theAuts accepcedhtM sW job gac CANAIAN CRAIMON STAFF M"i Gainez nervowlcs her biigli corl. naïfIPoilsed foiie 0tea thffln deff tftem a mommnt late Cla In damce gem brunette hait in a meatly- come~d buw, the 1-e«d Miloetat a a mcoment out of ber busy day teaching a ~q of youmgsters at ktistic Dace Scer* in OWwe t aabt an opportunity of lfimtin-* üm u4 has ben gw Though hwibie hw aity, 11w yowgff dancr acig s4 à~I budi f r*ives thnq bu ini My wet ado n WU ws sekmcwd froin thousasds of danicurs toa tessd thse twumeM woarsJso) jaz cons- tqmy- irntew. In addêdon4 she was offured a $5,0W0 sdxMIr-dp 110 *4 ScIsOo fdi fulim progran~ which offers educa- dm anrbd and dantce Wnmd Mer danSo itwuKl Kuisy Ssgutt q.a& wflh pride ab" >e mfugte' ss as wel as bar shynss *M dncet~ **%~ uwbklv taletd'h su& 139 19inns to tIs music uusd danctès w0i hu het 9ie% vwy deunYwwd &Mr kPMu *&-% dedKM&d but she lis shy 4id4 domnvt puzz wteve she can go voth tbis tient ShWs nS eot aer clanceus whec are in kI Wther mody to hen liwhy 8g- getta hersienwt Mfls' audtio tape ta X- fyfiallSat ScIsoo, wbee in ts 60-tear hisiory, graduate have gone on to dance for major c""ka ballet cSnman« èround the wo"l without thse tcen cviii knovning. Sbhe thougtft it was crazy to apply, she said, aid cvii crazier when she got accepted. Some 13S0 dancers fvom ait over thse globe apply for tise opportunity; but only 400 arc selected. 'SM called me thse momewnt she heard she Was accepted and saidi got in, what do 1 do?- Bag- getta sand Ibis is every dancers dream... tis is like a hockey player making 1< ta thie NHL c: Baggetta said Mii who's a Bishop Redîng Secondary School studerit, is everyoneS role rnodel at thie dance schooi where» >he has ti'ained for the Iast :three years. Even lier two younger sisters who attend the same school look to her as a rote modeli- and both say they would love to be doinq a what Miii is - sorneday. 'She neyef gives 50 per cent effort ... its ai- ways 175 per centeffort in everythortg she does, said Baggetta.z Both agre. that when they first met, it was an instant bond. 'Shes like my kid or like my husband. .. .we complet. eca thers sentences sa.d Baggetta. whos a married mom with two young sons. Mli said îWis not sure sic wants to attend Jofffey's full-time (ail p(ogram, especialiy since it means shel be away from lier in- structor and her family, who she says pro- ~ vide lier mucli love and support. »I have no idea wliat to expect and it makes me nervous,' site admitted. She's doubtfui sic wiii be swayed to stay, despite thte schooi contactong her severai tomes'beqging me to accept tihe offer. Baggetta thinks Miii woil change her mind followong lier two-week experience, and she's encouraging lier to take a Ieap of faith and stay at the scliool. «I tink sheli expefierice the New York City rush,: she said. »I tink it wiii change the calibre of lier dance» Mille in New York, Miii wîli aiso be tak- ong advantage of another schoarship sic eamed through lier dancing thas year. She'li participate in 10 hours of classes at Sieps on Broadway on weekends or este- nings. Mili's no mtanger to competition or travel. In 2010, Miii, who cornes with a varied rep- ertoire, dancing jazz, acro-jazz, tap, Iynical/ contemporary and ballet, competed with the national dance team at the World Dmnce Cliampionsips on Germany. She also received a full scholarship at Can- ada's National Ballet Sclioolion Toronto. She conmpted in New York City along witfi a host of other cities across Canada and the U.S. in the past. She said dance is lier entire life and some thing she's worked liard at since sheM f - U~nsisocadylcfor yurUhfAsd wwyfm 1M n it At»RC Insurmce*.w ofè 8 Insunce to m.yoM needs: car. homne. Wuf. health, traiel. business and retirement 0 Advice fro 1enied insumaicé advisors ta h.pyou choose thé right coep to help uveye ot ime ad noney 0 Seurlty in kro4rwkqou're dealrq wftls a bfand yatî un irust Te 9« a qsh Wr O e mmk m cal 14»4VAL-6<8 S>7-24> 00 et rb buw mecm vrh1 vu M l hM ro b U« S 11i~~ 9054754144 insurance advlce for your tW « M j? it l I I * UM Ul tt1 M11111 Hom. auto &Rd trave uranceM rs uoderwiitIen by QBC Gnefai hiurane Com9wanyý Lif. and I'*tth insuraot. ii undenrwiften by RU d Li nsurare Company * Ta- t.lJ0 M."w fa.# 0f <.a. tt,,I *-dj -e-,t A ".., 9*flr'-'t tý .UtO 4A. PÂ*. RO en flC - 4 0 '-.1 U1 4.lW ,'t. '.A.a, -*. 'l it ,.ri RBC Insurance