ýtýc MAKING THE MOST OF ALL OF ou INVESTM9:ý-ITS lîke rev«w mortgcigm to enhance 14ir mfirefffflt income Use it to mpplement on invifficient monNy wxm» No# a we.k gos. by that do.> not feature on article in te pies. higbting te concerna roused by govurinment>. economi-sts, seniors, groups, os wsll as financial planning professionols about how finncially idi prepored Canaidat. aging populaton is for thoit retirement. As wit many new challenges, ws will need taoblook increasingly new and innovative ways of delivaring solutions Mut met te needs oM te toast growing dsmogrophkc segment oM Conad'. population. As a Moulgoge PInner, I want ta faciès on using meal estate ta tep met the needase wnior homeowners k puy off debs ud increose cash flow lu my view, maol estase holdings of te boomer demographic will b. key ta addressing the needi of tii generation. VMt te housing and finoncial marks. on solid footing, many Conaduaru hameowners wha are either alreody rstired or ace neoring retirement are evaluotfing tax-neutrol solutions by elirinaling servieabte debî and preserving incarne generating nveslments. A reverse mortgage lik. ibe nabionally accessible CHIP Hmre Income Pion from MomEquity Bonk is a simple and sensibl financiol solution for ony senior oged 55 and oves r edss of incarne, credit hàstory or medical status. t aleS homeKowners up ko 50 Per cent of Ibo value af their home bo use as lux4free cash ko improve ther claytoy cash flow or finance lorger octivities like home renovations or family vocations. Furtbermore, baoervs bave the Rexibility ta chaose how they warit ta recefive the money - sitaer es a lump atm or os, planned advances unr o set perioci af lime. Tier. are no poyments required unei the home is sold or bolh homeowneu monout. by redeploymng a portion te home'. equity ito mo gsneroting invesiments * Us. it ko preserve investmnt asst wifbou worrymgo about wiidrawing RRlFs above the annuol minimum or sslling non-reiaer.d inveuimonts k cover liing expens - U»n if to pay off hi9h interifde"e ond increeemnUdy cash fiow One of te many things*tut seporat tis solution front odwe alternatives is "atyou rint er wmore ton te home i. wartt and you navet las. casteciMyour hom. As0 oriofla inneriftis My jobbta Ioof wyoe w diid circumutancesund recomrnend tM right ceanasfcf ction Io hmIUC ructre#raelmntp o m t n e n"eme ofu There ors mony woys ta useborne equily througb a reverse Coacnudinomeowners. mortgage %9vau'dkhke mare infmation an how la usehofm eufiy e9sctively in refirement, contact me ut... LJohn Cana w an Appnwed Mortgag Planwr wiîh Mongage Architects. Montgage questions and conceas con k dir«ud to John Cavnù office, tocrd o 14 Martin St.Miln John can bUt*al byI phton. 9054878-7213 or bp emoil: phn.cavan* nrca. John Cawmný webste is wtwsînr naCa. Contat John rodatj about r jss mm gw mzgesw unrnam.J WU. us. HmuFlmuedeca? Our nwNMt Uotb -"for the INS Lbedp lprorm, you alWmn Rhon tao ei OeM 4reediof ad wgll appeer ou'nsuis--f--huioal teW Mma t w icmf uie "home svead high priMe ad spots Mduông t busr "i sekin hdmoirtar« mariethome page of N.mira"i on NSaaaCanada.fautthe top af the seach reutin the 'NS gO4N 'a, ,SmttDly squp U~bg'gaiey. The Offoe ToÔ pro"d morevusility and drive quaied home buers and seties to your Nàsuess, weve cated a nwpmgram ibitsrakes ym rrea e t aiad eiend tait rach ta indude sargete,orMne home buersand ssi m Yu ca foW confident yourlistng Au be v,wed by afflunthimake 6iyen"aidn ~aid >oe cdm ca fuWoeutdM you're metingteêhome hltecrive Vk pu ym d s t tetop of tu eudi rmh k, in tS 1 ' qWgkn~ on the home p.gt .5 itum s tflUc - pkaceon e77000 lstn to brme frm 45000 agents t coneci Wnh eOffes the test &dernojaphic and loal info *Notifications wMen new homes ae availale that meet pi ahanari *flIo a listi nad gel qxates * Flexie seadipaameter (oe- e mhoeze% w aMwnoed mq#phbmdq- cas - fov dshlk ami r.S.kUW ma won a ~eai . au OFFICE UNIT rm %>,., 916 -fil il. -, là ftr duem Md wý 90S4014M là& au