AIIowingfadliy woul jeopadize small businesses- in area: Toes4I ac odigt businesmn Gcrald Tons- wll. oswIlwho hos been rurrning a rentai building at the corner of Alliance and Wh"e Iici 5 ASO1. US-A. MEBR PEI OUIE.PIE NAM labrator Way for mrore tha 30 year, totd thie Champion Ne beMem aflowîng a watt. transfer facd;ity station into the neighbour- hood would peopardize- a number of ima busineses in the ami. with saine debating relocation. Ne said rraffic would b. heavmly impacted if thre wastt transferfaciliwy n aIIoed, on a dail bain, ta son and ship the proposed 399 met- ric tonnes of construction waste. Not on>' are the s4de rads toc sinail to handie that khind of trafic, b>ut also bath Alliane and Whedlabrator afeflt through streen, he saad. Th on>' solution around ti is if they (0MB) decide ta put a trmnsfe station in, Uic" shuld wdnthe rads on RwheMetwator Way and Al- Iianoe Rad ta accomnmodate the amount of traffic camning in and oui:4 he suggested. Residens min saine bunesses plan ta pres- cnt their petitian at the OMB h.aring. ibe>' have aio set up a Faccbook page ta mabize the communftys support and plan ta* saIla- ton MPP Ted Chudluigh and the Ministry of Envîrnnent ta back ther up in their fight Juin Le. con be reched et jlcqmékonconadi- anchompéon.corn or on lMfts aAbhIkon- News-. 2OA AN1NIVERSARY md' 6160 Mavis Raad (One block South, of the 401) 90-569-7777 Subairu of ississauga www.mssissauga.subarudealer.ce - 4'%wu MWv4, rfta* o->..a' 0Vn& m i041 l £dr nhh.4 uiS 4Afw oar >.r o - r ~* a n'<.~z4 vv i. urNas ra.f~f tw fG ul kq t->s, sfra'nn ne.t fbn~# TMtr eurw~ .arwut ', r W ,4 W4¾ W fltI' it4 nOn'. lt S 4 is.~X' ' r oaî:' .,.Pmy Dî fl nw .C Y I'~ ttial.'lh*s14rt-"rr's"el a * as Ma lifp'0#réw~lê fW. f. 'S!fut4lo%.174> I ~t 01> 1444' 54 À.rsl 4'4> 54> t na* ~. >r>-- .wtq n~"'.r u >n Iêrw t '-.,4tttryhiPt*ltdo lefri't 'q'.'*wrda'r44- 4 n~*sif S' r4½f boomn r.~r JPit tr" ~ I tI Mt f, f ' 4.M. i 7 .,r '.& X " h - MI 40 > ~ -dm« l« PA'.. ed -n ,.. . lW - ' - 4 ffi f ' w.ut' 'nt . *n ~, W M i .r ,.- . ~ q *1 Ia,~r mifl. fff 4w>ah<ff f 0.*t * 4'li .' W4SP. W'S rw4, t. -f,> 4-t'. ir #el» -44 #«@Wl balt MI i.fn'jt'ht. t '."g M ,-u4 b. .ia..*ups PW O.ut