s Public meetiung discussesYates Dr. subdio deelpnt By Julia Le CANADIAN CHAMPION SIAI F Matvarny Ltd, has submutted to the l'own of Milton d draft plan to de velop a subdivision on Yates Drive fhe 23,0/ hia piece cf land, wh'ch ib t urren:lly on lancE zoned for iluture developmerî, is in a niqhbour hood that's alniosx fully built out, counollors and resodents heard fromi Town staff a,, a public meeting recelitly. Susan O'Buien. rte Town's s.enior manager of devetopmertt review soute - î'n SAVI- Semai Amaaut & Violenlce kflev.on Swvtcn The Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Servîces oi Ha/ton is Iooking for dedicated volunteers ta loin us for our fail 2013 training. &Gain experlence *Fiexile fours *Work from hom ne' ww.am os biefS kpw i f mi ;i 21.. - contact Cathy et 906-25-3622 wtt. 30 or voIuntnoeordInator@ssvIsofh.flon.org to juirn more about the many volunteer opportunities at SAVIS. www.»safhmlton.org A i explained the area -jus: eas: of Regional Road 25, soue, o! Dérry Road West, west o! Thornpson Road andi north of Louis St. Laurent Avenue --already has residential homes vo the north anti test of it, as well as two eSt menvary schools and a farming operavion te the sourh andi wesv of iv. Tht developer bas propose t o crt- ave 28 residential blocks of rnostty single detacheti andi semi-de tacheti homes, according vo a staff report on Mttantgs application. Out of thetvotai 250 untti, vhres would b. vownhousn. T1e sub- divsion would also have a village square, a hneeî park ant wo open spaces. A heritage homes diat cur- nnty Mt on vhs sdgs of Sixn MMle C"ee bout propsnty may moe vo, a lot adjaent vo tht vil- luge square. 'Tht whole notion of mnng is hs sUN sonwvhing we hane vo look fite, but ths intent is voi prssrw tht os.saiti Otien whi smd by a councihtor w$ut the plans are for the heritage home. If ws ca.Vt preserve «. wel .rw iv sikglnty anti mamntain et ofremai st on landis that are nov Town owned andi refurbsh the properiy so that it cari in turn be sold in the open mai ket. During discussion, two res.dsnts, aiketi how the developmenrt wou&d affect their homes Mark Ycre, who laves just south of the aiea. expreswed concemr about the tintai park propoati. andi whetfr et a fonce or som kint of buffer woutd be put tin place vo sepauate Nis hom fr*i the public space. Svaff respondeti the area has ye vo b. pltnnd fully, but when it K. Vont. would be consutteti and i ven dhs opportunty vo provide Ns itipu. Another rnitient ashket abot wbflher the hormes close ta him, would be stmdar ta the siaof Ns, to which staff assured hem iat the pr-, -oa shows the -xl hornes mud be consIstent wi"theh sane type of dev#lopment that tidits in his regh- boudiood. Councllon anti oesdenvts abo heard front To" KoeUia&. a ptaaww whc spoke on behltof Mattmy. Korsiat. the o-tsf of Korsiak & Com- pany Ltd% deflbsd how Mattamny is tak.nq the appiropriai. steps vo coin- -kf the Cornes nm4towttoo In addresséng soins of ths councdl- lmt conees about how ths fai- ing opsion tnt ku the propst dsvlo nt wouli afec resitinvi Koniak noteti Mavvamy bas beïen à' &scusson wlth the Town anti Sar- gsw Fim to diScus how vo mone forwad Town utf Sid now b. pwinff a @*tk spoe wt fecommenda- on for cowîcil andi rusporns k any Issues that came out of the con- stAtation and rsview proces. M Le cmn te reod>ed arpe@fl- oene*nchmpncam or on7Tw*tr r 1 F w --"2 -IN1- m u -- Iêbholo""~ yi, r 2 n a awun. a2P6 m -,enéTV'n -;msm4u «P s -i pas hufl sky hi . sYD