yÇy i l ' 17 t.ac - us a rnewCsls oe garni ofinrnianotr- aedkn parmm issesdUe Conrç*m Sdaher pubwdi ader ta provfd a weidow km Ans 1919 The -dwf resokbition hie been -am by the coundcl re preenttion t. reumei soldaits Tht au ex"s vtô éna boi âd& &tenaent nd to hm sewhvwa KIg* anid counry owseas. stuti ho mUlgiS. ta aective wahsfrai tht tawn. The comt- mlas bas pwepased a lista the me of swt' rubnmd rir tich may b. soi at the ofie af t secemry, Mms J-K Peacock. Citietrs are mqoestad Io emuniéne suci it and tepor ta the seamy "w offmin or correctionis li nanes or initiai tdm they may ha dea* wlth by t committet a it next Davi Cakies ha gi - ram Mms Goeham tht frmie dwsNlng nore o ai bsprt mand the lot on thépa sie of Victoria SNxbmITW Lame Wharto vs in ton vhs- Mng Ns parents He enlisted rt Wlnntpe and ait overseas as a banidsman ini May 191 & Aller a unie lie left the band and serwed i the trenchesNe wu ia n France for twa-and- s-haïf ram H. gar back ta VWflpg twa wee&s ago, Ne ts a gradua. of the Milton Citivens band. 6*0 A&v Mortgages Salesa ic Plantmad Prop- «rty rt Milton. National Tmia oeya'w seIl ing kmsno. 14 and 13 lstCom ut The&-Ban- don Compamny, abot 24 acte Brick pln mnd equipment capicity ai 40,000 ta 60,00 bris per day, a boarding haine, to dviili- W'g house% outhdlngi.o kilus mnd a rallway siing.Abcoeast haffofiWtno. l4 in 1lst Con. Trai with exceptis, part af Scot Fami plus haése dati 1.1 Sept 1911 betoten Rederk . Mutin muid CAW Martin. R& Hart district R erentatiwe for Miattn, Depariment of Aqrlcdture oi go ta Van- couver, &C. lin a vetk or two havingI been appaited ta, the Animial Husbandr< depart- ment of tht British Calmmbia Agricuktural Callegê Mr. Hare lias noi on#y cSschargtd lits duties li Halton wli grea cretit but hoe hies don. bis bit li the rat ne as an oSfcer lin the imperial Armý in tht heavy artifiery. *e.. in a amounceti on Tuesday that the naine ai Burigton Bay Nid heen changed ta Hamn- idim Harbor by ordsr i cauncil at the request of the city af Kamhltn. Buririgian abjected Sons Drn ago ta the proposed chango. e.. Sergt Percy Alipait lias soli lis praperty on Peul StrM to Mms Année Fay mnd is baught a houset r Long francti ira which hoe andi hms family wil nv nort oet. Ht bas long been a member of the chofa the Method- it Cburch mnd Mms Aiport a leidng cburch warkec On Tussday aiternoan she na givn a fl rnwttthp in the W.MS. Oit CH. Nfeslop bas baugh RA Auids brick liver stables, Main St. TMlmnvoeis laossemrbléd on behe Vof the MdI- ton hYslcol Society ty Mn diNs, who con be rohdvouh the soelwyuor (905) 875-4156. Deelopmnent, propsai poor planning, beliem local federal Green Party CEO Do '<ou drive '<our kids ta Gien Eden for ski- ig? Dots '<aur farnéy go ta the beach at Milsa Conservation Aiea for swimrntng? Do '<au go nauntain bikhig on the trails stop the escarpmntf? If '<ou daý yau ham driven past the fields waodlots, aid oruwK. creeks, wettands, and rural homes tha make up the scenéc: parcel of [and that lits bttween Peru Rad and the Niagara Escarpmient an ame known as MIi- ton Heighis. This ares is slated for develap- mient Attiaugli it would be idemI 10 proteci ail ai ts landicape, that appears urulikely, in niy opinion. In 2010, îown councîl approved ini princâple a proposai ta build upward of 1,400 housing unit and a commercial/business part poten- tuali'< includîng a Natal and conference centre. On one ai the smakfst parcefs, the