». .i. sa m..êps mu ble lec i a- Epic Tour Halbn fas approaching Got whtit tales to go the distance? Ai ae ulbgnndei tUcqary, wlth f sI ot too late to sign up for Uic b.gst the. longjer races taking idcn through parts of cycling event Milon lias cnt mccii. Burfington mnid Halton HUIs. PwC Epic Tour Hahto - set for Sunday, Sept. WI*e sorn racers wit no doubt tale a coin- 8 at vd arond %clso Quarry Park - wU be petitive approacli Epic Tour Halton orgaMz- ihbgNced by Uic 140-kmn Granfondo, an ers stress dut thc day is aùned ut promotig ltaliaw-odrtcd concept thut noue las ttiow fttness WIth thât ini mbid. a portion ofithe pm- tans of siiar races acris North Anerica. ced will go to Hatton Hcalthcarc Servies. The event w1Ul also include Une Aspire 80k, Fit To s4' up or for more infonnation. vusit www. 50k and Family lotk cpictou.ca. I!~I LUUK-O >lLLWiEI' * tlmqu ~u mnhislo.wa u wsvr hual aâfwm 'l'ut i ah Ad!ai1()N 'N ~ t)