Famiy aewfiemed 1w sppt hum ommunýy enauco sufhreda a stature while hi was recovaring from Ns trac1he. surgery. He nas hwunediaat sent fo tests - CT scans, MI batte mnm.. the whoI. works. The news -a duvaflflng. Tht rae farin ai lymphoama b. hati bntüed tiree >ears 890 b.d ratumad. Tbis U«n*. though.t Marots furm*y was tld h. bas InaperaN cancer i bis bain and spinal #,à& nh" speut sux wats mi hospitat, duuing which ne Marco had ta havesa second surgery te hmv -te tractes tube raposltianedM.H èse underwen chernaiherapy to belp slow dow te terne. Mchspent that tine in Sikiam vlsftkug grar4wmrnts. Julia suid ft was bord lo be sparaet frem bat, but the six weeflwbynsabk.GeMNqhome was aUtry. Jua says Ma»c bvws the oudas at bis -m nd ducS whds sueI4mkrpoM cnauch woulra. «Cm we go ca>n mrho abbs sau mmwh s"» no Ituy cnrft becase te N-sévéng equipmeM thai kaps bis Vache ie prwe*y wuceoned eut mrai have a rul.bI.cuct soowce moperai7n Mom s.»s ma>ttý cowmsdin the nqLm Marcots a ge Isgcfro - his crafmin are conç&iased wtd Iprmn»êu-Or*nofUwwm k a Sad and whhteVoawa- gen cawq>oevan - the Ulnd of carnpmrhe watts s4o- iliytohavt Lm ueek h. ns bwsy pcmin tayeha the madl ofaà ha, imitdes o dtury piacas Iyin an dma Anr in front Wf his t"fre>H frrtr*e su ad isnN able to do it ehs nwomksSb eudo bealeftcput the svuctwsnogem i a a frw dsys. Juba Incws days and ovn sm - - -rrereio Ncwteyiwnhn & n A.mu id.J" 5h. caff cpflan Muïai happemed te Mnr 'IwastaldonccUnyoudouftrnkaquagiantbadoesn't hae an wmr and that a gad poire'she sUd. luttasmadttwrf only ae mpelefrforNSuce nt"nnot uesMaci io scase.Wflmr duspea ta"ndtht t'sa mwaclê. rway somémehm said, sab am un on ber Qu ho-" Nice, gtm ndundb oWm p ml*duh- sous.~ ~ Harnemai hu ad*fqtrm dh s bowhom rpé,.cousant carsu mentiuon, 'I play soccr Mnd we won our kms gam<, stie proudly pronounc- es. «I like candy. ..a lot of canidy Juifly Nkaole provides a wakaoma distraction that helps keep the fumity i check. Har childie, sfic 'sy ara ber 15fr. andi tbay'w atways bain number one. Julia ssid sb«s overwhetmed by the communtty support the famly bas, bain gîvmn. Foodi fram teachers at Guardin Anguls Sdiaal. ber childrsts school. mneyt, glits andi dmop-is froin UP TO CLEAPAN Sm" n.-C tceUuz arayWc '15 Chc % lbwty Aunr -bu SM.i -'tnrm ce Na.3 k j ii ffl RAZA K ML. Hytul lieu me KRcus %Wmans Bly indudingtotI srnersJ people sWts naete mat bh... -Total stanger corne by to sy hello andi ask how Marco is do- 5t ing. site said. Ifs realIy surprisingr People can fdoo Marco's 9or, or make a donation to belp ai- > teviate extra expenses such as bospftal travel anti parking ai httpsl/ww.facebookcom//LovForMarc. JuÉe Stock con b. reochud or pk»ackemiltonconoduonchompon J coin or on TwferrntonmuMrç j C I Y'3 lmU lm ow VAS Irons @PC BSly or Long Putson ni --n - .~- n~a..ui -" umflk - p mUfli b pSmSbabUp3~Wa -a a~agi e--fl- urMSOW tS» ucae W.1 e tot*,1p e mis Sw2,i uldu any Suivi Lase Rangofnder pirchma $mmf a WC* f1125 il W 0W TM&Z "oSue' vei@- eiF.~&i. -b Gag1'f' C4fl efi '149h t4 jAY Approact si GPS Wat 0,q~ $lqqycr Y F#ËJEGRIPS Oo r aoe. IW2Ne wUs NU A b" meklmtm Ami_