. GNîoepoft A ST '~ DO *FootArch P CALL FOR AN APPOII Iud7o7 ______ I I Thurstay, Novembr 14, 10:00 amn - 2: IWekcme (om M4ar Gordonl Krantz et 10 30 arm MltonÇaentre for the Arts.lolO0Main St E Admisson Free Experlenco an eurent dedicat healty, active livig. Erjoy a tru %MtN lunch a variety of local exhôtor, -" -e, wodchop, pwam demonstrabon. tesilng, infoôrmabon bag, Ie Film Forum and much more' Enjy tt. folowlng fr.e aitringi. *Film Forum: Stu MinM Lwig age #esbn f*Oftse/DMefsn Group * Coolurg demonstrabon show artexhbt * Andmuch more! A dSIIO actwrty achedule ts avalabe al www FI out a a.ay foraà dîce Io wtt spite' Spofim Fuodhî proMS by: cosa Assoluxl sd #w. Orfbfo Snkn so«rmml uilc s ke.p growîng uril'w. sither have concrete proof (harm) or we dont 1 wouldn't wanî 10 - disable oui schools or oui studenîs. MacNeîll însisred lindting Wi-Fi use wouldn'tF, affect any 21 ist century learnlng» because eç- students can stili use appi and other educa- tional tools. Vrooman conimented he would do furihera research before th. next board meeting, bu3 so fer hes fourid nothîng 10 suggest any link between Wl-FI and any of the symptoms on 1h. Iist. YOU HAVE: NI min? * lngu'ow bousb Ion Aitde? * Coris, Caluso? 3 TMENT 905-63-1414