Carleb. Rudwoeth J~ o mrleondmedia 905.864.9242 flISitn Cime* w*wnnAedamwnnhc *SeeF w bsling n~e bn cer, CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF oi aui'glaygnce. iitesu Ubea ropimu e- bou wi* >cungsn - Law b Id N 4tg - twoed an *a fioo, sçpy aup un lie cate ttâbl aid pAnatsotfsadingch&frunga lt kt&* ite ofNtc a nommA famlf hom aq i pers wlun you c*diaglinçia aMatuliâ a muwon yesr-ald boy whois be dagnamu toit> - çm bioaxv Mmcc *«Mia boetg uem*y fct QUMf z - i.ig wtit bis nhi sltni ghbwt'ad b* is bis an.> gag» anpn tout bs m -o A"s MICACYL dad Mia and «Ml Maie. nne. frisesê 1W% * homeï tachas tube in Ns dfli dms proawiýdas hlm wfti ai auay Sore bi i>. cal- 4zem& G-ut.e in is maxrai so t-yinhta madicdu are aàrtnimnhued *ougtnst du. day and ainIVte ihisa IKm brwory b.s- Sune% mom lm ai et thom suung Uopw - bang off dm bainl of tht sUavs% Luct boul .,paesm'*s a procaduue a neodle poisa choexuturq teauum.i Yet thiaugit k ail S. must boy gris up et bis mon. an> - uiny 6igjenop placod cmwr is 5.vewr»Fo mm Ntdas Actia. bhm vide imn Nicale, .and pavon ilas ova and> Mia Malude. Halton dubbed safstre@'on Dompte two murder suicidas in 2012, Hal- Ion Raglan was dubbed the safrit Canadi an reglonal municipulit' wt a population of more than 100,000. The rutos, tohicit Hilton bas had nurnerous limes before, is base> on numbers reporred fin Satoeltc Canuda% 2012 Criai Severit>' In- dm, toicli was mitose> ourler thés mionth. Accordlng to the repart, when compared to the 49 Canadiai commnihlos wt popula- <Ions over 100.00, MHon has the lowest bides In calme sevorl>'. violent crimne se- nuit> and non-violent crimne sevetit. Dtwig lait we&N% Hilto Reglonal Police Service Boir> meeting. Hilton Police Chief Seephen Tanner attribute> Haltons Crime Severu>' Index score bo various factors. Amog tem -e Hallont aging population. Uts phulosophy> of proiculve polklng and the hicrese visiblétu> of police In the commu- nil>'. Tht police chief said încreased resources dlrected *t drug enforcemant mi>' also be hepen 10 drive down other crimes. as mn>' occur haid-in-hand wlth drug-relil- ed crirrinaiacMty.