develop- trs have applied ta build appraxîmately 300 homes, nnrly triple the nuunber ai hou sinq units currentiy permitted nosr the escarp- ment, accarding ta the TawnVs officiai plan. To do so, ont creek will need ta be relocateti and two wetlands wifl need to be remaved. i belleve Ibis devetapnn rpsiflsi the face ai gond planning. A recent repart on the health ai the NatSo waîershed states that 21.4 percent of aurwatershed hs Cavertd with paved rads, parking lots, driveways, and rooftaps. Thats a stsggeuing percent- j gt and earned the Haltan watershed a sad repart card ranking of'Ycompared ta other watersheds in Ontario. AImait ont quarter af the land surface won't acctpt rainwater mdc se that waier hs then rerauttd, canctntrated int artificial water- ways and then dumnptd into streams and riy- eMs. ibis cartributes to fioadlng and ta pollu- tion ai aur wattrwa<s. iCnawing this, I beieve replacig wetmnds and trted mitas af M ilton Heights wtth asphaît concret. and shingles is po planning. Whethtr '<ou look at practêcal planning is- sues or aesthetic issues, I think the incitait in housing density requested by the develap- trs shauid be rejected by the Tawn ai Milton, the othef agencies involved in the planning proctss, and the Ontario Municipal Board. Judi Remgécz, CEG Holton Fédrl Green Party As sociation Talent of local arit insp ires people eunr Edftor Tbank '<au to MultonVs amazîng local artistic tawmn We were truly blessed ta have liai talent at oui annuel patient appreciatian day this paît July. Two '<aung nd însplred artists gra- c.ausly volunteîred theïr uit and tnergy ta sbire wlth aur patients thtir unique gits. Steve Rivers, a vocal ariht andi songwrîttr, entertairied and tngiged evtryane ta sing alauig ta Nés latet singles Mess if up anti Un- coenpftcaed. Nus high energy, excitement andi amauln talent inspireti everyone ta join lin and buy bis ntw CD. lina Newilave, a visual artist, has been un- pacting culture throughout Canada with bier painting. At aur tvent she engageti aur patients ta participai. in a collective master- pieds paintîng. 5h. guideti everyane ta ex- pres thtir awn cîeatlvlty tbraugh painting ant len biendeti tveryones contributions olîN ber Dwm to create a masterpiece ihat hangs on aur office wli. ht was an inspira- tion o! what's possible through collective expression. These twa incredible individuels openly and stilfess'< sbarmd their special artîsî'c talents ant i nspireti aur canimunity. VWre lucky ta caîl thern Miltonians anti I was 50 grateful 10 spenti the day wirh thtmn. Dr. Heother Jones, BiSc., D.C. Discover Wellnes Wérhon f. TM Sol UKE Utfl IF MUYDN'T UT ON 'TnMu only a Pard-'Thled Ebpet ta idS the tirs Ua are pefet or'<u Frd 'ittio taO t mea. OMM anti ~ s rs , =ou "I*M lew S rn S vu oMew'uflf nbe -M vsf Me lm s b .ý tw e *zh ao bela f o4brwc sWM m a l etUV Cm n mb Sa04 f nÉ»!wo» t u 0'n1 etet an «s miv aoi M n a us'Mo s Yu nuý flm ie a ies d01RUWO, oflW 1 01fw 7" lx ; ai W ~ e ,. - et fl1 uf »Y wq -USa" * S o e il 0 ~ 0, ý im0*% ildcukabo pcud n flras k.-.dp*" etowroeorL~ Mfr #Ats nwrm aW ,PRUMUUM TIRES Whon ttis ta oe "~ tire trus the Tirs Profuanas at Parti Serice. VftIl ?wlp you flnd the. rlht time ai the rigN prie. * AF MA UMoe MNMM 1M * IXMOSKNOWLWM TO MtP'OU24%WMM IT CHOCU 4 #ff- . ~ ~ ~ ~ r . tL. -' -iý'fï N, o 655 MAI STREI EAST,. MTON www4dbngFnma 905-8754FORD3673> oeu ALE LE SIG NE SR -E SE VC PART£ 1 FORD SVICý ý ýý 44 ý