ôMilton residents are C mmliq r u 0 >-7 cal mothef Kimm Fletcher, who's batiling a Sdeadly brain tumour. 'Her diagnosis is advanced stage four glio- blastoma multiforme, the most dangerous of E brain tumours, according to hef oncoloqîst, 2who ha% caid the best treatment possible is IAvast in. Although not consîcfrred a cure by lier on- <~cologit, tl should proilong her life. IBut Avastin isn't covered by her insurance company or by the Ontario government. Il wuil cost S8,400 a mnrth for the Fletcher fans- Uily. SFletcher at the age of 37 was diaqrosed mn en January 2010 with a stage-three bfain tu- fmour. She required surgery and radiation. In E the months that followed, the tumour shrank 0 mn size and she was diagnosed as being mn re- omission. ib With a new appreciation, for life, she started Stacklinq her'buccet Iie'. inrty mllying aroud cancer4stcoe Inother two Months, she was told. Fletcher learned tIsat Avastin could prolong her fid. by Up ta 18 moriths. Several fundraties have beet, held to maise funds. înctuding one at Champs, which hei a bowling fundraise, and one ai the Hawthomw Café, which held a Halloween photogrphy f undraiser. Also, the Village Community Chumcl wh- meets al Gataxy (anerm Sundays al 10 arn. - will wive du of itj Ssdayls donations to Fk4ethw Viskotam we wcom. So f«. $95M ha bn raised w«nc Sep- tember. To donate go to www.gindme. coVb4 Doramions can à1ii b. ma*e ai arwy Scoa Shnk - bocm* nuwkier 7800 01346 27; Transft mwm. 780U-002. HFV vacdne,,-db &et po ed linm Fletcher is hop ng Avastin treatments casi offer her somne extra time ta mnale meina- ries with hcr famnily Setwa U.'-Ooeui011/ However, thîs sumnmer, in the middle of fulfill ing hef dreams, she diicovered the tumour had returned and she underwent surgery, which was unsuccessful The tumour, with- out the Avastin, would likely take her life in Wom.n wlInterstitial Cystitis/ Bladder Pain Syndrome Yeu a be dix"l i You are a &emale between the ages of 18 and 75 You have been diagnosed with Interstiial ('vçtuti/Bladder Pain Syndrome 1-866-666-3329 Flu Imimunizatîon Clinics Open The Halton Region Heaith Deparimenh is offering free seasonal flu immunization clinics to Ontarians six months of age and over. For clinîc hours and locations vîsît:a halton.calflu or dial 311 LM4J- No appointments necfs.;iry the FLU ends with I Debate as ta whether the Halton Cathob~c District scIsool Board slould reconsidelits ban on allowing public heafh nurses it@ is schools to adm-naster thse HPV vaccine will have to wait for another day. Burlingtori trustee John Motfilon had intend- ed to re-open discussion on thse issue al lai week's board meeting but was taId tIsai he hadn't brought forth Nis intention at thse raght tmn-ie al the prevnous board meeting. ihe procectural mix-up prompted Morrison to brti9 Up the issue at thse appropriat. lime dur- i n9 the October 15S meeting and row the MWV pok'y ilem widl be on the agenda Tuesday. Morrison as hoping to rescïndi thse curreni pol- Ky banniong public nurses from ç»sg thse bu. mmn paploravilrus (HMV vaccine on Hatton Catig bowd propelty. Thse Hation Catholk board is tIse onty one in Onriro tIse doesVt aftow onsite HPV vacci- nations of is students, The ban lias been in effect since a previ- ous board of tuvtee fot.d in June 20061 to stop allowig it to b. administee to Grade 8 fensaes ai ais schoots ~ "eciv september 2M0. HPV ia common virus dwi ali M SPread duning sexue actMtiy tlvoix4s ikin-uo-ikn contact with an ùyf.eied person. lit cari cause cervical and ailier cancers.